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<Kingsy> hmm so I have a problem I am not sure how to solve. I have a bunch of classes, these classes represent tables. so what I want is some kind of logic that can grab all of the classes in a package and add the names of those classes to a list, so I can loop through them and check if they exist in the database.
<Kingsy> The goal those is to do this automatically, I dn't want to have to maintain a list of tables along with the classes themselves. it would be good that if I create a new class it just automativcally knows to check.
<Kingsy> I just cant think of a way to do it
<pfdietz> You can iterate through all the symbols in a package and determine, for each, if it names a class.
<Kingsy> pfdietz: yeah I was looking at that, but how would you determine if it names a class? can you check the name of its base class or something? I don't know how to spot it in the loop
<ixelp> CLHS: Accessor FIND-CLASS
<Kingsy> pfdietz: this is what I have so far -> https://bpa.st/2MUD2
<ixelp> View paste 2MUD2
<pfdietz> This has nothing to do with symbol-value.  That's the value of the symbol, not the class named by the symbol (if any).   This is not a Lisp-1 with only one namespace.
<pfdietz> In Scheme everything would be bound to the name as a value, but this is not Scheme.
<pfdietz> So, instead of (class-of (symbol-value <name>)), use (find-class <name>).
<pfdietz> Or, rather, (find-class <name> nil)
<pfdietz> Because you don't want it to error if <name> does not name a class.
<Kingsy> ok will play around with this! thank so much for the pointers!
<Kingsy> makes sense yep
<pfdietz> yw!
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<Kingsy> pfdietz: hmm so that just returns (T) as the list :D
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<pfdietz> Get rid of the boundp form.
<pfdietz> That's asking if the symbol-value is bound, and that's irrelevant.
<Kingsy> pfdietz: if I get rid of the boundp it returns LOTS. https://bpa.st/RQYMI <- my class is in thre though!!
<ixelp> View paste RQYMI
<pfdietz> You might also want to stick to symbols whose symbol-package is the package you're looking at, not imported from other packages.
<pfdietz> Lots of those are class names you're importing from the COMMON-LISP package.
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<gamaliel> Hi, I have a question regarding testing. Is it good practice to have separate packages for each testing file? I have one file per component, and define a package there with :cl, :parachute, and import only the symbols that pertain to the component from the main system package. The issue is that I don't know how to make asdf:test-system work with
<gamaliel> this setup.
<Kingsy> pfdietz: I don't see a way of doing that with do-symbols to exclude those
<pfdietz> You have to do it inside.   (eql (symbol-package <name>) (find-package <package-name>)) say.
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<Kingsy> ohhhh
<Kingsy> yep. alright lets see
<jfloren_> So is it kind of assumed these days that if you're writing common lisp, you're probably going to use CLOS? Maybe I've just been writing too much Go lately but I think "ok I want to access a REST API, so I'll make a client class which contains slots for the server hostname, the auth token, etc"
<jfloren_> I keep thinking about how to write my code and coming up with "I'll make a class and define methods on it"
<pfdietz> One can use CL without using CLOS much, if at all.   There's no requirement to define standard classes.
<Kingsy> pfdietz: right this is much much closer, it just prints out a few others that shouldnt be there. NIMBUS-TABLE NIL, nimbus-table is a defvar
<pfdietz> You sure you didn't define a class with that name?
<pfdietz> Or a struct.
<jfloren_> I write CL infrequently, so I guess I'm having a hard time thinking of how else I'd want to structure this REST client code. I want to be able to connect to different servers in the same program with ease; a class seems like a sensible way to hold the state for those connections. What else would be a sensible way to do it?
<Kingsy> hmm don't think so. oh perhaps I did and I renamed it. I'll restart slime
<Kingsy> ooo exciting!
<pfdietz> You'd need to restart lisp (or assign NIL to (find-class 'nimbus-table)).
<Kingsy> isnt restarting slime the same thing as restarting lisp? sbcl isnt a service right?
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<pfdietz> No, it's not the same.
<pfdietz> slime running in your editor connects to a running lisp.
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<Kingsy> yeah sorted it. pfdietz this is perfect. does exaclty what I need. going to digest the function now so I understand thanks again
<pfdietz> Glad to help
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<zyd> Most code I see, especially libraries, make some use of CLOS, even if just a little.
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<aeth> there's using CLOS and then there's really using CLOS
<aeth> a lot of things use classes because why not use them, even if you could, if you were strict about avoiding it, use a struct or a hash table or, heck, even a lexical closure instead
<aeth> and then there's people who dig deep into defmethod (which, yes, technically can be used on structs, too) and the metaobject protocol, etc.
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<BrokenCog> so, I want to parse HTML results; will I be happier with plump or something else?
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* mfiano wishes there was a bit more flexibility in the range syntax of compound real and subset builtin type specifiers.
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<splittist> BrokenCog: I'm a happy plump user (and plump-user) for parsing xml. Since its main target is html, you could be happy, too.
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<gilberth> splittist, BrokenCog: plump doesn't even attempt to parse HTML.
<splittist> gilberth: fair enough.
<gilberth> E.g. when I parse "<p>foo<p>bar" I get two nested P elements.
<splittist> Should BrokenCog be looking at https://closure.common-lisp.dev/closure-html/ ?
<ixelp> Closure HTML
<gilberth> splittist: Yes, that's mine. It's a HTML4 parser. And it knows about the HTML4 DTD.
<gilberth> Someone should update it to HTML5. There is another HTML5 parser, that I need to find. Maybe cl-html5-parser? I don't recall.
<gilberth> Anyhow, the misconception appears to be that e.g. "<P>foo<P>bar" is malformed or something. It isn't. In both HTML4 and HTML5 it is two P elements, and the same as "<HTML><BODY><P>foo</P><P>bar</P></BODY></HTML>".
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<beach> So how does one obtain two nested P elements? Or is that not done?
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<gilberth> beach: You don't. HTML doesn't allow for nested P elements.
<beach> Got it. Thanks!
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<gilberth> I mean it has a grammar. With upto HTML4 it was the DTD as originally HTML was an SGML application. With HTML5 you find the grammar in prose for formal grammars appear to be out of fashion.
<beach> Wow!
