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<yottabyte> is there a way to show output inline in addition to that bottom bar in emacs (what is that called?) when I do like C-x C-e? I've seen it in places like if I do (+ 1 2) it'll show => 3 next to it as a faint comment like thing
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<_death> there's slime-eval-print-last-expression (usually bound to C-j) .. of course you can always write your own little function to do exactly what you want
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<jobhdez> how do i set this hunchentoot code (defun publish-static-content ()
<jobhdez>   (push (create-static-file-dispatcher-and-handler "/lispy.png" "static/lisp.png") *dispatch-table*)
<jobhdez>   (push (create-static-file-dispatcher-and-handler "/wizard.jpg" "static/sicp.jpg") *dispatch-table*))
<jobhdez>  to allow (setf (header-out "Access-Control-Allow-Origin") ?
<jobhdez> thanks:)
<jobhdez> if anybody has time
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<_death> I guess you can wrap these handler functions with your own function that sets the header before delegating
<yottabyte> is there way to signify unused variables in emacs?
<_death> if you compile the defun there may be an indicator.. otherwise it's not obvious to tell whether a variable is used or not
<yottabyte> yeah, it gives me a style-warning
<yottabyte> but can't something hook into that for the editor? a dynamic compilation, if possible
<yottabyte> like if it's a defun, try to compile it to let the user know
<yottabyte> as they're working on it
<_death> I think there was a mode that evaluated/compiled stuff "eagerly".. of course it's much more than a toy, since these action can have side effects, which may be "serious"
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<_death> *it isn't much more than a toy
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<yottabyte> I see... have you ever tried the lsp-mode for emacs? I know there is a common lisp lsp
<yottabyte> I wonder if that's compatible with the emacs-lsp though
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<yottabyte> I guess I'm just looking for more static analysis
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<aeth> I'm not sure what static analysis you'd get from that that you wouldn't get from SLIME
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<_death> no, I just use slime.. indeed you won't get much from "static analysis" in Lisp.. just to "parse" text you already need to invoke the reader, which is in turn extensible by the user and runs arbitrary code
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<aeth> you do get static (for some definition of static) analysis from SBCL
<aeth> to get most of it, you need to declaim ftype your functions
<aeth> practically all of them
<aeth> although technically you are executing stuff at compile and macroexpansion time, so the basic definition of "analysis of computer programs performed without executing them" is... arguable
<aeth> it also loses track at funcall or apply of higher order functions and some other places so it's not complete
<aeth> (and yes read time, too, but you mentioned that so I forgot to remention that)
<bike> nah, sbcl definitely does static analysis. not like, a ton, but it tries
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<_death> slime itself uses heuristics, sometimes with the help of the implementation.. these guesses may sometimes be wrong or out of touch with the current state of text in the emacs buffer or in the file.. I assume the lsp stuff has its own heuristics, sans help from the implementation so less useful.. I guess you could call some of that fallible static analysis :)
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<aeth> bike: sorry, I guess I was being unclear
<aeth> SBCL does (depending on your definition), but to make the most of it, it requires lots of declares/declaims
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<beach> yottabyte: We are (slowly) working on something that will analyze the code at typing speed, but we still have a long way to go.
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<dnhester26> can anyone explain why the MOP specification is not part of the ANSI spec? or is it? http://metamodular.com/CLOS-MOP/table-of-contents.html
<ixelp> Table of contents
<beach> It is not part of the standard.
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<beach> Presumably, it was not considered good enough or stable enough at the time.
<beach> It is true that it is not as good as the standard, and the authors of the AMOP even write something like that in the book. I forget the exact page or phrase, but it's there.
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<beach> But you don't have to worry about that. It is supported by all reasonable Common Lisp implementations, and the CLOSER-MOP library provides uniform access to its features.
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<beach> dnhester26: Makes sense?
<dnhester26> beach: thanks for the ping, just realized you replied
<dnhester26> beach: thanks for answering, that makes sense
<beach> Great!
<dnhester26> Oh, so I thought it was part of the official spec
<beach> You mean the ANSI standard? It is not.
<dnhester26> anyways, I believe it should be part of the technical reference, at least closer-mop should, since I think most people would want to use it
<dnhester26> What do you think?
<beach> Oh, sure.
