jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/>
<bike> oh boy, this is a scary architecture diagram.
<aeth> Mondenkind: but you're not writing to the RDNA3 instruction set, you're writing to SPIR-V, i.e. https://registry.khronos.org/SPIR-V/specs/unified1/SPIRV.html
<ixelp> SPIR-V Specification
<bike> it's cool how every time i try to open this webpage my browser hangs.
<aeth> so while it looks like very modern GPUs do have somewhat familiar architectures, you're not really exposed to it... you get an "OpFunctionCall"... and while SPIR-V does permit recursion, GLSL and OpenCL do not, so I'm not sure you can rely on the driver letting you do it
<aeth> I'm not sure if any of the §3.2 Source Language recognized languages on SPIR-V support recursion
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<aeth> at least for the first 7 of 11, the answer should be no afaik.
<aeth> AMD's CUDA competitor, ROCm, does not use SPIR-V afaik.
<aeth> LLVM.
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<dbotton> Does there exist exist a distributed version of CLOS? something line on ORB or DCOM?
<dbotton> (I know there exists a commercial ORB from LispWorks)
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<BrokenCog> dbotton: DCLOS?
<dbotton> yes is that a real thing?
<ixelp> DCLOS. Distributed Common Lisp Object System (Technical Report) | OSTI.GOV
<BrokenCog> but that's all I know of it.
<dbotton> seems that is all of it
<BrokenCog> lol indeed.
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<ixelp> Distributed computing in Lisp? : lisp
<BrokenCog> dbotton:
<dbotton> looking
<BrokenCog> two catch my eye the cl-mpi and the swank-crew.
<dbotton> yes, swank-crew certainly gives me ideas
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<jmercouris> let's say I have an object instance of class cucumber, can I change the class of that object to zucchini?
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<beach> clhs change-class
<ixelp> CLHS: Standard Generic Function CHANGE-CLASS
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<jmercouris> Aha, perfect. Thank you beach
<beach> Sure.
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<beach> As i recall, the code from PAIP is freely available, right? So I wonder whether it would be doable to start with the code and the grammar of English in chapters 10-21 to create a grammar checker for English.
<beach> I guess there is only one way to find out: Try it on some real texts, and see how often it fails, and from there see how much remaining work is needed.
<beach> The vocabulary is taken care of in the form of the Spell system, created by phoe.
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<pkal> I took a course on symbolic parsing of natural language, and all I can say is that you don't get that far with a lot of work
<beach> Thanks for the link.
<beach> pkal: But I think it can be done incrementally. Or at least I hope so.
* beach takes a break.
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<pkal> beach: that was the approach the lecture I took also take, based on https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/montague-semantics/
<ixelp> Montague Semantics (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
<pkal> we called it the "method of fragments", my point is that you need a lot of these fragments if you even want to parse specialised language like in our case mathematical papers
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<vyrsh> sometime back I got interested in AI, and have been doing baby projects, like I wrote a neural network in C(it would automatically create networks and do the backpropagation for me) and used it to generate handwritten digits. I'm interested in symbolic AI, I dont know much about it, but where can I learn more about it? is PAIP good as it is so old(1991)? I readlly liked the books format where Norvig explains stuff using projects.
<bike> symbolic AI is also old
<pkal> vyrsh: If you want to learn about Symbolic AI, then PAIP is certainly good. I found it more useful as a general book on good programming style and CL specifically
<clothespin> Franz is doing some work to integrate numerical AI with symbolic
<Colleen> clothespin: yitzi said 18 hours, 10 minutes ago: Pushed a potential fix for Fedora to clasp/main
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<vyrsh> https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUl4u3cNGP63gFHB6xb-kVBiQHYe_4hSi&si=iVKT2tXKhXHV32BH I also found this playlist on AI from MIT from 10 years ago
<ixelp> MIT 6.034 Artificial Intelligence, Fall 2010 - YouTube
<vyrsh> clothespin: what is numerical AI?
<beach> pkal: Oh, thank you. That looks interesting.
<clothespin> like neural networks and stuff
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<vyrsh> pkal: thanks, the book is really long, so I wanted to be sure I was not going to put a lot of effort in something that was outdated.
<pkal> I think a good point was made that the mix of symbolic and stochastical approaches appears to be pretty powerful, as in the case of AlphaGo, where the former could scale in depth while the latter performs well in breath. There was a good article on the topic, I'll have to try and find it again
<beach> vyrsh: I have three-volume book called "The Handbook of Artificial Intelligence". It is from the 70s so it covers most of the techniques they used at the time.
