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<metsomedog> (flet ((fn () 123)) (flet ((cmper (f) (eq fn f))) (cmper fn)))
<metsomedog> oops
<metsomedog> you know it's getting too late when you think IRC is your repl
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<aeth> metsomedog: but it is
<aeth> ,(flet ((fn () 123)) (flet ((cmper (f) (eq fn f))) (cmper fn)))
<ixelp> (flet ((fn () 123)) (flet ((cmper (f) (eq fn f))) (cmper fn))) ERROR: Unbound variable: FN
<aeth> just with a quote in front
<metsomedog> forgot some #'fn ^^
<aeth> and the problem is, it's a Lisp 2 so two namespaces, it's #'
<metsomedog> yes, was just checking eq functinality on functions
<aeth> ,(flet ((fn () 123)) (flet ((cmper (f) (eq #'fn f))) (cmper #'fn)))
<ixelp> (flet ((fn () 123)) (flet ((cmper (f) (eq #'fn f))) (cmper #'fn))) => T
<metsomedog> found it strange that equalp fails on 2 class instances with all slots being eq
<aeth> if you need equalp to work, iirc it would work on structs\
<aeth> which allows you to e.g. put them as keys in a hash table
<metsomedog> is there no way check equality of the contents of 2 class instances? (outside of manually checking all slots)
<aeth> well, not equalp because that would fall under other. https://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/f_equalp.htm
<ixelp> CLHS: Function EQUALP
<aeth> shame structs use eq for equal and equalp is case-insensitive, so even that might not do what you want
<metsomedog> I tried eq eql equal equalp to no avail
<aeth> it should afaik be possible to do with the metaobject protocol, so it may exist in a library
<metsomedog> anyways not that important, was just for some test case, but had to test all slots manually instead
<metsomedog> ah good point
<aeth> so as long as you don't need it as a hash-table key, it would be usable
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<metsomedog> got to sleep, ty and gn
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<skin> UIOP has this `safe-read-file-form`. I wish it had something like `spit-file-form`, some ability to write a form out in one function call. Thoughts?
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<NotThatRPG> skin: why isn't that just `prog1` or `progc`?
<skin> You mean `prin1` and `princ`?
<skin> Yeah that's the route I'm taking at this time.
<NotThatRPG> Yes, sorry! Possibly wrapped in uiop:with-output-file
<NotThatRPG> And possibly also wrapped in a let that binds *package* ...
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<aeth> personally, I write s-expressions to a file manually so it looks like a human wrote it... I suppose with Emacs+SLIME integration you could have it exactly match the autoindent
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<jcowan> aeth: it would be a public service to translate SRFI 125 into CL
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<metsomedog> Anyone familiar with bordeaux-threads with-timeout macro? Even with ignore-errors the timeout error will go to the debugger. Simple example: https://paste.debian.net/1304077/ (seems indentation got messed up a bit in the paste btw)
<ixelp> debian Pastezone
<jcowan> For your Sunday morning amusement, this sentence from the writeup on issue COMPILER-DIAGNOSTICS: "Introducing the STYLE-WARNING condition allows handlers to distinguish between potentially serious problems and mere kibitzing on the part of the compiler."
<jcowan> (Although I personally would not use "kibitz" this way.)
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<dnhester26> CLOS Question: if I'm making a constructor and I only want to pass in to the make instance optional keyed arguments if they were passed in, however, if they are not passed in, I want the default initform, how can I check if the NIL value is because it was passed in or not?
<beach> You attach a "supplied-p" parameter to the key parameter.
<beach> &KEY (<parameter-name> <initform> <supplied-p-parameter>)
<dnhester26> beach: thanks, I remembered we spoke about it, just couldn't find where
<beach> Check the sections on lambda lists.
<dnhester26> ah, can I skip the initform?
<beach> No.
<beach> Put NIL if you don't want it.
<dnhester26> lambda lists, got it, thanks.
<dnhester26> ok
<beach> You will then always check the supplied-p parameter first, so the value of the main parameter won't matter if supplied-p is false.
<dnhester26> perfect, thank you so much!
<beach> Sure.
<aeth> jcowan: oh, 125 (hash tables), not 105 (infix).
<beach> dnhester26: Another trick you might need is how to "default" certain parameters...
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<dnhester26> beach: by that you mean initform in the defclass?
<beach> No.
<beach> I meant the second element of the list defining a &KEY parameter, in any lambda list.