<Mondenkind> last I checked, html5 is a 'living standard'
<Mondenkind> ie it can be changed at any time!
<gilberth> Yes, proper standards also appear to be out of fashion.
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<mfiano> release early and often (and close communication threads that re-appear)
<gilberth> beach: In a nutshell. Each element has a content model. E.g. It says that an UL or OL may only contain LI children. And it also says that P elements may only contain inline stuff, like text, or font changes (B, I, etc). Then it says that certain open or close tags are optional and are to be inferred as needed. So when the parser is right before the second P in "<P>foo<P>bar", we are inside P inside BODY inside HTML.
<gilberth> The parser then ponders. "Huh, im inside P, and see another P? That's verboten, let's close that P! Now, I'm inside BODY, still have that P, and BODY is fine with it, cool, let's open that P." And you get two P elements, one after another.
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<gilberth> Same when you have e.g. <UL><LI>foo<LI>bar</UL> LI (list item) elements don't take another LI element as child, the close tag is optional, and UL can take that "<LI>bar", so you get (UL (LI foo) (LI bar)) so to say.
<gilberth> Those examples are not malformed but perfectly legal HTML. Always have been.
<gilberth> Another story is non-sense like "<I><P>foo". Upto HTML4 that is a syntax error. Netscape didn't originally used a parser proper, but rather took <I> as "push italic font" and </I> as "pop font", without making elements proper. HTML5 finally and for me some 20 years too late specifies Netscape's behavior. And this "<I><P>foo" is treated as "<P><I>foo". That <I> would even stick <I><P>foo<P>bar would be <P><I>foo</I><P><I>bar</I>
<gilberth> When writing Closure and its parser a major pain was to measure what Netscape does. There is a list of stack-state transformation rules inside Closure-HTML, much like what know is actually said in the HTML5 "standard". Someone might want to put both in sync eventually.
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<beach> I see.
<beach> I remember you put a lot of effort into fixing incorrect, but common, HTML.
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<gilberth> Yes, I did. And all I could do is to measure Netscape. Things have improved though. Netscape's behavior is specified now and HTML you find in the wild is a little more sane these days.
<beach> Good to know. I think I'll still stay away from the web; your information about the HTML "standard" reinforced my decision.
<gilberth> However, I still use Closure-HTML these days. Mainly for webscraping and found it pretty robust.
<gilberth> beach: It's not that bad for a content producer. And CSS is actually a very reasonable thing.
<beach> I take your word for it. But I still have plenty of work to do with other domains.
<gilberth> But imagine they had used s-expressions for HTML, CSS, JS, and all the random micro syntax. It would have been a nicer world.
<beach> Yes, and Common Lisp instead of JavaScript.
<gilberth> Doesn't need to be Common Lisp. That's not my point.
<beach> Right, that was my point.
<gilberth> When JS reads a CSS attribute like say "margin-left", it gets a string.
<gilberth> Or it needs to put a string.
<gilberth> It gets more interesting with attributes that have more structure like an affine transformation.
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<gilberth> Hence, you end up writing ad-hoc parsers and printers for all kind of micro-syntax that hides in attribute values with both HTML and CSS.
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<gilberth> Or take SVG. That PATH element? The actual path (a sequence of move-to, line-to, curve-to etc like in PS), is a string as well. Another parser to write! Hurrah!
<gilberth> So you need to flip back and forth between internal an external representation all the time with a JS application. Or skip the internal representation entirely and embrace the motto "Everything is a string! Lalala".
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<gilberth> And as there is no single common syntax, you can't even write a future-proof parser for any of those microsyntaxes. With s-expressions this wouldn't have been a problem. You might not know what "(CURIOUS-FOO 42)" means, but you can parse it and you can print it readably as well.
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<beach> gilberth: Now that I think about it, I asked you for a favor a while back, but you must not have seen it, about contributing the CCL code for Trucler.
<gilberth> beach: I can't read the documentation. Some HTML on some webpage would have been nice. :-)
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<beach> For Trucler, you mean?
<gilberth> Yes. I found some texinfo or such. I can't typeset it, it complains about some missing package and I was not successful to ask my TeX distribution to install it.
<beach> What if I give you a PDF?
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<gilberth> Ok. I'll read it and tell you whether I like it.
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<beach> Thanks.
<gilberth> Is there a means to craft a function from an s-expression with a given lexical environment?
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<beach> In Trucler? I don't think so. We have put that into the compiler code that uses Trucler.
<gilberth> So what does it try to solve? I was under the impression that it is some updated protocol for access to lexical environment for code walking purposes?
<beach> That's correct.
<gilberth> Then I need that feature. Otherwise I can't still write a code walker. How am I supposed to process MACROLET e.g.?
<beach> OK. Thanks for looking.
<gilberth> I haven't look yet. I was just asking for this crucial missing puzzle piece.
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<beach> OK, but then you don't have to look. Because that piece is missing.
<gilberth> My application would be that I implement a macro and hence process a form within some given lexical environment.
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<gilberth> Even asking simple things like: Is lexical variable X even used somewhere within that body that I have. In theory I could macroexpand all the body. In practice I cannot because even given CLtL2 I cannot implement MACROLET with my code walker.
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<gilberth> In CLEX, I just look at the program "text". And with friendly SBCL I even need to print that text to tell.
<gilberth> I do this because with POSIX regular expressions each parenthesis introduces a submatch. Recording a submatch address is expensive both
<gilberth> in run-time and compile-time.
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<gilberth> Often parenthesis are just used for grouping, so I want to tell whether a submatch is addressed.
<gilberth> Likewise in noffi. When the address of a [C] variable is taken by means of &x, I need to allocate heap memory for that variable. When not, (and most often it is not), I can put the value into a Lisp lexical variable and when lucky have it living in a register.
<gilberth> So, I would like to be able to code walk.
<gilberth> For noffi, I also would like to be able to do some form of simple type inference even.
<gilberth> Anyhow, I would prefer a protocol that allows me to fully macroexpand a given body from within some macro. Being able to do so for top-level forms isn't enough and pretty useless IMHO.
<gilberth> This is why I believe EVAL or COMPILE should take an environment argument. This would solve the issue.
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<gilberth> The crucial thing is that a new augmented environment needs to native to the Lisp implementation.