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<dnhester26> so I should try to add it. Just those two chapers here: http://metamodular.com/CLOS-MOP/table-of-contents.html ? or is there a more complete text that I should add
<ixelp> Table of contents
<splittist> dnhester26: but everyone who wants to use it already can and does
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<splittist> dnhester26: missed your point, sorry
<dnhester26> and while we are at it, can anyone think of anything else we should add to the reference as part of the main text?
<beach> dnhester26: Those two chapters were explicitly made possible to use freely.
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<beach> dnhester26: And unlike the Common Lisp HyperSpec and other HTML-ized versions of those two chapters, my HTML is free to use.
<dnhester26> ah, the rest are not free. because they are part of a book to learn? or the people who designed MOP and published it do not share it?
<beach> dnhester26: I even added links and remarks that are obviously not in the book.
<beach> It is part of a book that is subject to copyright as usual.
<dnhester26> beach: can I / should I add it to the technical reference project?
<beach> Sure, go ahead. Again, those pages are mainly for people implementing the MOP, so more material is needed.
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<dnhester26> I was thinking it was hard to put together things about CLOS because chapter 4 and 7 deal with classes and objects respectively and I would expect one section to deal with CLOS
<dnhester26> in the spec/reference
<beach> I see. Yes, it might be worth thinking about a "chapter" that covers all of CLOS.
<beach> Then again, CLOS is not separate from the rest of the language, so that might not be a good idea.
<beach> I mean, every Common Lisp object is an instance of a class.
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<dnhester26> also, why would they put "data and control flow", and "iteration" between "types and classes" and "objects", it seems out of semantic order
<dnhester26> I hear
<beach> I am not very impressed by the order of the chapters in the standard, nor about how the material was split up between the chapters.
<beach> So feel free to make something different in the language reference.
<beach> I can tell you my ideas if you like, but right now I need to vanish for 30 minutes or so.
<splittist> In the 90s everyone thought linear presentation of knowledge (like in a book) would give way to multi-connected pathways: 'hypermedia'
<splittist> little did they know that extensive printed manuals would actually give way to a million badly-scraped stackoverflow clones
<dnhester26> beach: ok thanks.
<dnhester26> What do you guys think for the order of the chapters in the technical reference: Do you think it's better to keep the chapter structure to make it easier for experienced lispers to access the content that deals with the same issues as the spec, or change the order for the benefit of people learning?
<dnhester26> hahahaha
<splittist> I think you can and should experiment. Cross references can always be added.
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<dnhester26> splittist: ok, thanks. Even if it's not the same structure, I find myself just using the search function to find what I need rather than section numbers anyway, so I would hope that would make up for the change for more experienced people
<dnhester26> splittist: do you have any particular ideas about the structure?
<dnhester26> beach: please share what you think about the structure and btw, I think you are a contributor in the project so also feel free to change things as you consider appropriate
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<beach> I think chapter 25 should be renamed, and there should be a chapter Environments that discusses the difference between the startup environment, the evaluation environment, the compilation environment, the static lexical environment, and the dynamic environment. And I think that chapter should contain things like FIND-CLASS, FDEFINITION, SYMBOL-VALUE, etc. Because those are not functions on classes, functions, or symbols, but mainly
<beach> environments.
<beach> dnhester26: I don't see any particular advantage of preserving the current structure. And I agree that more links would be a good thing, not just for highlighted words, but with entire phrases like: "To understand more about <concept>, refer to <section> explaining it"
<dnhester26> beach: ok. thanks for the explanations
<beach> Maybe I should just go ahead and write the text of such a chapter.
<beach> Because the scattered references to environments are way too skimpy in my opinion.
<dnhester26> Hm, could you change the structure and maybe even add stub articles (articles that say TODO: write here this content) so we at least get started with the changes? I don't think we need a finished product to present, rather as long as it's a gradual change it also opens the possibility for others to contribute
<dnhester26> I'm trying to set up an automatic deployment on push to the main branch now, so I don't have to manually do it every time
<dnhester26> beach: I support you in writing the chapter :)
<beach> Well, that's the kind of thing that I am really bad at. What I think I can do is write explanatory text.
<beach> I mean, I am bad at physically manipulating the structure of a document like this.
<dnhester26> beach: ah ok, so just let me know about other changes and I'll take care of them
<beach> It involves way too many manipulations that always fail for me.
