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<BrokenCog> hmm, let me try again. setq'd *default-pathname-defaults* and the project was created in the unchanged location ... give me a minute.
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<BrokenCog> okay. I must have done it wrong initially. changing *default-pathname-defaults* in ~/.sbclrc propogates correctly. make-project creates directories in the correct place. thanks for the help.
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<josrr> BrokenCog: I am glad it worked for you
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<paule32> hello, and good morning
<paule32> i have (#_new QTabBar)
<paule32> i have: (let ((tab-1 (#_addTab tab-eval "Eval" )))
<paule32> (connect tab-eval "currentChanged()" #'button-click))
<paule32> to "connect" the signal of a qt4 framework to the TabBar "currentChanged()"
<paule32> but i get error:
<paule32> #<QTabBar 0x0388E3B0> doesn't have a signal named "2currentChanged()"
<paule32> i searched my source code, but i can not find "2currentChanged()"
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<paule32> so, is it a bug in qt4 package - or in my code ?
<ixelp> Qt 4.8: QTabBar Class Reference
<paule32> i look to ~/quicklisp but i can not found any qt4 packages
<paule32> so, i can not look to qt source, to take a look, if there a typo
<paule32> so, the next question is: where on the local storage is the qt source ?
<BrokenCog> (ql:quickload '(:qtools :qtcore :qtgui))
<ixelp> GUI Programming in Common Lisp, part 2/5: Qt4 with Qtools - Lisp journey
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<paule32> hello BrokenCog
<paule32> thanks for your help, but i use an other style of coding
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<hayley> Use a less bad style of coding.
<beach> hayley: We were told it's more "modern".
<beach> So paule32 has absolutely no intention of respecting accepted conventions. Yet, paule32 wants us to read this code.
<hayley> beach: According to https://mastodon.gamedev.place/@rygorous/111158290714794960 a "modern CPU" cannot be from after 1955, so a modern programming style can't be much better.
<ixelp> Fabian Giesen: "This abuse of terminology has to end! From now o…" - Gamedev Mastodon
<Mondenkind> I only accept romantic coding conventions
* Mondenkind was beaten to the punch
<hayley> Even new romantic coding would only get you to 1982 or so.
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<paule32> hello beach, like i wrote: i am not a professional programmer, and no one stands behind me, where i have a must to do, on holding guide lines. I respect you all there. but sometimes: time is changing
<paule32> i would like to take a look to the sources of quicklisp qt but i can not found files
<paule32> in my user directory ~/quicklisp, i can found some packages, but no qt
<paule32> but, quicklisp qt must be installed, else, i can not see the gui. but the qapplication gui, i can see
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<beach> paule32: Perhaps you don't realize how insulting you are. You haven't learned much in half a dozen years or so, yet you want experienced people to read your code with a more "modern" style that you, the still inexperienced programmer, invented.
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<beach> paule32: But then you still ask for help from all those people you insult.
<paule32> beach: nobody need to take a look at my code. i dont assume it. it was a little text, because i could not find any sentences, that make a half sense. and like i said, dont be blended that i used lisp dozen years. it is very tiny time i use lisp
<beach> My bad. You *do* realize how insulting you are, and you don't care.
<paule32> i would apology me for this. i respect you have write style guide lines. but when i hurt, i get in touch trouble with concepts of other dsl. like python or so. in python is a very strict indent on you must hold you. in c/c++ you can write foo_bar_baz() as function. in lisp foo-bar-baz. this are little guide lines. and i try to use the last one. but i come from pascal, and c. c is not modern, but i call it modetn, because many people assoc c with c++.
<paule32> but they are different dsl
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<anthk_> c and c++ are very different
<anthk_> use ansi C/c99 and then check any c++ code and you'll understand it
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<paule32> yes. oop (object orient programming) was not thinking of the birth of lisp
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<dnhester26> question of style: If I am writing functions that operate on objects of a specific class, is it proper to then write them as methods (declaring the generic beforehand of course)? Or since I don't plan on having functions of the same name operate on other types of objects (AKA of another class) then it doesn't make a difference and I can/should write them as regular functions (defun) and not methods?
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<dnhester26> I hear defun is faster for execution, but for my requirements I doubt it'll make a difference. The benefit I see from defining the function as a method is that I would get an error if I pass it something else because of the input, whereas as a function I'll get a different type of error
<dnhester26> Perhaps this is dicussed in the Keene book which I know I have to read, it's just that I'm on a deadline now... and I was wondering about this detail
<pfdietz> Either is acceptable, in my opinion.
<dnhester26> pfdietz: thanks, so beyond the actual functionality, in terms of style there is no particular preference?