<gilberth> <http://clim.rocks/gilbert/meall.lisp> is an attempt at a more-or-less portable MACROEXPAND-ALL. At the top you'll find PROCESS-IN-ENV which is implementation-specific and is this EVAL/COMPILE wrt a given lexical environment.
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<gilberth> beach: Next question w/o looking. Is there a means to ask whether a given s-expression names a type? That is when I see (declare (foo x)) can I tell whether that is some type declaration or some FOO declaration?
<beach> I don't remember. It is no longer important.
<gilberth> Why isn't that important. A common task I face as a macro writer is to pull all declarations for a given lexical from a body. And to do so, I need to know.
<beach> No, I mean, it is no longer important to me to ask you to contribute the CCL code.
<gilberth> Oh.
<gilberth> Well, I just wanted to point to the missing puzzle pieces. Those pieces that ANSI-CL lacks. I was under the impression that Trucler wanted to provide those.
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<beach> Your impression was wrong.
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<dnhester26> I'm getting from the docs that functions only support ordinary lambda lists and not destructuring lambda lists https://lisp-docs.github.io/cl-language-reference/chap-3/d-e-lambda-lists#345-destructuring-lambda-lists is that correct?
<ixelp> 3.4 Lambda Lists | Common Lisp (New) Language Reference
<dnhester26> I want to define a generic (defgeneric my-fun (some-input)) which can be specialized as (defmethod my-fun ((some-input symbol))) and (defmethod my-fun ((some-input (class-name &optional a b c))))
<dnhester26> Is that not possible?
<dnhester26> https://lisp-docs.github.io/cl-language-reference/chap-3/d-e-lambda-lists#343-specialized-lambda-lists here it says specialized lambda lists are based on oridnarly lambda lists and doesn't list in the differences the destructuring bind
<ixelp> 3.4 Lambda Lists | Common Lisp (New) Language Reference
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<varjag> let's say i debug on a remote image via slime but want source code referencing commands work on local source tree on my machine
<varjag> is there any way to do that
<yitzi> logical pathnames maybe
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<beach> dnhester26: Correct, you need to use DESTRUCTURING-BIND yourself in the body of the function.
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<beach> The lambda list of a generic function and its methods must be congruent. In particular, that means that they must have the same number of required parameters.
<dnhester26> beach: ok thanks, I thought I was missing something. Is there a type for lambda list? so far I've just been specializing on a list, but a loss of this is that I cannot further specialize on different types of lambda lists unless I do a destructuring bind with typecase
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<beach> I am not following. Specialization is done in methods and you can specialize to a class or to a particular object, using an EQL specializer.
<scymtym> a destructuring pattern as a specializer would not alter the number of required parameters but it would require very different rules for dispatch, method ordering, etc.
<beach> Lambda lists are not instances of the lambda-list class. They are just lists, so the type of a lambda list is CONS.
<beach> dnhester26: These restrictions were probably chosen for reasons of performance and well definedness. I guess this is one of the aspects where they might have been a bit to conservative at the time, and that it might have been possible to preserve performance with some slightly less severe restrictions. But I haven't investigated.
<dnhester26> ok, thanks
<dnhester26> scymtym: thanks, so to enable it we would have to extend the rules of dispatch and method ordering which I imagine is defined in MOP. Did I understand correctly what you said?
<beach> So you can't even specialize to arbitrary types, because that would be very hard to define an order between applicable methods.
<dnhester26> beach: got it, thanks
<dnhester26> beach: what do you mean by arbitrary types? in contrast to classes?
<beach> Yes.
<scymtym> dnhester26: basically yes, but you would need a few bits and pieces beyond the MOP. one example is the recognizing the new specializer syntax that would be required for your extension. see https://github.com/sbcl/specializable for some previous work
<ixelp> GitHub - sbcl/specializable: generalized specializers work
<beach> You can't specialize to (INTEGER 3 234) for instance.
<beach> ... nor even to FIXNUM, at least not portably, because FIXNUM is not guaranteed to be a class.
<beach> clhs fixnum
<ixelp> CLHS: Type FIXNUM
<dnhester26> beach: I haven't had to deal with the number types thus far so I don't know enough to understand what ,(INTEGER 3 234) means, I imagine it's defining an integer of 3 bits long which can only be those numbers?
<ixelp> (INTEGER 3 234) ERROR: Undefined function INTEGER called with arguments (3 234) .
<dnhester26> scymtym: thanks, looking at the link now
<beach> dnhester26: It means an integer between 3 and 234 inclusive.
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<scymtym> dnhester26: sure. check the branches for types-as-specializers and pattern-as-specializers. but note that the code in that repository is for research. it is not portable, nor complete nor does it work with vanilla SBCL
<dnhester26> beach: ah, so you meant before that to decide the order between methods which operate on an integer when there are different types, it would require the interpreter to compare the integer for each definition and decide what the rule for narrowing definitions is and then be able to select it, which is in no way as straight forward as simply the most specific class... I imagine (INTEGER 0 5) and (INTEGER 4 9) for an input of 5 would
<dnhester26> be difficult to resolve without some arbitrary decisions made beforehand. Is that a good example of what you meant by hard to define? I imagine changing the range as well would be hard in terms of how to specialize
<beach> I'll answer later. I will be busy for a while.
<dnhester26> scymtym: thanks, reading it now
<beach> dnhester26: Also, most Common Lisp systems don't use an interpreter at all.
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<beach> But yes, you got the point.
<dnhester26> I didn't know what word to use there so just wrote interpreter, but however is deciding which method to dispatch is what I meant
<dnhester26> whoever* or whatever instead of however
<beach> OK.
<dnhester26> thanks
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<dnhester26> scymtym: wip-type-specializer or specializer-type-specifier ?
<dnhester26> same for pattern, there are two branches
<dnhester26> I imagine it's the code I have to look at, so that's why I'm asking
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<scymtym> pattern-specializer-ast for patterns and wip-type-specializer for types. i would look at the respective examples directories for a quick impression
<dnhester26> thanks
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<dnhester26> scymtym: ah wow it looks that your project is exactly what I was thinking about, I didn't fully get the examples here in the asserts, but it seems to basically be the idea with lists and keywords https://github.com/sbcl/specializable/blob/pattern-specializers/examples/cons-specializer.lisp
<dnhester26> How come you never finished it? No research for funding or just other work?