<dnhester26> what should be chapter's 25 new name?
<beach> I don't know.
<beach> We can solicit suggestions.
<beach> Maybe "External environment" would be a simple change.
<beach> Not that I understand why it is called that, but hey.
<dnhester26> what's the problem with the name as it is?
<beach> I need it for my new chapter. :)
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<beach> The name "Environment" suggests that it has something to do with the environments discussed in the section "compiler terminology", but it doesn't.
<beach> ::clhs 3.2.1
<ixelp> CLHS: Section 3.2.1
* beach vanishes for another 30 minutes.
<bike> yeah, that confuses me a bit every time
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<dnhester26> hahaha on that you need it for the new chapter. wouldn't it then make more sense to just expand that chapter as it is? or is it a different topic alltogether?
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<bike> it's a completely different topic, is the issue.
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<dnhester26> bike: thanks
<dnhester26> 25.1 is called External Environment already, so I guess that's not really much of a change
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<dnhester26> changed the name to external environments: https://lisp-docs.github.io/cl-language-reference/category/25-external-environment
<ixelp> 25. External Environment | Common Lisp (New) Language Reference
<beach> And we (bike and me at least) have learned a lot about environments over the years, so I think I am qualified to write such a chapter.
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<dnhester26> beach: please, at no point should you be wary of not being qualified in order to do a contribution to the reference, I'm sure your lack of qualification will still benefit many of us! And in any case, if there is someone more qualified, if they don't contribute, it's better to have something than nothing
<dnhester26> ok, auto deploy working :D
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<beach> Thanks. And congratulations.
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<dnhester26> thanks
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<beach> dnhester26: I have the first part of a draft "Environments" chapter that I put in docs/chap-environments. Will something break if I just commit and push it? Should I put it elsewhere?
<dnhester26> beach: ok, this took me a long time, modifying the sidebar was not as easy as I expected because it's partially auto generated. However, I finished! enough so that you can take a look at siderbars.js and add any dictionary item you want from other chapters
<dnhester26> yes!
<beach> Er, in docs/chap-environments/environments.md
<dnhester26> please pull first
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<dnhester26> was waiting for the deployment to finish compiling to send that message
<dnhester26> the folder is environments
<dnhester26> take a look
<dnhester26> and now please use the main branch instead of develop
<dnhester26> at least for deployments to go through
<beach> Oh dear.
<dnhester26> sorry
<dnhester26> I had to change it because of the github actions deployment
<dnhester26> but it should just be a git merge
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<dnhester26> is that ok or is it difficult? I can try to help if it is
<beach> I am completely lost, which is not surprising. I don't know what "folder" you are referring to. I don't know what I should do to "use the main branch instead of develop" and I don't know what "just be a merge" means.
<beach> I always mess up when I have to deal with more than one branch.
<dnhester26> ah ok, just do a git pull, then git push. once that works, (if it doesn't please let me know first), then do `git checkout main`
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<dnhester26> and then you can carry on, just before you ever push please remember to do `git pull` first
<dnhester26> I'll take care of the merge to main once you push it
<beach> I did git pull origin develop, but now I should do just "git pull"?
<dnhester26> ah yeah origin develop is fine
<beach> Then what?
<dnhester26> `git pull` brings in all the branches I think
<dnhester26> then you can just do the push
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<beach> So I should really do a "git pull"?
<dnhester26> once you pushed your changes to the repo, then do `git checkout main` and then continue as usual
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<beach> Yes, "git pull" did something different.
<dnhester26> `git pull` will probably take a bit longer since it'll download the other branches as well, but then you'll have everything up to date
<beach> But you were talking about a "folder", presumably where you want me to put this text, yes?
<dnhester26> don't worry about the folder, I'll take care of it
<beach> And "git branch" says that I am still using "develop". Should I change that before I push my text?
<dnhester26> just please let me know when you've pushed your changes
<dnhester26> nope, just push to git develop
<beach> And it's OK to keep it where I put it?
<beach> in docs/chap-environments/environments.md?
<dnhester26> yeah, I'll change the location when I merge the branches
<beach> OK.
<dnhester26> yeah, it's ok
<dnhester26> that's actually nice since you are keeping with the naming of the other chapters, but I was thinking of changing all the names to semantic instead of numeric labeling
<beach> OK, I think I manged to push it.