<dnhester26> ah, the initform you wrote about above, just before the supplied-p-parameter
<beach> Yes.
<beach> dnhester26: To "default" a parameter you can define an :AROUND method like this: (defmethod mumble :around (... &rest initargs &key (thing <default-value>)) (apply #'call-next-method :thing thing initargs))
<dnhester26> I feel like I'm missing something though: I want to make a simple constructor that can optionally take in values, however, if it doesn't take in the optional values, I would like it to just default to the make-instace default behavior of no arguments provided which is using the initforms
<beach> If the thing parameter was supplied, then it will appear in initargs as well, but the first occurrence then takes precedence.
<dnhester26> What's the simple way of doing this without having to make a bunch of conditionals?
<dnhester26> Or just forget about the constructor and use make-instance instead?
<beach> I advice against creating explicit constructors.
<dnhester26> beach: because of this problem I'm facing?
<beach> Among others.
<beach> From reading the CLIM II specification, I am now convinced that the initargs of a class are part of the protocol. They are not necessarily for slots.
<dnhester26> initargs I thought was the key to read write slots? what else do you mean by part of the protocol?
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<beach> You can catch the initarg in (say) INITIALIZE-INSTANCE and do what you want with it.
<beach> It is not necessarily for a slot.
<beach> So you can say (make-instance 'person :age 33) and still set the slot YEAR-OF-BIRTH.
<beach> The fact that the initarg can be given in a slot specification is just a convenience.
<younder> In the old days Meta object protocol had to support flavors and common loops as well as CLOS. I guess they were less reluctant to mess with MOP back in the 1980's when they defined CLIM.
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<beach> younder: From talking to Scott, I understand that the MOP wasn't very stable when they wrote the CLIM II specification. That's why McCLIM has a better implementation of presentation types that commercial CLIM implementations.
<beach> ... because when Tim Moore wrote the code for McCLIM presentation types, the MOP was mature.
<beach> younder: But that's not very related to dnhester26's questions.
<dnhester26> thanks for the explanation. I am due to read the CLIM and Eclector specifications for learning, it's just that I have a deadline for a project to deliver... so it's in the back burner for now
<beach> Of course.
<beach> dnhester26: When you design a protocol, consider what the client needs to do to initialize objects and manipulate them after creation. Don't think slots at that point.
<beach> Slots are implementation details that can change later, and that shouldn't matter to client code.
<beach> Like for PERSON, you can allow either :YEAR-OF-BIRTH or :AGE, but perhaps rule out that both are used simultaneously.
<beach> Whether you then store the age or the date of birth doesn't matter to client code.
<dnhester26> right, I was trying to provide simple functions without the client having to worry about slots, just a function that takes a message and I deal with setting all the slots if it's an error, or data and I set all the slots
<beach> I am not sure what that means, but I take your word for it.
<dnhester26> I basically just simplied that function and removed all the optional slots, leaving just message. If someone wants to deal with the slots, then they'll have to use the make-instance and that's it. to keep it simple
<dnhester26> ok, thanks
<beach> That sounds a lot like you expose the slots to client code.
<dnhester26> it was good to relearn about the supplied-p-arguments but what I got from it was basically to simplify my function and if someone needs something more specific they can just use the make-instance
<beach> And I don't know what you mean by removing slots. That would require redefining the class.
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<dnhester26> well ideally the client should just use the provided function, not anything else
<dnhester26> oh sorry I meant I removed the optional key arguments from the function that was setting the slots conditionally
<beach> Sure, but if the function documentation mentions slots, then you still expose slots.
<dnhester26> right, now it doesn't, it just accepts one argument and that's it. everything else is not exported in the package nor available in the function
<beach> OK.
<younder> beach: I guess my point is that when you use MOP and change CLOS behavior (which is complex as it is) it makes it harder to intuit how it behaves.
<beach> younder: Did anyone suggest doing that?
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<beach> younder: Or was that some unrelated thinking on your part?
<younder> WTF is CLIM doing..
<beach> It absolutely does not modify CLOS behavior. I am not sure where you got that idea.
<beach> ... at least not as far as I know.
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<beach> younder: Can you point me to a section in the CLIM II specification that mentions modifying CLOS behavior?
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<metsomedog> can someone confirm that the following raises an error to the debugger in sbcl? (ignore-errors (error (make-condition 'sb-ext:timeout)))
<anthk_> Timeout occurred.