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<agm> why does ,(handler-bind ((condition (lambda (e) (print 'ah))) (simple-condition (lambda (e) (print 'oh)))) (signal "w")) print both AH and OH? clhs 9.1.4 says "if the handler declines, no other handler established by that form will be considered for possible invocation"
<ixelp> (handler-bind ((condition (lambda (e) (print 'ah))) (simple-condition (lambda (e) (print 'oh)))) (signal "w")) ;Compiler warnings : ↩ ; In an anonymous lambda form inside an anonymous lambda form: Unused lexical variable E ↩ ↩ ; In an anonymous lambda form inside an anonymous lambda form: Unused lexical variable E ↩ ↩ AH ↩ OH => NIL
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<White_Flame> agm: yet HANDLER BIND says "If the handler declines, the search continues for another handler. "
<Nilby> agm: it's confusing, but i guess it's talking about not invoking handlers estabilshed in handlers, because the normal decline in 9.1 says it goes to the next handler.
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<White_Flame> it smells like it wants to say that the other ones aren't considered for _nested_ signals inside the selected handler, but that's not a declining case
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<agm> yeah, I agree, elsewere it says that other handlers established in the same form are disabled only while executing each, not after
<agm> but that sentence seems misleading
<phoe> agm: (handler-bind ((condition (lambda (c) (declare (ignore c)) (print "haha"))) (condition (lambda (c) (declare (ignore c)) (signal c)))) (signal 'condition))
<phoe> this sentence needs to be read in context: when a handler from a given cluster is executing, all other handlers from the same cluster are not considered for invocation
<phoe> so, in this case, a resignal from the second handler will not invoke the first handler *precisely* because they are in the same cluster
<phoe> you'd need a pair of nested HANDLER-BINDs to change this behavior (since each HANDLER-BIND creates its own cluster)
<phoe> oop, the order of the handlers should be reversed
<White_Flame> then where does "if the handler declines" come in to play?
<phoe> (but the behavior is the same)
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<phoe> oh, hm
<ixelp> CLiki: ANSI Clarifications and Errata
<phoe> the previous sentence has "While the selected handler runs" and is clear because of that
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<White_Flame> yeah, it's a literal documentation error
<White_Flame> 9.1.4: "That is, if the handler declines, no other handler established by that form will be considered for possible invocation." should instead say "That is, while the handler is executing, ..."
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<agm> oh, it's in the errata...
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<kathe> hello everybody. :-)
<kathe> i'm here after quite some time.
<kathe> hope all has been well with everybody.
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<scymtym> dnhester26: it seems too hard to make practical
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<dnhester26> scymtym: too hard meaning too much work for the project or too hard for a user to figure out all the details or all of the above? it looked like you made good progress, that's why I ask
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<scymtym> dnhester26: i think it would be possible, with a lot of work, to finish and support the various additional specializer kinds, with their respective complications, for use in SBCL. however, i imagine not many projects would be able to use the additional specializers since that would restrict them to recent SBCL versions
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<Devon> Any ANSI-TEST wisdom here?
<beach> Devon: What do you want to know?
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<Devon> LOL, which of the many, many versions might work with CCL.
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<Devon> Whether there's one that's been improved in the past two decades.
<beach> yitzi improved it just a few months ago.
<ixelp> ansi-test / ansi-test · GitLab
<bike> yeah, that's the canonical repo as far as i know.
<bike> it's what we use in clasp (actually we use a mirror, but it's the same repo)
<Devon> Cool. The testing framework crashes a lot in CCL, and the tests I'm interestid in are buggy.
<bike> the tests themselves are buggy? what are you seeing?
<Devon> The framework and tests rely on ANSI-unspecified behavior, e.g. the unpatched ensure-directories-exist.lsp test 8 believes DELETE-FILE works on directories and PROBE-FILE does not.
<Devon> In CCL the opposite is true.
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<bike> maybe you should file bugs with the tracker? do you have patches for this?
<Devon> The unpatched framework crashes because it rashly assumes *LOAD-PATHNAME*, *DEFAULT-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS* and MERGE-PATHNAMES work in ways outside the standard.
<Devon> LOL, I'd be delighted to file my patches where they'll do the most good.
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<Devon> Is there an easy way to find the date of the latest change at https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/ansi-test?
<ixelp> ansi-test · GitLab
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<bike> if you click the ansi test repo https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/ansi-test/ansi-test you can see "Merge branch 'extrinsic' into 'master' / Daniel Kochmański authored 5 months ago"
<ixelp> ansi-test / ansi-test · GitLab
<bike> git itself is more specific - that was aug 3
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<Gleefre> FWIW gitlab shows specific dates as well - when hovering over them
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<kevingal_> I'm wondering if there's a cross-platform way to pad a file with a certain number of zeros other than manually writing them in -- any ideas?
<pfdietz> I have my own branch of ansi-test, but it's mostly for random testing (which I am constantly doing on sbcl).  I should probably split that off into a separate repo.
<kevingal_> i.e. I want to write something to a file at position 100, but the file is currently empty. Do I have to manually write in those 100 pad bytes?
<yitzi> Devon: I agree that it would have been nice if the spec said explicitly what happened with DELETE-FILE or PROBE-FILE in respect to directories, but I don't think it is unspecified per se. The glossary entry for "file" says "named entry in a file system, having an implementation-defined nature." This means whether directories are considered files is implementation specific.
<bike> Gleefre: ah, i see, i was wondering about that
<splittist> kevingal_: which platforms do you need to 'cross' ?
<kevingal_> splittist: I just want to be able to write it in CL and not care about what system I'm on.
<kevingal_> splittist: But realistically I'll only be running the code on Linux Mint, ha.
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<splittist> kevingal_: it may well depend on the underlying fs, too (: And do you want null bytes actually written, or just returned if you read from the 'hole'? (Not that I can help you either way...)
<Nilby> kevingal_: one should realistically be able to use ‘file-position’ on a file stream with element-type of (unsigned-byte 8)
<kevingal_> splittist: I don't care what values the pad bytes have, and I don't need to read them back.