<dnhester26> ok, so that was one commit, no more?
<beach> Correct.
<dnhester26> oh wow that was a lot of text
<dnhester26> thanks
<beach> It's just the beginning.
<beach> After "types of environments' I'll mention when instances of them are valid.
<beach> I also didn't do much markup.
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<beach> Some stuff needs to be marked as code and some need to be links.
<beach> And, like I said, I think I can write text like that, but I suck at the rest, like markup, branches, structure...
<beach> Creating the HTML-ized MOP specification was painful, but it was less painful than to have to consult the chapters in the book (the structure of which I can't understand) in order to write an implementation of CLOS.
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<dnhester26> beach: "The lexical environment can be thought of a as an ordered sequence of" is that "a" supposed to be a variable, or is it a typo?
<dnhester26> yeah, I'm marking the code right now
<dnhester26> also, no need to do new lines in the middle of a sentence
<beach> A typo.
<beach> Well, I can't read my own text if I don't have newlines.
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<dnhester26> ah ok, so don't worry.
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<beach> I don't know what you use to edit text, but I just use Emacs.
<beach> And it is very painful to read and navigate without newlines.
<dnhester26> ok, just pushed, it should be live in a bit, please do a git pull and take a look
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<dnhester26> i use emacs and vs code
<dnhester26> my emacs wraps, visual-line-mode i think it's called
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<yottabyte> > beach: We are (slowly) working on something that will analyze the code at typing speed, but we still have a long way to go.
<yottabyte> can you tell me more?
<ixelp> find-class | Common Lisp (New) Language Reference
<dnhester26> I added the 3 you mentioned before, it's basically just a link to where they are in other chapters, but in the side bar it looks like it's in the same section.
<beach> dnhester26: Where can I see the rendered version of the text I wrote?
<yottabyte> maybe I'm missing something, but it seems like something is missing. like, there are large codebases out there, like mezzano, I'm surprised the tooling is not further along
<dnhester26> beach: it's deploying now, whenever the github action finishes
<dnhester26> it's been more than 3 minutes though... so not sure why it hasn't shown up
<ixelp> Environments | Common Lisp (New) Language Reference
<dnhester26> there it is
<beach> yottabyte: Sure. It is somewhat complicated to analyze Common Lisp code at typing speed. First, you can't have a fixed parser, so we use the Eclector reader as an incremental parser for the code. Then, the plan is to integrate the first pass of a compiler for further analysis.
<dnhester26> I changed the titles a little bit, please note the markdown syntax of using # for titles, ## is a subtitle and so forth, like * in org mode
<beach> dnhester26: Thanks.
<dnhester26> I added code ticks, but please note that if you want syntax highlighting, it doesn't work inline, only on multi line code blocks
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<beach> I see.
<dnhester26> beach: you can continue working on develop, just let me know when you push so that I can do a pass fixing any issues that may break the compilation, and I'll worry about merging to main and deploying
<beach> dnhester26: When I write more stuff, I'll use the kind of markup that I see you used.
<dnhester26> ok, great
<beach> I'll checkout the main branch now while I remember.
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<dnhester26> beach: certain things can make it not compile and it would break the deployment, if you want to deploy right away, work on main, if you don't care, maybe stay in develop to make sure main compiles, and I can merge you changes to main
<dnhester26> whatever is best for you
<dnhester26> oh, i need to run, please let me know what other directory changes to do, I did the ones on chap 25 you said
<beach> yottabyte: The tooling is not further along, likely because it has required some innovation in order to do the incremental parsing fast enough. And doing that required a configurable reader, so Eclector had to be created first.
<ixelp> Environments Dictionary | Common Lisp (New) Language Reference
<dnhester26> let me know if you want to add anything
<beach> yottabyte: It is much easier to do stuff like that in a language with fixed syntax (both surface syntax and expression syntax). Neither is true for Common Lisp. With reader macros, the surface syntax can change, and with macros, the expression syntax can be augmented.
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<beach> yottabyte: Given reader macros, you can't even parse the surface syntax of Common Lisp unless you use READ. And I know of no implementation of READ that can be used incrementally. Without that, for each keystroke, you would have to read the entire buffer over again. That would be very slow.
<beach> no implementation of READ other than Eclector, I mean.