<pkal> vyrsh: certainly worth it, but you'll get a feeling for the book pretty quickly IMO. IIRC you should be able to skip ahead
<beach> vyrsh: I would give it to you, but you would have to come pick it up. I can't be bothered to ship it.
<beach> Too bad I am not going to ELS, or I could have given it to you then.
<vyrsh> I dont live in the US but if I someday come there, ill surely meet you.
<vyrsh> beach: what is ELS?
<beach> The European Lisp Symposium. An annual conference held in Europe.
<beach> It's the only international Lisp conference currently organized.
<ixelp> European Lisp Symposium
<beach> vyrsh: I live in France.
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<beach> What I meant to day was that I usually go to ELS, but I am likely not going this year.
<Nilby> poor beach is stranded in one of world's nicest cities
<beach> "stranded" Heh!
<Nilby> i used to live there, so i miss it every now and then
<beach> Where do you live now? I probably asked already.
<Nilby> unlike paris one can take a day at the ocean
<beach> Indeed.
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<Nilby> the decaying états unis
<beach> I see.
<beach> You can always come back.
<Nilby> I might. For now a get cheese and wine sent, so I can survive.
<beach> Whew! :)
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<vyrsh> in a few years I want to move to the middle east where I was brought up, I really loved bahrain.
<beach> Where do you live now?
<vyrsh> now I live in Surat, which is a nice small city in India. polite and calm people but I liked it more back in the middle east.
<beach> I see.
<vyrsh> I actually love beaches and fortunately surat has one because its just a few kilometers from the coast
<vyrsh> I try to go to the beach every weekend for the last few years. when I was in bahrain, the country was so small, I lived in kindof the middle but could still see the ocean from my window
<Nilby> bahrain feels like all beach to me
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<vyrsh> paradise for me
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<Shinmera> beach: oh, no vienna? I was looking forward to seeing you again
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<beach> Shinmera: Yes, I will miss you and the others. But it's just too complicated.
<Shinmera> I understand
<beach> There is no direct flight to Vienna, and we no longer do connecting flights. So we would have to stop over in (say) Zurich.
<beach> ... or we could do 13 hours on a train with 2 changes.
<Shinmera> right
<beach> It was tempting to stay one night each way at Radisson Blu at Zurich airport. The restaurant looked great.
<Shinmera> I also understand that accessibility in a lot of trains is still very lacking :/
<beach> You are probably right.
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<BrokenCog> sorry to make comparison's with other language constructs ... I'm wondering if (with-output-to-string) is the closest to something like printf(strp, "the number is: %d.", val); in C}
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<yitzi> I'd say `(format nil ...)` is closer
<yitzi> format can also take arrays with fill-pointer.
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<BrokenCog> ah, I didn't think of a nil stream to (format) ... that's a bit more straightforward for my use. thanks.
<BrokenCog> seperate question, in package.lisp, I have :external #'getrequest ... but when I try to use it (mypkg:getrequest arg) I get a "not external in PKG package" ... any idea what causes this? i was using two other functions from that package.
<BrokenCog> they don't give an error.
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<Shinmera> w-o-t-s is just make-string-output-stream and get-output-stream-string, which is equivalent to a "StringBuffer" in other langs
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<Shinmera> you can't export functions, you can only export symbols, and the keyword is :export, there is no :external
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<Pixel_Outlaw> Has anyone happened to look at this Interpreting LISP book from Apress? I'm not sure if it's teaching to implement Lisp or just work within Lisp. https://www.ebay.com/itm/184387128697
<ixelp> Interpreting LISP: Programming and Data Structures 9781484227060 | eBay
<Pixel_Outlaw> At some point I'd like to implement Lisp in a non Lisp so I can be sure I can have Lisp when I need it.
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<ixelp> flaming_bird comments on Second edition published: Interpreting LISP - Programming and Data Structures, by Gary Knott
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<Pixel_Outlaw> damn...
<Pixel_Outlaw> Thanks hayley
<Pixel_Outlaw> I'm not seeing lambda nor let in their symbol table in the source code either.
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<Pixel_Outlaw> woof the switch statement on 754 hasn't abstracted the numeric parameters with sensible named constants... :(
<Pixel_Outlaw> Ok guess LAMBDA is uh ... case 4
<Pixel_Outlaw> Ok, enough offtopic C I suppose. Thanks.
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