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<Nilby> and then use write-byte or write-sequence
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<kevingal_> Oh wow, that worked. I presumed that file-position would signal an error if I tried to move beyond the end of the file. Thanks all :)
<Nilby> but lisp doesn't have portable way without using ffi to automatically have zeros without writing
<kevingal_> "Works on my system" is good enough for now, haha.
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<aeth> In general, being explicit is better than relying on implicit behavior. It's not hard to do (loop :repeat 100 :do (write-char (code-char 0) stream))
<aeth> Although that isn't the fastest way to do it
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<aeth> I'd guess the fastest stream-based way to do it is probably some system-specific partial loop unroll like, say, (loop :repeat 10 :do (write-sequence #.(make-array 10 :element-type 'character :initial-element (code-char 0)) *standard-output*))
<Alfr> aeth, so writing a bunch of NIL to standard output?
<aeth> Alfr: *standard-output* because the stream is a required argument to write-sequence.
<aeth> This is really file-based so if you go down this route to optimize you're eventually bringing in an mmap library or something.
<Alfr> aeth, oh, no. It's not about *standard-output*, but code-char.
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<splittist> 'a bunch of #\nul s'
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<aeth> yes, but... here's where C's awfulness helps
<aeth> both EBCDIC and ASCII have (code-char 0) => #\Nul and probably any possible encoding you'd use does as well so it's probably more reliable than actually writing #\Nul because there's probably some implementation that uses #\Null instead
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<aeth> Unless it's standardized
<aeth> You can also just use a byte stream rather than a character stream and just use 0. It's probably faster and it probably handles edge cases where e.g. the file is somehow writing out UTF-32 and now you have 4x as many 0s as you want.
<aeth> This is probably the way to go.
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<aeth> I guess that means you'd have to open to create the file as an octet stream, write 100 zeros, and then reopen it (with append) as a character stream (or just use something like babel) to write what you want if it's characters you want to write.
<Gleefre> Reading CLHS entry for type specifier VALUES (https://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/t_values.htm)
<Gleefre> > The &optional and &rest markers can appear in the value-type list; they indicate the parameter list of a function that, when given to multiple-value-call along with the values, would correctly receive those values.
<Gleefre> And also reading CLHS entry for special operator THE (https://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/s_the.htm)
<Gleefre> > It is permissible for form to yield a different number of values than are specified by value-type
<Gleefre> ...So it seems that there are actually two versions of VALUES type specifier exist -- one for non-fixed amount of values (i.e. extra values are discarded, missing values are treated as NIL); and one for somewhat fixed amount of values -- with possibility of &optional / &rest parameters.
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<Gleefre> That would also mean that (values &optional) is more restrictive than (values) -- first one indicates that no values can be returned; second one indicates that any number of values can be returned.
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<Gleefre> ...but
<Gleefre> ,(subtypep '(function () (values)) '(function () (values &optional)))
<ixelp> (subtypep '(function () (values)) '(function () (values &optional))) => T; T
<Alfr> splittist, no. I do mean NIL. As 0 might simply not have a corresponding character and then code-char returns NIL.
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<Gleefre> ...This behaviour can be observed on CMUCL, CCL (that's what ixelp runs), ECL, CLASP (at least somewhat old version - 2.2.0), MKCL
<Gleefre> Is that a bug?
<bike> Gleefre: the definitions of VALUES are totally contradictory. Because all type declarations are defined to be equivalent to some use of THE or another, my reading has been that the definition in the VALUES page is just wrong.
<bike> Gleefre: SBCL treats (values) and (values &optional) differently as you describe. I think it's kind of perverse, though.
<splittist> Alfr: OK. But by the time you're worrying about that file-position is already a losing proposition.
<Gleefre> FWIW it allows to tell compiler that "this function returns exactly 2 values", which then can be used for various optimizations.
<Gleefre> I don't see any other way to do that aside from using (values t t &optional)
<Alfr> splittist, admittedly, I haven't encountered one doing that yet.
<bike> yes, i think it's nice to be able to specify that. i just don't think this is a good way to do it.
<bike> that in particular you can do with (values t t &rest nil).
<Gleefre> It *seems* that &rest <type> means the same thing as when used in argument list specifier -- that all arguments are of that type.
<Gleefre> ...which would tell the compiler that no objects are going to be passed, right
<bike> yes. all arguments of type nil, ergo they cannot exist.
<Gleefre> I wonder if hyperspec contains any usage examples for &optional / &rest for the values type specifier
<Gleefre> Also, maybe one of X3J13 Issues covers that?..
<bike> i'm not aware of anything in the spec.
<bike> frankly, i don't think this was thought out enough.
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<aeth> seems like a loophole that exists just to get the desired behavior?
<bike> thus not thought out enough
<bike> we shouldn't have to rely on loopholes
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<Gleefre> FWIW...
<Gleefre> ,(subtypep '(function () (values)) '(function () (values &rest nil)))
<ixelp> (subtypep '(function () (values)) '(function () (values &rest nil))) => T; T
<Gleefre> At least this one should be a bug, right?
<Gleefre> (Same implementations are affected as before)
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<bike> i... think so, yes.
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<bike> if svalues is the "strict" form of values described under Type Specifier VALUES, you can view (values) as being short for (svalues &rest t), and (values &rest nil) is just (svalues &rest nil)
<bike> i've gone through various iterations of this stuff in the cleavir and ctype systems and gotten it wrong several times. it is a bit confusing.
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<bike> for example the bottom type among values types is not (values &rest nil), which just means 0 values, but rather (values nil &rest nil), since no set of values matches that. and that means that (values nil nil &rest nil) etc. are also bottom types, as is (values nil cons), (values nil &rest t), etc
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<Gleefre> Well, you could write the bottom type among (usual) types in multiple ways as well
<bike> actually, related open question. THE ignoring extra values is a little annoying for me but convenient for programmers since you can (the single-float (floor ...)) and so on. but what about the defaults in the other direction, when the form doesn't produce enough values? like you can do (the (values integer list) (+ 4 5)) and that's fine
<bike> that's caused me several headaches but it doesn't seem nearly as useful
<Gleefre> Like (and symbol integer), or nil, or (and symbol list (not (eql nil))) r.t.c.