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<beach> yottabyte: Oh, and just a little tiny thing. If you use the regular reader, and you find a symbol like PNAME:SNAME in the buffer, it will die if PNAME is not the name of an existing package. Eclector can be configured to consult a different data structure for things like that.
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<yottabyte> interesting, I'll have to look into eclector
<beach> yottabyte: So, early on, I wrote the SICL READ function to be configurable like that. Then, it was extracted in the form of Eclector, and vastly improved by scymtym.
<beach> yottabyte: Sure. But I hope you see how incredibly difficult it is to analyze Common Lisp code at typing speed.
<yottabyte> I do, this was very informative, thank you beach
<beach> Pleasure.
<yottabyte> is there a bussin package for emacs which will show me like a drop down/overlay of options and parameters for a function call? like when I type (gethash it'll show me that it takes a key as the second argument in my messages I think, does that come from slime? like that, but maybe even for things I've defined myself
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<beach> It already shows that in the minibuffer.
<beach> But the problem is that, unless you compile your file, definitions in the buffer that precede the call will not be taken into account. For the simple reason that there is no such analysis present.
<yottabyte> right...
<yottabyte> I was wondering if there was a package that shows it not in the minibuffer, but somewhere else, like inline
<beach> Oh, I see.
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<beach> You are right in that one tends to lose the context by having to move the eyes to the minibuffer.
<splittist> yottabyte: it sounds like you might know: how do I turn off the intellisense behaviour in VS Code that insists of putting such information in front of the code I'm writing? And is there a package that would show info in something like a minibuffer?
<splittist> *on
<yottabyte> unfortunately I don't know, that's kind of like what I'm looking for, I think, but I don't use VS Code really
<beach> splittist: Good point. I also hate having stuff put in front of my code. I know scymtym is planning to display information like that, but I absolutely need for it to be done differently.
<yottabyte> oh, was that sarcasm? haha
<beach> splittist: Like for syntax errors, if it is just indicated by some font change or color or underline, I usually know what the problem is, and I can accept to use the mouse to find out if I am lost.
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<splittist> yottabyte: it was serious, too. Because, although I find some of the suggestions that intelliense comes up with very helpful (perhaps because I'm using non-lisp in the editor), I find it most offputting that the context of what I'm doing - the surrounding text - is precisely what is obscured by the widget. I was hoping I wasn't the only one.
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<yottabyte> yeah, I was just wondering if there was something like that just to try, not saying I would like it
<yottabyte> I think company-mode does a pretty good job
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<beach> [watching a presentation about Lisp] what does "Lindy" mean in this context?
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<mesaoptimizer> beach: Lindy effect reference
<mesaoptimizer> the longer something survives, the longer you can expect it to survive
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<beach> Oh, I see. Thank you!
<aeth> named in 1964 after Lindy's, a restaurant in Manhattan that lasted from 1921-1969, despite a projected 1921-2007 lifespan in 1964.
<beach> I see.
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<mfiano> Has anyone ever found it odd that LOCAL-TIME has functions for converting to/from timestamp objects and rfc-3339 strings, but just the "to" part for rfc-1123 strings? Considering a PR if I can find enough time depending on how much of the codebase I have to learn.
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<yottabyte> what is slime-helper and what does it do?
<edgar-rft> here's a short description -> https://github.com/quicklisp/quicklisp-slime-helper
<ixelp> GitHub - quicklisp/quicklisp-slime-helper: Helper library for easy Quicklisp SLIME setup
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<paulapatience> yottabyte: Lispy has something like that. C-1 and C-2
<paulapatience> However, it changes keybinds quite a bit from what you are likely used to
<yottabyte> I see
<paulapatience> You could extract the relevant code, it might not be too difficult
<yottabyte> oooo, I haven't used lispy before
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<anthk_> on sbcl and rlwrap, I can't spawn the $EDITOR with Esc-v
<edgar-rft> $EDITOR is a shell variable or a Lisp variable?
<anthk_> shell variable
<anthk_> rlwrap wraps sbcl into sbcl key bindings history and such
<anthk_> eh, readline
<anthk_> readline keys
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<anthk_> mm, I got it working with the shell but not rlwrap
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<edgar-rft> anthk_: man rlwrap tells me nothing about Esc-v, but rlwrap has a myriad of commandline options howto interact with the keybindings of the called binary (SBCL in this case).
