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<yates> beach et al.: thanks
<beach> Pleasure. But you don't often want to do something like that.
<beach> Plus, there is no guarantee that a given implementation will allocate a contiguous vector of 32-bit words.
<beach> Most probably will.
<aeth> ,(upgraded-array-element-type '(unsigned-byte 32))
<ixelp> (upgraded-array-element-type '(unsigned-byte 32)) => (UNSIGNED-BYTE 32)
<aeth> this one does
<aeth> (but you're not writing your program in the bot)
<aeth> but it can round when you use odd sizes, e.g. ,(upgraded-array-element-type '(unsigned-byte 29))
<ixelp> (upgraded-array-element-type '(unsigned-byte 29)) => (UNSIGNED-BYTE 32)
<aeth> odd meaning unusual not ODDP
<yates> ,(let myarraw (make-array 128 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32)))
<ixelp> (let myarraw (make-array 128 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32))) ERROR: The value MYARRAW is not of the expected type LIST.
<aeth> ,(let ((myarraw (make-array 128 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32))))) myarraw)
<ixelp> (let ((myarraw (make-array 128 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32))))) ;Compiler warnings : ↩ ; In an anonymous lambda form: Unused lexical variable MYARRAW ↩ => NIL
<beach> ,(let ((myarraw (make-array 128 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32)))) myarray)
<ixelp> (let ((myarraw (make-array 128 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32)))) myarray) ERROR: Unbound variable: MYARRAY
<aeth> oh, oops, even that was wrong syntax
<aeth> hard to do that live.
<beach> ,(let ((myarray (make-array 128 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32)))) myarray)
<ixelp> (let ((myarray (make-array 128 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32)))) myarray) => #(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
<beach> yates: LET takes a list of bindings as its first argument.
<aeth> Implementations only must support character (string), base-char (base-string), and bit... they will all support (unsigned-byte 8) which is called an "octet" in practice. Most will also support signed-bytes for 8, and signed/unsigned for 16, 32, fixnum and 64 if they're 64-bit implementations. All major implementations except CLISP will support single-float and double-float, too. Beyond that, most will
<aeth> either round (if an unusual byte size) or be a T array (i.e. store anything, and not space efficiently beyond the normal fixnum/etc. optimization)
<aeth> an "unsigned fixnum" in this context is just one bit less than a fixnum, since the fixnum is always signed.
<aeth> so e.g. if the fixnum is a (signed-byte 61) then they may also support an (unsigned-byte 60) array.
<yates> beach: +1
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<beach> yates: In Common Lisp, doing something like that would be a performance optimization, and you would do that only after careful profiling to determine that this code is the one causing the problem, and after being convinced that the code is not fast enough.
<beach> Oh, and only after being absolutely sure that you will never ever want to store anything else in that vector.
<beach> So you could say that statically typed languages kind of force you from the start to guess what part of the code needs optimization, because they force you to determine the representation of your objects just in order to compile.
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<random-jellyfish> when I try to start sly I get this error: Error running timer: (void-function set-up-sly-ac)
<random-jellyfish> what could be the cause
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<seok> which implementation correctly returns the lambda list for standard functions when function-lambda-expression is called?
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<beach> seok: I am betting all of them fail on some functions like closures.
<seok> hmm
<seok> what is the point of having function-lambda-expression as part of the standard when it allows implementations to return nil on any function?
<beach> I think one reason is so that you couldn't get the source code of all of ACL or LispWorks.
<beach> Well, that didn't answer your question, did it?
<beach> Let me try again: I don't think there is much point to that function.
<seok> eh, I don't see how it protects the source code of commercial implementations. the lambda lists are exposed in documentations so the user can use the function
<beach> The name of the function is FUNCTION-LAMBDA-EXPRESSION, not FUNCTION-LAMBDA-LIST.
<beach> ::clhs function-lambda-expression
<Colleen> Clhs: function function-lambda-expression https://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/f_fn_lam.htm
<seok> indeed
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<seok> ah well, gotta work with what we have
<beach> So if it always worked, unless the implementation has first-class global environments, you could get the source code of the entire system.
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<seok> I see that one would be able to peek into the lambda expressions of internal functions, but how would one peek into the function's body with universally working function-lambda-expression?
<beach> FUNCTION-LAMBDA-EXPRESSION returns a lambda expression that represents the entire function, including the body.
<seok> ah, indeed it does. lambda-expression not lambda-list
<beach> I think I said that a few times.