<bike> i suppose that is so
<Gleefre> re THE: it is specified that missing values are treated as NIL
<bike> that's what i was referring to, yes
<bike> i'm just wondering how useful that is inp ractice
<Gleefre> I think it is intended to behave like multiple-value-bind
<Gleefre> ,(multiple-value-bind (a b) (values) (list a b))
<ixelp> (multiple-value-bind (a b) (values) (list a b)) => (NIL NIL)
<bike> probably
<aeth> treating missing values as NIL is mostly useful when some function returns (values) to signal that it has no useful return value, and then its return value is, in some sense, used
<aeth> or at least, that's where it would show up the most I'm guessing
<aeth> 0->1, not 0->2 or 0->4 or whatever
<bike> is that something you use?
<bike> i know you're pretty concerned about type checks
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<aeth> I'm inconsistent about it because I've written a lot of files over a long period of time, but I think I generally return NIL instead of (values) for something that is solely used for its side effects... but (values) defaulting to NIL makes the choice mostly equivalent
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<bike> i meant, do you use this in relation to the behavior of missing values in THE
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<Gleefre> FWIW when sbcl does type-checking based on THE, it uses the VALUES type specifier in the same way as in FTYPE declarations -- if &optional/&rest is supplied, it uses a strict version
<aeth> bike: Do you mean, do I use (the (values &optional) (foo)) at all?
<Gleefre> bike: re bottom type among values types: After thinking for a bit, it seems like (VALUES NIL) would do the job? (And is very similar to NIL being the bottom type among usual types)
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<Gleefre> By the way, found a somewhat relevant link: https://www.cliki.net/Issue%20THE-VALUES
<ixelp> CLiki: Issue THE-VALUES
<Gleefre> Although it only talks about (the (values ...)); and not about (function (...) (values ...))
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<bike> aeth: that is what i was talking about, yes.
<aeth> I don't really use THE very often
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<bike> how about ftype declarations (which are defined in terms of THE)
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<bike> mostly i'm not sure why you brought this up? i thought i asked a pretty specific question about THE
<aeth> I do use ftype, but not most of the time, because when I add types I usually am only concerned about the input types (which can use DECLARE) and only generate an ftype DECLAIM when I care about the return type as well.
<Alfr> Gleefre, (values nil) as in type specifier?
<aeth> I always do (values ... &optional) in that case, but I don't know if I have a syntax for (values &optional)
<aeth> oh, I do not have a syntax for that.
<Alfr> Gleefre, that likely is a problem, as you're saying that the first thing of what's being specified is something of type NIL.
<Gleefre> Alft: yes, this is a bottom type among values types; it indicates that the function must never return (in usual way)
<Alfr> Gleefre, oh, okay. I thought it was still about returning nothing.
<Alfr> Gleefre, sorry for the noise.
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<bike> Gleefre: (values nil) is a bottom type but so's a lot of stuff, and unlikely with single value types there's no real canonical type, i guess
<bike> no obvious canonical type, rather
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<Gleefre> IMHO (values nil) is a good candidate for a canonical type
<Gleefre> If you allow interpreting usual types as values types (like in (function () <some-type>)), NIL could be the bottom type too.
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<Gleefre> If you are canonicalizating usual types <some-type> to (values <some-type>), NIL would be canonicalizated to (values nil)
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<Gleefre> (Also "(values nil)" is a good candidate for a canonical type because it is the shortest bottom type among values types.)
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<Gleefre> And it seems that all bottom types are of the form (values typespec* nil typespec* [&optional typespec*] [&rest typespec]) ; so (values nil) would be the most siplified one..
<bike> yeah, that is what bottom types are
<bike> but then you have to choose (values nil &rest nil) versus (values nil &rest t) and etc
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<Gleefre> Why not just (values nil) ? &rest could be just discarded
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<Mondenkind> is (cons nil nil) a bottom type?
<Mondenkind> ,(subtypep '(cons nil nil) nil)
<ixelp> (subtypep '(cons nil nil) nil) => T; T
<Mondenkind> ccl thinks so
<Gleefre> On SBCL: (alexandria:type= '(cons nil nil) 'nil) => T; T
<Gleefre> sbcl thinks so as well
<random-nick> that makes sense, since both the car and the cdr are always bound to a value
<random-nick> since there are no values of type nil, you can't have a cons with a car and/or cdr of type nil
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<bike> Gleefre: so we can canonicalize all values types to have a (possibly empty) &optional and &rest.
<bike> and yeah (cons nil nil) is a bottom type
<bike> makes some things a little annoying, like (subtypep '(cons (satisfies foo)) 'integer) => NIL NIL instead of NIL T
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<Gleefre> Interestingly, on SBCL (subtypep '(cons (satisfies foo)) 'integer) => NIL; T
<Gleefre> Same on CMUCL, CCL, ABCL and Allegro CL
<Alfr> Gleefre, that's because integer is defined to only have two subtypes: fixnum and bignum
<bike> please look at the preceding discussion
<Alfr> bike, I did.
<bike> if (satisfies foo) is empty, (cons (satisfies foo)) is empty, and therefore nil, and therefore a subtype of everything including integer
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<bike> side effect of defining types as sets of objects, i suppose
<Gleefre> Dunno if it is a bug, and if it is, if it was reported & possibly marked wontfix/invalid
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<bike> i mean, practically speaking it doesn't matter
<Gleefre> True
<bike> it's just a fly in the ointment when you try to go about implementing the type system correctly
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<Alfr> bike, so, you'd like NIL; NIL for an answer?
<bike> i managed to find a ten year old sbcl bug when testing obscure types like this for ctype
<bike> Alfr: i think that is the correct answer
<Alfr> bike, because for unknown foo, that's the only reasonable one. And even if a particular foo is given, then determining, that no object x will result in (foo x) being something trueish, is rather infeasible too.
<bike> practically speaking there's not much to be done with satisfies types, indeed
<Alfr> (or at least not possible for all imaginable foos.)
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<bike> you could argue that a really good type implementation would no that (satisfies foo) is a subtype of itself, and that it should be able to handle things like (subtypep 't '(or (satisfies foo) (not (satisfies foo)))) => T T, and then you can use subtypep as a 3sat solver
<bike> any sat, rather
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<bike> of course it's conformant to just give up and return nil nil
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<Kingsy> what is wrong with this macro? https://bpa.st/45IF4 <- for some version the make-instance call that is being produced looks like this (MAKE-INSTANCE 'MIGRATION VERSION 1.1 ...) rather than :VERSION 1.1 ... why is the : being trimmed?
