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<Josh_2> Hi hi :sunglasses:
<Josh_2> I have defined my own subclass of asdf:operation and I am using asdf:perform to generate static documentation
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<Josh_2> however when I run asdf:perform I get a lot of warnings WARNING: DEPRECATED-FUNCTION-WARNING: Using deprecated function (ASDF/ACTION::BACKWARD-COMPATIBLE-DEPENDS-ON :FOR-OPERATION #<COMMON-LISP-USER::GENERATE-DOCS >) -- please update your code to use a newer API.
<Josh_2> Ofcourse I have not specialized such method, I just have :perform (generate-docs (op c) (asdf::symbol-call :de/docs :generate-docs)) in my system definition
<Josh_2> I tried to invoke the restart 'muffle-warning (which is present) by specializing an :around method for that operation but that still doesn't get rid of that annoying output :(
<Josh_2> I think a built in asdf:generate-static-documentation would be cool :sunglasses:
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<zyd> What libraries could use the most help in documentation and tutorial-like content?
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<bike> zyd: i would just start with the most popular libraries and skip the few that do have good documentation.
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<aeth> try going through https://awesome-cl.com/
<ixelp> awesome-cl | A curated list of awesome Common Lisp frameworks, libraries and other shiny stuff.
<aeth> obviously far too much
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<zyd> thanks
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<madnificent> zyd: We have a polyglot stack and find our documentation to be lacking on a bunch of fronts. If you want to have a conversation about what constitutes good documentation I've read a few things about it and would love to share. No clue how far you've dived into things.
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<madnificent> Is there a way to re-throw an error caught by handler-bind? I have some code that tries to parse a string using multiple approaches. The error includes how far the parsing went and I'd like to throw the error which matched most of the string as that will help the user most.
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<bike> madnificent: you can call ERROR/SIGNAL again, or if the handler-bind doesn't transfer control the signal will keep propagating up through handlers.
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<madnificent> bike can I just call (error original-condition-variable) or are you suggesting something else?
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<madnificent> Resignaling a Condition may be what I'm looking for
<beach> Yes, it is "signal" and not "throw" which means something very different in Common Lisp.
<madnificent> beach: I should read up on that, in my head throw and catch lived in the same space as the condition system.
<ixelp> Yukari Hafner: "Friendship ended with GJK+EPA Now MPR/Xenocollid…" - TyNET
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<beach> madnificent: They are totally different. The condition system can be written in an entirely portable way, given special variables.
<beach> But CATCH and THROW are special operators.
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<madnificent> beach: so they don't interoperate? I don't think I used catch and throw in common lisp, I always reverted to the condition system.
<madnificent> Shinmera: very smooth! physics look realistic too
<bike> cl:catch and cl:throw are not usually used in the condition system, and are also different from catch and throw in other languages that use those names for error stuff.
<beach> I don't even think that the condition system uses CATCH and THROW. It uses other means of non-local control transfer.
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<Shinmera> madnificent: yeah. had to implement a new fine collision detection algorithm, and now it finally works nicely
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<beach> Shinmera: Congratulations!
<Shinmera> thanks. this is such a huge relief
<beach> I can imagine.
<Shinmera> I've been fighting with the GJK+EPA implementation for so long and it's still broken. I have no idea how to fix it
<Shinmera> But now I don't really have to
<beach> Great!
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<Shinmera> Now I just need to figure out how to translate animation movement into physics movement, which I'm also still stuck on how to solve.
<duuqnd> Shinmera: Could you explain what made it easier to implement or would I have to understand how physics engines work for it to make sense?
<Shinmera> But I'm waiting for my animator to get back to me on that, maybe he has some ideas on what's going wrong with my primitive approach
<beach> Shinmera: It will keep you off the streets.
<Shinmera> duuqnd: It just worked almost right away. Only took me a day to implement and debug. GJK and EPA I've spent weeks trying to wrangle through edge-cases with
<Shinmera> literally, too. EPA currently fails on edge collisions: https://mastodon.tymoon.eu/@shinmera/111680073955721274
<ixelp> Yukari Hafner: "....yeahhh...." - TyNET
<Shinmera> I have no idea why
<duuqnd> I think I saw a GIF of that, was it in the Patreon post?
<Shinmera> Yes
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<madnificent> bike, beach: thanks a lot, re-throwing the error (which I thought was not allowed) is a much nicer DX.
<madnificent> should read up on catch throw later to place it correctly in my head
<duuqnd> Shimera: oh btw, you were doing something with moving the character in-engine based on the animation, right? Is there anything preventing you from placing an empty at the character's feet and using its position instead of the model's root? I imagine a constraint could be put on it that moves it with the root and that might export properly.