<seok> You did, but I did not understand lambda expression means the whole function definition
<seok> I see it now, my mistake
<beach> OK.
<seok> I was only interested in the lambda list containing the parameters
<beach> I agree with you that there is no reason why a function named FUNCTION-LAMBDA-LIST does not exist.
<seok> as a matter of fact, it exists in lispworks,
<ixelp> function-lambda-list
<beach> I am pretty sure it exists in almost every implementation.
<beach> But what I meant was that three is no particular reason why a function named FUNCTION-LAMBDA-LIST does not exist in the standard. As opposed to FUNCTION-LAMBDA-EXPRESSION for which I could see a reason.
<beach> s/three/there/
<beach> *sigh*
<seok> I agree
<seok> it seems like a function that would be useful on many occasions
<seok> I could not find function-lambda-list in sbcl, unless it is obscured inside one of its extended packages
<seok> it works in lispworks though
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<beach> Did you try (apropos "function-lambda-list") in SBCL?
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<seok> yitzi: thank you for this
<yitzi> yw
<seok> beach: yes, it is indeed in sb-introspect package
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<beach> seok: If there isn't already a trivial-introspect library, I think you have a mission.
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<yitzi> seok: Some existing compatability systems: https://portability.cl/
<ixelp> Common Lisp Portability Library Status
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<beach> seok: There you go: trivial-arguments.
* beach now fully expects a rant about how the standard needs to be rewritten.
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<yitzi> Rants are acceptable as long they pipe into /dev/null
<beach> With some occasional exceptions, yes.
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<yitzi> Heh. Of course.
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<yates> beach: something like what?
<beach> yates: Defining a vector of (unsigned-int 32).
<yates> why?
<beach> Why would you immediately restrict the kind of objects that your vector can contain?
<yates> if i want to obtain a fector of a specific type for a specific purpose, that is a functional requirement, not a performance requirement.
<yates> s/fector/vector/
<beach> In a statically typed language it is.
<beach> yates: In Common Lisp, there are only a few possible specialized vectors. You can't define a vector of (say) people or factories. You will still get a vector that can hold anything.
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<yates> you and i must think in different ways.
<beach> yates: So there is no great point in defining a vector of (unsigned-byte 32) unless you 1. know that the implementation has a specialized vector type like that and 2. You do it for reasons of performance.
<yates> the point is in knowing/defining what i am dealing with.
<beach> yates: I am telling you something about Common Lisp here. If you define a vector (say) like this (defparameter *v* (make-array 234 :element-type 'person)), you can still do (setf (aref *v* 10) "hello")
<beach> yates: It seems your way of thinking is related to statically typed languages.
<aeth> as a rule of thumb, element-type in general only works on basic numeric and character types.
<yates> no argument there. but i want to do this for my own organization, so that i know the things in this vector are of a certain type.
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<yates> there == telling me something about...
<beach> yates: But I am telling you that in general you can't know that.
<yates> i can semantically
<aeth> It really does depend on the problem space, though. If you're doing linear algebra or something of course you want to separate your ([un]signed-byte 32)s and single-floats and double-floats or whatever.
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<yates> if i NAME a vector a certain thing, i know it's that type.
<beach> yates: But you can do that by storing in the vector objects that you know the type of.
<beach> yates: Oh, sure: (defparameter *people* (make array 234))
<aeth> beach: on the other hand, you can just dispatch in an ETYPECASE if you really do want to create a bunch of numeric vectors. Or, say, convert if you're serializing.
<aeth> so it really depends on if yates wants a fully OOP any-arbitrary-class array (which will disappoint) or just numbers
<aeth> any-arbitrary-class-and-only-that-class
<aeth> do we know what yates wants yet
<beach> Maybe we are about to find out.
<aeth> because e.g. I am doing (unsigned-byte 32) arrays right now... because that's SPIR-V so of course it needs to be in that format
<aeth> but to just store some numbers, not needed
<aeth> unless those "store some numbers" are matrices in which case, again, maybe needed again
<yates> here is an example: let's say i'm reading in a file of linear, PCM digital samples which are signed, 32-bit.
<beach> aeth It looked to me like yates was generalizing from my example. What was asked for was a vector of (unsigned-byte 32) but I fear that this was just an example and that an attempt would be made to generalize to arbitrary types.
<yates> in this application (i.e., a signal processing algorithm), the bit width is important.
<beach> yates: I am sorry to bring you bad news then. The Common Lisp standard does not require a vector of that type to exist.