<ixelp> View paste 45IF4
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<bike> how are you displaying the form?
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<bike> cos it looks like :version to me
<Kingsy> oh darn. yep you are right... I had ~A in he format instead of ~S, apologies
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<Kingsy> bike: on this though, can you see a problem with the setf? specifcially this is the expanded progn -> https://bpa.st/UCWK6 <- if I (format t "~S" (gethash 1.1 *MIGRATIONS*)) I get NIL... why is that? that setf looks ok to me.
<ixelp> View paste UCWK6
<bike> what's the hash table test?
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<Kingsy> what do you mean? (format t "~S" (gethash 1.1 *MIGRATIONS*)) however I think this is a deadend, I am getting an error from the macro saying :version is undefined. so perhaps I need to fix that first.
<bike> i mean you did make-hash-table, right? what was :test? or was it unspecified?
<Kingsy> ohhh :equal
<bike> ok, so that's not the problem
<Kingsy> sorry
<Kingsy> 'equal
<bike> :version undefined is a very weird error, especially if you get it at macroexpansion time.
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<Kingsy> ok just fixed that. it was because the macro wasnt being :use <- used in the package properly, so I couldnt call it without the package:macroname. weird it complained about the :version though and not the macro being undefined
<Kingsy> macros just add so much complexity to the language. haha makes me regret doing this with a macro :D
<bike> oh, you mean you had like (defmigration (:version 1.1) ...) and it complained? that's because if it doesn't know what defmigration is, it'll assume it's a function, and try to evaluate the cdr as argument forms
<bike> so it treats (:version 1.1) as a call to a function called :version
<Kingsy> yes but that is in the form (defmigration (:version 1.1)) so wouldnt it throw a fit about defmigration first?
<Kingsy> given that if that form is correct it treats the (:version ..) <_ differently
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<bike> no, it has to evaluate the arguments before it can do the call anyway, so that's what it tries
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<Kingsy> ah well that explains it. but awkward to read though! :D
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<BrokenCog> I'm really confused. my file has: (ql:quickload '(:alexandria :jsown :plump) :silent t) and when I do sbcl --load file.lisp I get error: "The name "JSOWN" does not designate any package." on line 23, the quicklaod line. However in the REPL if i manuualy (ql:quickload 'jsown), it works fine.
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<josrr> (ql:quickload '(:jsown) :silent t)
<josrr> Sorry, don't pay attention to that. wrong window.
<Gleefre> BrokenCog: this is not a problem with quicklisp -- the error most probably comes from a DEFPACKAGE
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<BrokenCog> is (defpackage :mypackage (use :jsown)) generally valid?
<Gleefre> Only if :jsown is already loaded
<zyd> It's probably because of what --script implies.
<BrokenCog> I used --load
<BrokenCog> and I tried --non-interactive --load
<zyd> In your .sbclrc file you probably have the lines to load quicklisp
<BrokenCog> yes.
<zyd> while with --script you don't
<BrokenCog> didn't use --script
<zyd> ah my bad my bad
<zyd> misread
<BrokenCog> but, would --load conflict with the ~/.sbclrc loading ql?
<Gleefre> BrokenCog: I suspect that you are using defpackage before using ql:quickload; especially given that ql:quickload comes quite late -- on line 23 (and not on line 1 as I would do for such "scripts")
<Gleefre> That would mean that you are trying to reference the JSOWN package (by doing (:use jsown)) before it is loaded, which would result in the error you are getting.
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<BrokenCog> I do have a mypackage.ash, with (asdf:defpackage) ... but, honestly, I'm not clear how that works yet so mahybe I don't need it?
<BrokenCog> ah.
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<Gleefre> I think you are confusing packages and asdf systems
<BrokenCog> yeah, I think so.
<BrokenCog> I thought I needed an asd file for QL to load the package
<Gleefre> Systems are what you think packages are
<Gleefre> Packages are namespaces
<BrokenCog> hmm, so (asdf:defsystem :mypack)?
<Gleefre> A package is a runtime object that you can introspect and do stuff.
<Gleefre> ,(find-package '#:keyword)
<ixelp> (find-package '#:keyword) => #<Package "KEYWORD">
<Gleefre> A system is a "library" or a "project"
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<Gleefre> To define your own system you indeed need to create an .asd file containing a system definition (asdf:defsystem "name" ...)
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<Gleefre> And then to load it you need to (1) tell ASDF where to find your system (2) and then load it via ASDF:LOAD-SYSTEM
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<BrokenCog> so then what's QL's role??
<Gleefre> Quicklisp (QL) tells to ASDF how to find a number of systems (i.e. download it if needed & then load from this path)
<Gleefre> Scratch that
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<Gleefre> It doesn't tell ASDF how to download systems -- it can be done only if QL:QUICKLOAD is used
<BrokenCog> right, QL downloads the system for ASDF to load
<BrokenCog> is package.lisp used by ASDF or QL?
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<Gleefre> package.lisp is not different from any other file foo.lisp
<Gleefre> It will be loaded as a part of your system if you say so in your system definition
<BrokenCog> oh snap. I think I misunderstood the example ... I only need mypackge.lisp not a mypcakge.lisp and package.lisp
<Gleefre> A very simple library will have a following structure: mylib.asd; mylib.lisp; (maybe) mylib-tests.lisp
<Gleefre> For larger libraries a package.lisp / packages.lisp file is common
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<Gleefre> But essential parts are an .asd file that contains system definition, which describes what parts (components) your project has; and a number (can be 1) .lisp files that contain project's code.
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<BrokenCog> if I don't have a package.lisp, where would I :export stuff from the package?
<Gleefre> You would just need a (defpackage #:my-package (:use #:cl) (:export #:stuff)) at the top of your file.
<BrokenCog> not in the asd file?
<Gleefre> Packages are very rarely defined in the .asd file.