<dnhester26> that's what I understood you meant, just confirming
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<pfdietz> Yes
<dnhester26> thanks
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<paulapatience> With SBCL you can also declaim the ftype to get errors when you pass the wrong types
<paulapatience> With ordinary functions
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<dnhester26> paulpatience: thanks, so basically what comes out is just a syntax change since we can basically then even get a similar error indicating a wrong type
<dnhester26> has anyone here declared a list of class type like in this example https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook/type.html#declaring-the-type-of-variables ?
<ixelp> Type System
<beach> dnhester26: But you would then rely on SBCL-specifics.
<kevingal> Question: I know I can get growable arrays with (make-array 0 :adjustable t :fill-pointer t), but when I vector-pop an element I notice that it can still be accessed using (aref v index).
<dnhester26> I find that in other languages that are typed I often declare a LinkedList<MyClass> types of things, but can one even specialize methods based on those since they are types and not classes?
<kevingal> Is there a way to ensure that the element gets erased from the array after being popped?
<kevingal> (to avoid garbage hanging around that shouldn't be referenced anymore).
<beach> kevingal: Set it to something like NIL or 0.
<dnhester26> beach: yeah, thanks, ah, so then outside of SBCL there is not much of type checking or at least there is no trivial-* package to do it?
<kevingal> Hm, I was wondering if there was a built-in way of handling that, rather than having to do it manually.
<beach> dnhester26: There is no way in Common Lisp to declare that a list contains only a certain type of element.
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<dnhester26> ha, thanks, that's interesting
<beach> dnhester26: You can do type checking withe CHECK-TYPE, just not with declarations.
<dnhester26> the use case I have is needing to accept two classes A and B, and if there is a slot in A whose type would be a list of B objects, then return that slot, so that the client knows to bind the list of B objects to that slot
<dnhester26> so basically there seems like no straight forward way to do it.
<beach> WOW, hold on....
<dnhester26> When it's just one object instead of a list, I can do it checking the type of the slot
<beach> Are you sure A and B are classes and not instances of classes?
<dnhester26> yeah
<dnhester26> it's OK, I am going to make it less flexible and require that the slot to bind the results have to be provided
<beach> I guess I don't understand the use case.
<beach> How did you plan to find the slots of the class, and how did you plan to determine the type of the object in that slot?
<dnhester26> two sql tables, modeled each with a respective class in CL, then say (select 'class-a (left-join 'class-b)) where class-a does not contain any references to class-b rather it's a 1-n relationship, and if there was some slot in the CL class which does not correspond to the table, but which allows to bind a list of class-b objects
<dnhester26> I thought that by declaring that slot to be of type list-of-b-objects I could then programmatically deduce which slot it would be
<dnhester26> I can do the other way (select 'class-b (left-join 'class-a)) where class-b has a reference to class-a
<beach> ::mop class-slots
<ixelp> class-slots
<dnhester26> I just call the function to get class-slots...
<beach> You can use this function to determine the slots of the class.
<dnhester26> those issues I have already finished, this was just the last part
<dnhester26> yeah, I finished all of that, the only case I had left was the list case where the type does not match
<beach> So you found the type of the slot?
<dnhester26> unless: is it ok to bind a list to a slot of some class-a type?
<dnhester26> yeah, I can find the type of the slot no problem
<beach> But to fill the slot, you need an instance.
<beach> CLASS-SLOTS returns a list of the slots that each instance has.
<beach> Not the slots of the class metaobject.
<dnhester26> If I have an instance whose class defines slot-2 to be of class-b, can a bind to that instance's slot a list instead of an object of class-b?
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<beach> That would be undefined behavior.
<dnhester26> ah, right, I thought it would just give me an error, I tried looking for what to read for that in the ToC of the Keene book but couldn't find anything
<dnhester26> ok, thanks
<dnhester26> I'm going to try to finish this now
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<beach> dnhester26: What you are doing sounds very strange to me, but maybe it is necessary since you are dealing with SQL.
<dnhester26> beach: yeah, it's somewhat unusual, I don't think what am doing has been done before. I'm extending some functionality of ORMs and it' basically impossible in non lisp languages, or at least extremely difficult because of the lack of introspection of the classes
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<beach> I see.
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<Devon> Anyone here use CCL under a MicroSoft Windows OS?
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<paule32> Devon: i am under windows
<paule32> Devon: i use sbcl - a common lisp
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<anthk_> sbcl it's very fast, I tried some benchmarks from the project euler exercise I cloned from a repo, sbcl finished in seconds instead of minutes against clisp
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<jfloren_> Given a wav file, what's my best option for playing it back in CL on Linux?
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<Inline> mcl or mlc ?
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<Inline> what was it's name meh
<Inline> cml ?
<Inline> no clm ah
<Inline> common lisp multimedia provides such a thing afaik
<BrokenCog> so, yesterday I was trying to figure out how to change the default directory which quickproject:make-project uses to create a new project. I thought (setq ql:*local-project-directories* (list #P"d:/Projects")) was working, but, turns out it isn't. The new project is created in the directory I started the sbcl repl.