<yates> then perhaps this is the wrong language for my application
<beach> Maybe so. But I am wondering, why do you care how your samples are stored if you get them back the exact way you put them in?
<yates> because, for example, adding 1 to (2^31-1) should give you -2^31
<aeth> yates: in Common Lisp, when you want to overflow/underflow, you do it explicitly
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<aeth> which can be optimized by the compiler
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<yates> sounds like a pita
<aeth> consider e.g. (mod (+ (- (expt 2 32) 5) 487) (expt 2 32))
<beach> yates: Oh, integers in Common Lisp have arbitrary precision.
<aeth> not the only way to do it, there is also a bit way to do it
<aeth> yates: which implementation are you using?
<yates> sbcl
<aeth> (defun foo (x) (declare (type (unsigned-byte 32) x)) (mod (+ 487 x) (expt 2 32)))
<aeth> (disassemble #'foo)
<beach> yates: It sounds like you want all the pain and all the limitations of a statically typed language with fixed bit width for integers. Then Common Lisp is not for you.
<aeth> yates: the fun part is that at any point you can disassemble to see if it's actually optimizing like you want
<aeth> and you can just have a little abstraction with macros and/or inline functions to make sure integers stay in the bounds you want
<aeth> though it's easier with floats because they don't have to worry about overflow/underflow
<aeth> Technically all implementations have disassemble, but not every implementation is going to optimize it and not every implementation is going to even expose a meaningful result to disassemble.
<aeth> But you write it in a high-level and portable way and future implementations (or current implementations that don't do it) can make the same optimizations in the future
<aeth> Though if you use 64-bit types in a 64-bit implementation, you either have to stay within the function scope or you have to box them into specialized arrays or else they will heap allocate (e.g. double-float, or integers sizes larger than the fixnum size but smaller than 64-bits, such as (unsigned-byte 63) and (unsigned-byte 64))
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<aeth> yates: The idea behind this is that arithmetic does what you intuitively expect by default like ,(/ 4 3) or ,(* (expt 2 64) 2)
<ixelp> (/ 4 3) => 4/3, also (* (expt 2 64) 2) => 36893488147419103232
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<aeth> But you can still generate efficient asm (if the compiler does so) if you request it and know what you're doing (and you can hide any boilerplate with macros or inline functions).
<beach> aeth: I think perhaps yates has already decided against Common Lisp.
<yates> that is correct
<yates> thanks for all the help
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<aeth> I guess yates doesn't understand macros
<aeth> If you must interoperate with C, you can cut a huge chunk of that boilerplate down with some light macros and DEFTYPEs as e.g. (define-function foo ((x uint32)) ...)
<beach> Again, I think yates really likes all the pain and all the limitations of a statically typed language with fixed-width integers and wrap-around arithmetic.
<beach> Perhaps "likes" is the wrong word. Maybe "is so used to ..., that it seems normal"
<pfdietz> integers being integers is one of the nice things of Common Lisp.  It makes my testing so much easier.
<beach> And the code itself too, because you don't have to check every arithmetic operation for sanity.
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<beach> I mean, the people who use languages with fixed-width integers don't check either, but they should.
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<aeth> usually you just assume you'll never overflow/underflow so it doesn't seem too weird to actually explicitly write that behavior (once, and then abstract it) if you actually need it
<aeth> I live all day with bits of various widths and I'm fine with that, in fact better than when using an optimizing C compiler where any safeguard I add can safely be optimized away in the name of performance and in abuse of "undefined behavior". Plus, DISASSEMBLE tells me exactly what I need it to when I want it to.
<aeth> Plus, I only need to do this when I need to, not throughout the whole program.
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<aeth> I'm actually strongly considering how to abuse the GPU into getting me overflow-into-bignum integers (-:
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<aeth> If you don't care about performance, the real big problem with making your own bignums are when you get into SQRT, EXP, EXPT, etc.
<aeth> And I'm assuming the GPU only makes this sort of thing worse.
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<NotThatRPG> Query: I am seeing this style-warning from (I think) compiling and then loading a `defmacro` form (in random-state): redefining RANDOM-STATE:DEFINE-GENERATOR in DEFMACRO --- any idea why that happens? I don't think I always get this warning when loading a system with defmacro forms...
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<BrokenCog> question: If I want to interact with a remote REST API, dexador is the preferred package?
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<varjag> BrokenCog: there are several http clients but i used dexador as i liked its way of dealing with errors and conditions better
<varjag> that was back in '18, dunno what's the scene now
<BrokenCog> okay. I'll get started with it.
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