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<BrokenCog> hmm, okay, I think I've gotten it somewhat cleared up, but not quite:
<Gleefre> Mostly those are defined when some complicated ASDF-related logic is needed to load the system; and the package defined is not the main package of the library
<BrokenCog> USE-PACKAGE #<PACKAGE "DEXADOR"> causes name-conflicts in #<PACKAGE "OAUTH2">
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<BrokenCog> between the following symbols:
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<BrokenCog> maybe because I have (defpackaeg (:use :dexador)) and also in the asd file :depends on '(:dexador)
<Gleefre> No, that's fine
<Gleefre> Those are different dexadors
<Gleefre> In .asd it is a name of a *system* (library)
<BrokenCog> does my asd :component need to include :module dexador?
<Gleefre> In the defpackage that would be a name of a *package* (namespace defined by that library)
<Gleefre> No, :module's are a different thing too
<BrokenCog> ah, okay.
<Gleefre> Basically :module is just a subdirectory of your project. (but maybe more interesting things can happen there, dunno)
<Gleefre> (But note that for the say ./src directory you should use another asdf option -- :pathname)
<Gleefre> Anyways, about name-conflicts.
<Gleefre> This is because both COMMON-LISP package (CL) has a symbol named "GET"; and DEXADOR package has its own symbol named "GET"
<Gleefre> You want to either (1) carefully resolve name conflicts (2) or don't :use dexador package at all.
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<Gleefre> In the second case you have a few options: (1) just use dexador:get e.t.c. It is not too long to type/read and enhances readability
<BrokenCog> okay. I don't know how all this working for several days and now isn't - I removed the (use ;dexador) and that resolved the error. I must have been running in a repl with things already loaded I guess?
<Gleefre> The problem is not with loading the *system* dexador.
<Gleefre> The problem is with defining your own package
<Gleefre> Basically, you can't have both CL:GET as GET and DEXADOR:GET as GET, you need to choose only one of them
<BrokenCog> so, as a general summary is this accurate: mylib.asd defines (asdf:defsystem :depends-on 'other-systems)) ... mylib.lisp (defpackage :mylib (use 'other-systems) (:export 'stuffs))
<Gleefre> use 'other-systems is wrong
<BrokenCog> #:other-system
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<Gleefre> It is (use 'other-packages); and it is considered bad style, because if a library exports more symbols, a name conflict can easily arise (which needs to be resolved via :shadow or :shadowing-import-from)
<BrokenCog> so, if I don't (use :cl :dexador), then how are those other systems pulled in?
<Gleefre> Instead you usually either do (:import-from 'other-package #:this-one-symbol #:and-maybe-this-one), or you just use a full package prefix every time your use a function/variable/... from another package
<Gleefre> Those are not systems, those are packages
<Gleefre> And *systems* are pulled in because they are written in the :DEPENDS-ON option in your .asd file
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<BrokenCog> but they don't need to explicitly stated in (use)?
<Gleefre> They don't.
<BrokenCog> what's the role of (use) in (defpackage) then?
<Gleefre> You usually do this in your lisp file: (defpackage #:mypackage (:use #:cl)) (in-package #:mypackage)
<Gleefre> Note the IN-PACKAGE
<Gleefre> It means that if the following code defines a function FOO, a MYPACKAGE::FOO is defined.
<BrokenCog> right. I have that.
<Gleefre> (:use #:cl) is needed so that you can use stuff like DEFUN
<BrokenCog> I have that also.
<Gleefre> Otherwise, if you do (defpackage #:mypackage (:use)) (in-package #:mypackage) (defun ...); MYPACKAGE::DEFUN is searched for, and not CL:DEFUN; so no function can be defined unless you define your own defun.
<Gleefre> You could do (:use #:dexador) to make it possible to write (post ...) instead of (dexador:post ...) in your file
<Gleefre> But :use #:dexador creates a conflict, because it is not known what your want GET to be -- CL:GET or DEXADOR:GET?
<Gleefre> Instead you could do (defpackage #:mypackage (:use #:cl) (:import-from #:dexador #:post)); and then in your package (file) you can do (post ...) instead of (dexador:post ...)
<Gleefre> Or you could just use (dexador:post ...)
<Gleefre> (And not specify anything dexador-related in the DEFPACKAGE
<Kingsy> does anyone know postmodern? what is the best way to insert a date into a date column using the dao system and not a raw query?
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<BrokenCog> so, I have a app.lisp which (ql:quickload 'mypackage), however I get an error after it loads mypackage:exportedfunction doesn't exist. is that because I did a (in-package 'mypackage) and need to do some sort of (leave-package) ?
<BrokenCog> how does app.lisp know it's not in-package anymore?
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<Kingsy> BrokenCog: what error did you get? can you show the defpackage for mypackage?
<BrokenCog> one sec
<BrokenCog> (defpackage :oauth2 (use :cl) (:export #:authenticate #:getrequest))
<Kingsy> exportedfunction isnt in there?
<BrokenCog> Package OAUTH2 does not exist.
<BrokenCog> it is.
<BrokenCog> that error comes from line 57 of app.lisp when it tries to (oauth2:getrequest)
<BrokenCog> from oauth2.lisp
<BrokenCog> (defun getrequest (url)
<Gleefre> BrokenCog: did you specify the lisp file in your .asd file?
<Gleefre> > how does app.lisp know it's not in-package anymore? It is a good question -- ql:quickload / asdf:load-system reset the current package (*package* variable) after loading each file.
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<BrokenCog> specificy which lisp file in the asd?
<Gleefre> That contains defpackage and library (or application) code
<BrokenCog> I have to go, but I'll look and answer later this evening.
<BrokenCog> sorry to cut out.
<Gleefre> No problem :)
<Gleefre> FWIW here is a very trivial .asd file as an example: https://plaster.tymoon.eu/view/4127#4127
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<Kingsy> hahaha it really shouldnt be this hard to insert todays date into a table.
<Kingsy> anyone used postmodern before?
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<josrr> Kingsy: no, but it seems you could use (local-time:now) if you load the system cl-postgres+local-time
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<josrr> and you need to also call (local-time:set-local-time-cl-postgres-readers)
<Kingsy> josrr: so I got it working with (local-time:format-timesting nil (local-time:now)) <- works great.
<Kingsy> josrr: I havent really figured out why I need the readers yet. I think I need tohave a look at that in a little bit. I just wanted to get unblocked. haha that took far too long :D
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