<Shinmera> Yeah that's an idea
<Shinmera> I'm currently waiting on a reply from my animator as mentioned
<duuqnd> (I typo'd you name there, sorry)
<Shinmera> If he doesn't have any better ideas, that'll be how I'm going to have to do it :/
<duuqnd> (I typo'd "your" there, sorry)
<beach> madnificent: *sigh* :)
<Shinmera> duuqnd: You don't have tab completion? :)
<madnificent> beach: ? No, I mean cl:catch and cl:throw
<madnificent> aaarg, i see it now (:
<beach> Heh.
<duuqnd> I had to muck with my IRC bouncer for a bit so I'm just using Weechat on my server through SSH
<Shinmera> I do too, can still tab complete names
<madnificent> would raising the condition again be right, or signaling the same condition be correct?
<beach> madnificent: There is no "raise" in Common Lisp. The term is "signal".
<duuqnd> Shinmera: didn't know weechat could do that, cool
<madnificent> the names throw and catch seem to be hardwired through other languages. this will take a while.
<madnificent> thank you for correcting, much appreciated
<beach> Pleasure.
<Shinmera> Once I have the animation issue fixed I'm thinking of putting out a demo of the current test level for patrons
<Shinmera> For now I need to try and get back into a working mood, I'm still kind of in shock that I got this working
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<green_> Congratulations, Shinmera. That gif looks great!
<Shinmera> thanks! :)
<Shinmera> really needed this, too. the past months have been *rough* for development
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<jcowan> madnificent: The key to understanding Lisp condition handling is that rather than the stack being unwound before the handler is called (so-called "termination semantics" as seen in C++, Java, etc.), the call to the handler is an ordinary function call, and only then is the stack (optionally) unwound.
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<jcowan> So catch and throw unwind the stack but have nothing to do with errors, whereas error handling may or may not involve unwinding the stack.
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<yitzi> Nobody expects catastropic errors during a simple game of "throw and catch" ... therefore CL:THROW and CL:CATCH have nothing to do with error signalling.
<madnificent> jcowan: Are you talking about cl:throw and cl:catch or those of other (lesser ;) ) languages? I know the difference of the condition system and wrote a prolog-like implementation a decade or so ago using the condition system but wasn't aware that I could signal a condition I caught earlier. In this case the stack was unwound to where I bound the condition.
<madnificent> In hindsight, this was my execute to read "The Common Lisp Condition System"
<jcowan> The CL throw and catch.
<Fade> I seem to remember a pretty good book about the CL condition system released recently...
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<Fade> natch. moar reading, less talking.
<Fade> for me.
<jcowan> Since signaling a condition is just calling a function, it's of course possible to call another function with the same argument.
<jcowan> However, returning from the handler calls the next handler; it doesn't get you back to the signaler.
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<madnificent> Fade: "The Common Lisp Condition System" by phoe. Ironically, it is winter reading I did not get round to.
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<bjorkint0sh> madnificent, is that a good book? haven't heard anything of it till just now.
<Shinmera> it is good
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<pfdietz> It's still winter...
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<BrokenCog> I'm trying to learn how to use cl-json ... specifically, how do I get sub-keys? For instance (assoc :kind (cl-json:decode-json-from-string (dex:get "https://www.reddit.com/user/Quick_Presentation11.json"))) returns "Listing", which is valid, but :children or anything else returns nil. (I picked this user because it was the top post at the moment).
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<josrr> BrokenCog: (assoc :children (cdr (assoc :data (cl-json:decode-json-from-string (dex:get "https://www.reddit.com/user/Quick_Presentation11.json")))))
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<josrr> :data contains an alist, :children is a key inside it.
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<yottabyte> do people use arrow macros often? like: https://github.com/hipeta/arrow-macros/
<ixelp> GitHub - hipeta/arrow-macros: Arrow-macros provides Clojure-like arrow macros in Common Lisp
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<NotThatRPG> yottabyte: Nope! I looked at that page and ... it doesn't even explain the macros. Unless you already know the Clojure macros (I don't) you are SoL
<yottabyte> haha yeah
<yitzi> This one is a gem: `(-<> 1 (+ <> <>) (-<> (+ <> <> <>))) ; => 6`
<zyd> terrifying
<yottabyte> so powerful
<yitzi> Unless you want human beings to read it.
