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<Josh_2> :D hi
<Josh_2> Is there a library around to help me parse output from uiop:run-program that contains colours?
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<Josh_2> Completely uncool intel :sob:
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<paulapatience> Can't you disable the colors at the source?
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<Josh_2> Tried that
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<paulapatience> Complain to upstream
<paulapatience> Ask for https://no-color.org/ support
<ixelp> NO_COLOR: disabling ANSI color output by default
<paulapatience> Or submit a patch
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<green_> Try something like (cl-ppcre:regex-replace-all "\\x1B\\[([0-9]{1,3}(;[0-9]{1,2};?)?)?[mGK]" line "")
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<beach> gilberth: Are you around? We (me and people working on implementing Common Lisp, especially in this case paulapatience) could use your help.
<beach> gilberth: We have been working on Trucler, a library for access to lexical environment, which is more modern and more complete than the CLtL2 stuff. heisig wrote the reference implementation, and paulapatience has been working on the one for SBCL. But we could use help for the CCL implementation.
<beach> gilberth: As I understand it, you know CCL well. Plus, you always complain about the lack of access to environments in the standard. So I think you would be the ideal person for this task.
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<beach> gilberth: Of course, if you don't want to, that's fine too.
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<edgar-rft> beach: in Germany it's half past two o'clock in the afternoon, gilberth is most likely still sleeping
<Odin-> I'm at UTC, and it's half past two.
<Odin-> ...
<beach> edgar-rft: Yes, I am convinced you are right. But he might read the logs.
<Odin-> Proof that people don't actually read each word: Language differences in what the reference for 'half' in time are still confusing.
<Odin-> It's "half two". :/
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<beach> I think UK English is the odd one here.
<edgar-rft> true, gilberth reads the logs but I can tell that we heard nothing from him so far on #lispcafe today...
<edgar-rft> Odin-: in Germany it's 2:40 pm if that helps :-)
<beach> Good to know. I take it he is active there most of his time awake.
<Odin-> beach: I think US English is the same in this respect.
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<beach> Odin-: I have never heard an American say "half two" for 2:30 nor for anything else.
<Odin-> edgar-rft: I was being a silly sausage. "half <hour>" translates to "half an hour to <hour>" in my head, and my brain evidently skips right past the 'past'.
<beach> But in Swedish, "half two" is 1:30. :)
<Odin-> beach: Both of 'em use 'half past', which is why I said 'people don't consciously read all the words'. :)
<edgar-rft> Odin-: I totally agree, half hours are used ambiguously in both directions in Germany, too
<beach> Odin-: Maybe so, but in the UK "half two" means "half past two", and that's what I considered odd.
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<edgar-rft> everyone should use sideral time only :-)
<Odin-> beach: I believe that usage has gone right down in the UK, and that it had been true in the US as well, but vanished there long ago.
<beach> I see. Well, I just hear the "half two" a lot in UK TV programs.
* Odin- lives in UTC and is not complaining.
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<beach> Not important though. Trucler is more on topic. :)
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<Odin-> Sorry about that.
<edgar-rft> additionaly we have the summer-time winter-time 1-hour offset mess, too :-(
<beach> No need to apologize to me. I am not an operator as far as I know :)
<edgar-rft> let's do it like Common Lisp universal-time and ignore astronomy completely
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<Odin-> I'd go with local-time. Time is a mess.
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<beach> Well, I considered gilberth, but if anyone else knows CCL relatively well, feel free to take on the task.
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<beach> Trucler will likely be used in parts of the IDE we are working on in order to analyze the contents of Common Lisp code. And we already use it in compilers for Clasp and SICL. But it could be used to create implementation-independent code walkers, as it centralizes the management of lexical environments.
<yitzi> We say "half past 2" in the US...its just not common.
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<paulapatience> In Montreal the common mistranslation is "two and a half"
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<edgar-rft> if you live close to the eastern or western border of a time zone your local time if wrong by half an hour anyway
<Odin-> That depends on whether your time zone is actually close to your local time.
<Odin-> Spain is never less than one full timezone out, I believe.
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<jcowan> Odin-: Western China, like the rest of the country, is on Beijing time, and therefore three hours off.
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<jcowan> Then again, nobody says "half January" for either December or February 15
<Odin-> I think there's a small patch of Spain that also reaches three hours off, actually.
<jcowan> But no, no American says "half two"
<Odin-> There are multiple examples of this.
<Odin-> Iceland is, strictly speaking, permanently on DST.
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<Odin-> But the effect is that the country is mostly over an hour off of solar time.
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<Odin-> Considering, however, that full daylight goes from being around three hours in late December to six weeks or so in summer ... that's not really a big deal.
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<jcowan> I don't understand that.
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<Odin-> jcowan: Which part?
<jcowan> Full daylight is rather longer than three hours even in December, and certainly doesn't last for six weeks in summer.
<jcowan> That would be somewhere near the North Pole.
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<Odin-> I said Iceland.
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<bike> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5q77MQzU2Q classic iceland content
<ixelp> My cousin Oskaar - YouTube
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<Odin-> The really funny part about this all is that because of atmospheric diffraction, parts of the country actually have more daylight hours over the year than the equator does.
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<pfdietz> Space is also a problem there.   After the November earthquake near Grindavík Google's GPS navigation had problems because some roads had moved too much.
<Odin-> Errr.
<Odin-> I'd love to see a reference for that.
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<edgar-rft> GPS navigation has problems because they use maps from the 19th century
<Odin-> Yeah, the geodetic institute that updates CRS systems each decade doesn't provide any updated maps.
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<pfdietz> Odin-:  it was around 4:00 in this video:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pm4fgkmlLGg
<ixelp> Long and Hard Wait For The Eruption But We Might Be Getting Closer to the Location - YouTube
<pfdietz> Displacement was about 1 meter in one direction, 25 cm orthogonal to that.
<edgar-rft> Odin-: A two-square-mile factory area at the local harbour doesn't exist in Google Maps. Google thinks it's a meadow. The factory was build in the early 1990s, more than 30 years ago. Closer investigations at the city archive show that the road layout of that place as shown in Google Maps had been changed already in 1922. Google uses over 100 year old maps.
<Odin-> Ah, right.
<Odin-> Google Maps is useless here, that's independent of earthquakes.
<Odin-> Hrm. Met office has measurements for GPS stations in the area, but it's impossible to find graphs for them.
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<rbenito> Hi there!
<bike> hello.
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<dieggsy> I'm having an issue in SBCL (2.4.0) on macOS (13.6.3) where load-shared-object doesn't find anything in /usr/local/lib, even if explicitly added to DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH. Has anyone run into this?
<dieggsy> asked in #sbcl but probably can't hurt to ask here too
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