<BrokenCog> just happened to be in the correct directory yesterday I guess.
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<BrokenCog> (giving the full pathname to make-project creates the project in the given path)
<josrr> BrokenCog: it is because Quickproject creates the project in cl:*default-pathname-defaults*
<BrokenCog> the reason ... yes.
<BrokenCog> which means changing it will arbitrarily change behavior of everything else. I don't understand why quickproject uses this variable.
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<jfloren_> Inline: thank you, I'm looking... do you mean Common Lisp Music?
<bike> BrokenCog: you can just bind *default-pathname-defaults* around your quickprojecting, and then it won't affect anything outside the binding.
<BrokenCog> bike: how would I do that?
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<zyd> jfloren_: I don't know anything about what's best but perhaps: https://github.com/Shirakumo/harmony
<ixelp> GitHub - Shirakumo/harmony: A Common Lisp sound system
<jfloren_> oh, that looks pretty straightforward
<bike> BrokenCog: josrr gave you (let ((*default-pathname-defaults* #P"/tmp/")) (quickproject:make-project #P"prueba")) yesterday.
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<BrokenCog> bike: right, but, that is on a per-usage basis, which isn't a 'default'. Per usage I can much simpler give the full path: (qucikproject:make-project #P"/path/to/my/projects/new-project").
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<Inline> yes jfloren_
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<Kingsy> you know what I find annoying about CLOS as I learn.. defmethod doesnt produce a method that is attached to a class. its just a method that knows about classes right? or am I wrong here?
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<pfdietz> That's not annoying, that's awesome.
<pfdietz> You can also use individual values, not classes, as specifiers via EQL specifiers.
<pfdietz> er, specializers
<Kingsy> when you say specializers do you mean (name some-type) ?
<pfdietz> The some-type (actually, some-class) is a specializer, but your can also use (eql <value>) as a specializer.  The method will only apply if that argument is eql to that value.
<pfdietz> clhs 7.6.2
<ixelp> CLHS: Section 7.6.2
<gilberth> And you can specialize on any argument. Any number and any position. This is why methods are not attached to classes. And that's the awesome part.
<Kingsy> alright I need to get my head around that in a little bit. haha yeah its so so strange coming from something like java
<Kingsy> I feel like I want to "group" and associate" my methods
<pfdietz> It's not limited to specializing on just the first argument, as it is in less powerful OOP systems.
<pfdietz> This way, if someone wants to extend a generic function to some other classes, he doesn't have to modify the definition of any of those classes.  He just has to define a method.  If he wants to add a generic function, he doesn't have to modify a "base class" (fragile base class problem, I think that's called.)
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<Kingsy> can someone please explain why this is happening -> https://bpa.st/MHKQ <- you can see my formats and my output. the only difference between the correct member call and the one thats incorrectly returning nil is I am using a class accessor. but the value is the same... I don't understand.
<ixelp> View paste MHKQ
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<Kingsy> they are both of type CONS, I am so confused why that wouldnt work
<edgar-rft> Kingsy: ~A interpolates for "aesthetical" reasons and doen't necessarily print the correct result, try using ~S instead of ~A or show us the REPL output of (player-status player)
<edgar-rft> for example (format t "~A~%" "(1 .2)") prints (1. 2) but "(1 .2)" is a string and not a cons
<Kingsy> edgar-rft: hahaha omg..... yep... (player-status player) is actually (("1" . "2"))
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<Kingsy> absolutely unreal
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<Kingsy> ok this is good to know though. I need to look up ~S and see what it does
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<edgar-rft> the S in ~S means "syntax", it tries to print all things in a way that the output can be READ again by some other program
<Kingsy> edgar-rft: ah! so very useful when debugging
* akoana thinks the S in ~S means "Standard" :)
<edgar-rft> I'm not 100% sure whether S means Syntax or Standard or Something else :-) but that's how I remember those things
<akoana> see CLHS: Section Tilde S: Standard
<edgar-rft> Kingsy: if (player-status player) is (("1" . "2")) then ((member (cons "1" "2") (player-status player) :test #'equal)) should work
<akoana> but I'm nitpicking now :)
<akoana> sorry
<edgar-rft> akoana: no worries, I'm a big fan of learning things as correctly as possible, but sometimes I fail :-)
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<Kingsy> edgar-rft: yeah I was comparing a string to an int
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<Kingsy> its ok I fixed it as soon as I noticed that.
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<jcowan> I think the S in ~S means S-expression
<jcowan> edgar-rft: That's not the fragile base class problem, which CL is not exempt from; see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fragile_base_class
<jcowan> Yes, CLtL confirms that S = S-expression (whereas A = ASCII)
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<bike> wow, those are pretty dumb abbreviations, then
<edgar-rft> CLHS says it means Standard, but there obviously had been other meanings before :-)