<edgar-rft> How ED works with SBCL is described under "7.11 Customization Hooks for Users" -> https://sbcl.sourceforge.io/manual/index.html#Customization-Hooks-for-Users
<edgar-rft> Alternatively Common Lisp has the ED function for calling an external editor -> https://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/f_ed.htm
<ixelp> SBCL 2.4.0 User Manual
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<anthk_> ah, til about ed
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<anthk_> uhm (describe 'ed) works but a test func such as (ed 'add1), not
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<Inline> give it a path
<Inline> not a symbol
<bike> well it is supposed to work given a function name.
<Inline> oh sorry
<anthk_> neither paths work
<bike> in what sense does it not work?
<anthk_> Don't know how to ED /home/anthk/.sbclrc
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<anthk_> The SBCL Manual, Variable *ED-FUNCTIONS*
<bike> Right. And did you look at that section? edgar already linked it
<Kingsy> emacs question, with slime, I can use C-c C-c to compile my function, if I hover my caret over a line of code, how do I actually run it? rather than compile it? I know I can swap to the slime repl and run it manually but it would be so much quicker if I could just "run" a line with a shortcut when in the file.
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<Inline> C-c C-e ?
<Inline> that's eval
<Kingsy> Inline: yeah but that just brings up "Eval: " in the modeline where you would need to type something to eval, I want to just evaluate the thing under the caret
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<Inline> welp, usually it's when you try M-: that you get the "Eval: " line in the modeline
<Inline> did you remap Super ?
<Inline> normal eval under the caret should be C-c C-e
<Inline> no idea why it's different there over
<Kingsy> hmm no, I mean if I do C-c C-e then get "Slime Eval: " in the modeline, and if I type (whatever) it runs perfect, I just don't want to have to do the typing.
<Kingsy> perhaps its where the caret is, maybe it needs to be on the closing parens or something?
<Inline> in, around works usually
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<Inline> if you are outside you have to be at least on the last line of it
<Inline> i.e. on the )|
<Kingsy> hmm noep, no matter the positio n it just puts me in the modeline with "Slime Eval: "
<anthk_> uhm, I got rlwrap working
<Kingsy> argh this is so annoying, its always the simple things that don't work
<anthk_> rlwrap-call-editor at ~/.inputrc with a bind command
<Kingsy> Inline: ahhhh someone in emacs helped. Its not C-c C-e, its C-x C-e which works
<Inline> ah sorry, i confused it too
<Inline> long time i didn't use emacs
<Inline> right, Cx-Ce
<Kingsy> no worries at all. good to know now!
<Kingsy> yeah
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<Kingsy> perfecto. hahah that was so frustrating :D
<anthk_> ctrl-x-e evals elisp too
<Kingsy> Inline: thanks for answering
<Inline> no problem
<anthk_> didn't C-c C-C send the whole region to slime?
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<Kingsy> anthk_: I didnt try, was just using C-c C-c to compile and I wanted a simple way to run the code
<anthk_> ah, true, I forgot
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<Kingsy> curious, is it possible to get auto complete? I am not aware of a way but given I am learning the language it would be so so helpful if there was something, so when I type "defÂ" for example I get reminded of defparaeter and others like defun
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<thuna`> Kingsy: With sly and slime, C-TAB brings up possible completions when you have a running session. Company is more along the lines of what you are looking for, although I do not know if it works out-of-the-box or if it needs configuring. tias
<thuna`> (It is more along the lines of what you are looking for in that it automatically brings up completions as you are typing instead of needing your explicit request. I am sure there are a lot of packages like that, although company is the only one I use and as a result the only one that I know of.)
<Kingsy> thuna`: so C-TAB for me doesnt do anything. I also do have slime-company enabled -> (slime-setup '(slime-repl slime-fancy slime-company)) but I don't see any completions. maybe another plugin I have is breaking things I'll have to go back through my config and disable things perhaps until it works
<thuna`> Kingsy: I am not actually very sure about slime's completion binding, you should see it in C-h m though
<Kingsy> thuna`: what is it called in C-h m?
<thuna`> Kingsy: I am not sure about that either. I imagine you will recognize it when you see it. Try `C-s complet' and see what there is maybe.
<thuna`> I don't use slime, so if anyone does, please feel free to chime in
<Kingsy> thuna`: all good thanks!
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