<anthk_> [Condition of type TIMEOUT]
<metsomedog> I don't understand why the timeout error is not being handled by ignore-errors
<fe[nl]ix> metsomedog: bt:timeout is not a subclass of cl:error, so ignore-errors will have no effect
<metsomedog> fe[nl]ix: oh, I see, so need handler-case or similar?
<fe[nl]ix> I suspect the same holds for sb-ext:timeout
<fe[nl]ix> yes, use handler-case
<metsomedog> this works, ty; (handler-case (error (make-condition 'sb-ext:timeout)) (condition (c) (format t "caught condition ~a~%" c) :resumed))
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<metsomedog> speaking of which, when to prefer handler-case over handler-bind?
<beach> metsomedog: Errors are "signaled" in Common Lisp, not "raised". You should use handler-bind when you don't want the stack to be unwound automatically.
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<beach> metsomedog: Like if you propose a restart.
<metsomedog> beach: thank you
<beach> Sure.
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<NotThatRPG> I'm a fan of handler-bind, because the syntax for handler-case is so complicated and fussy. H-B is just simpler
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<mfiano> How can I, with uiop:launch-program or similar, invoke an external process which infinitely logs output to stdout, and be able to 1) incrementally parse each line as they arrive, and 2) allow exited the external process when finished. For #1, I'm just not sure how to set up the stream correctly, and for #2, the process will not exit even when the invocation of the synchronous uiop:run-program
<mfiano> is stopped.
<mfiano> "finished" is defined when the user wants to quit, as this is an infinite logging process
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<jcowan> beach: CLOS classes, like most classes, have two protocols: a protocol for instantiation and a protocol for extension. Slots are not part of the former, but are part of the latter
<bike> mfiano: you should be able to use :output :stream to get an input stream to parse. #2 depends on how you're supposed to shut down this logger. signal?
<jcowan> That is, you cannot create a subclass without knowing the names of the slots in the superclass.
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<mfiano> bike: Yes, that's what I did. I am not quite sure how to wait for new input to parse/ensure i am not at the end.
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<mfiano> As for #2, I just want to call a function that starts the parsing/external process, and stop everything when the debugger aborts it. For now it's a large REPL driven project
<bike> you can use listen to tell if there's input to read on a stream
<bike> what i'm saying for #2 is that it depends on how you stop this external process. that's defined by the external process.
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<mfiano> Ugh, out of my control...intended to be run indefinitely as a daemon, so I'd have to kill it manually.
<bike> that's what i mean, yes. if the process won't shut itself down it's on you to do it.
<mfiano> Ok, so there is no PID or anything stored, and I must invoke another shell command to find/kill it, like pkill?
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<bike> you can use process-info-pid
<bike> which doesn't seem to be documented, annoying, but it's exported
<bike> there's also terminate-process
<mfiano> Aha
<bike> which does either TERM or KILL
<bike> (based on reading the source)
<mfiano> I am having a hard time reading from the stream
<mfiano> I will have to re-read about streams tomorrow
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<beach> jcowan: Why are you telling me this?
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<beach> jcowan: I mean, do you think I don't know most of CLOS?
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<jcowan> You've often said that slots are an implementation detail, most recently today (my time). I'm pointing out that that is incomplete.
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<Pixel_Outlaw> Eventually I need to dig into the MOP but the CLOS' design has served me well enough. Any cool parlor tricks to be done in the MOP?
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<jcowan> Given some non-portable CL code (it runs on SBCL currently), which other CLs would it be good to provide it for, given that some effort will be involved? This is not a question of whether it *can* be made to run on them, but as a matter of policy, which CLs are worth providing for?
<Mondenkind> why is it non-portable?
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<NotThatRPG> My highest priorities are always SBCL, CCL, and Allegro. Lispworks comes in fourth.
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<jcowan> I haven't tried them, but I think Lispworks and Allegro will be trivial.
<jcowan> NotThatRPG: Why CCL (and for that matter, why not ECL)?
<jcowan> Mondenkind: For $REASONS.
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<Mondenkind> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<Mondenkind> the reasons always matter
<jcowan> In this case I want an a priori judgment of which CLs to provide for.
<Mondenkind> for that matter, it matters why you want to make it more portable
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<jcowan> My own itch is sufficiently scratched by SBCL. But there is no unanimity in the CL community, and I want to trade off between raising barriers and making extra work.
<jcowan> (to other people and for myself, respectively)
<Mondenkind> the amount of work required obviously depends on what's non-portable about the code
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tyson2 has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]
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akoana has quit [Quit: leaving]
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