<yottabyte> haha
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<Josh_2> Hi hi hi :D
<Josh_2> I have a metaclass which has a slot with an initarg, however when I'm setting that initarg the slot ends up unbound
<Josh_2> idk what I have missed :skull:
<zyd> Is there a better way to manage dists in quicklisp? I'm relying on an unexported symbol to check the url of a dist to see if I need to install it or not. The idea being that I can automatically install the dists I need on a new machine: https://0x0.st/H6mE.txt
<Josh_2> I made so much progress yesterday and now I've hit a wall, pesky initarg :(
<yitzi> zyd: I use ql-dist:find-dist
<Josh_2> I have my stored-class-slot, my stored-class-meta, I have my direct and effectives, validate-superclass for both, effective-slot-definition, and direct-slot-definition
<Josh_2> but when I make my class with my (defclass blah () ((slot :json-key "aaa")) (:metaclass blahblah)) that slots :json-key is unbound :thinking:
<zyd> yitzi: Oh, thanks. Somehow missed that function. Nice script for an example.
<yitzi> ty
<bike> Josh_2: compute-effective-slot-definition?
<Josh_2> I dont have that
<Josh_2> I have #'c2mop:effective-slot-definition-class
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<bike> if you don't have a method on compute-effective-slot-definition (or possibly the more special compute-effective-slot-definition-initargs), the effective slot won't get your json key from the direct slots.
<Josh_2> Hmm
<Josh_2> I specialized it but just used (call-next-method)
<bike> you have to define how it works with inheritance. otherwise it's not obvious what to do if e.g. you then have (defclass foo () ((slot :json-key "bbb")))
<bike> er
<bike> defclass foo (blah)
<Josh_2> hmm
<Josh_2> I am using inheritance, I have *a lot* of mixins
<Josh_2> and its the mixins that have these :json-key arguments in the slots
<Josh_2> so (defclass mymix () ((slot :json-key "slot")) (:metaclass blahblah)) (defclass with-mix (my-mix) () (:metaclass blahblah))
<Josh_2> Hmm but even the slots :json-key within my-mix is unbound
<bike> yeah because the effective slot definition is never initialized with a json-key. that's what i said earlier.
<Josh_2> Okay
<Josh_2> so I use #'compute-effective-slot-definition to do that?
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<Josh_2> Do I have to set these manually?
<Josh_2> yitzi: :thumbsup:
<Josh_2> If I call-next-method I get an stored-class-slot-effective.. but how do I then set my json-key slot :thinking:
<Josh_2> I'm confused :skull:
<Josh_2> Hmm
<Josh_2> I see
<Josh_2> I have to set it from the direct-slot-definition
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<bike> if you don't specialize compute-effective-slot-definition, you'll get an instance of your effective method class, but your special slot won't be initialized
<bike> because there's nothing to initialize it.
<Josh_2> And this initialization has to be handled manually?
<Josh_2> Just forgetting the basics :skull:
<Josh_2> Just checked on some code I wrote years ago...
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<Josh_2> Okay got it all sorted, thanks bike, thanks yitzi :thumbsup:
<Josh_2> Okay another question
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<Josh_2> OH
<Josh_2> Think I answered it myself :)
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<Josh_2> No I didn't :skull:
<jcowan> Josh_2: Okay, so what is the question?
<Josh_2> well you can choose the direct-slot-definition-class based on the initargs using #'c2mop:direct-slot-definition-class
<Josh_2> So I choose the direct-slot class based on whether :json-key is t
<Josh_2> but I have a mixin has-id which doesn't have :json-key, so I'd rather it was just a standard direct and standard effective
<Josh_2> That mixin still has my metaclass though.
<Josh_2> However if I try to choose the effective-slot-definition-class using #'c2mop:effective-slot-definition-class the initargs provided dont have :json-key or anything to let me distinguish :thinking: So it seems I'm forced to choose my new 'stored-class-slot-effective which means my mixin is ending up with stored-class-slot-direct
<Josh_2> Think I'm just waffling at this point :skull:
<Josh_2> Guess I can just use c2mop:class-direct-slots instead of c2mop:class-slots
<Josh_2> Whateveerrrrrrrrrr
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<Josh_2> hehehehehe I did it
<Josh_2> not sure if its portable though
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<Josh_2> dont think it would work correctly if I had a mixin where 1 slot has :json-key and another doesn't
<Josh_2> It doesn't :skull: but I can't even define mixins like that
<Josh_2> Probably better to just manually check if json-key is bound when I #'compute-slots than do this
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<BrokenCog> josrr: thanks, I see it now.
<bike> Josh_2: you should definitely use the effective slot. if you use direct slots than e.g. any class that merely inherits one of these slots won't have an inherited json-key.
<Josh_2> Right :thumbsup:
<bike> Josh_2: the thing about effective-slot-definition-class is a known issue; a few implementations have workarounds. but you can probably just use your stored-class-effective-slot all the time.
<Josh_2> Thanks for the info :thumbsup: I am just using it all the time now
<josrr> BrokenCog: great!
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<Josh_2> Its always good when something works first try :D
<Josh_2> :D
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