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<Demosthenex> so, cl-ppcre's do-matches looks great, but what is the "result-form" parameter, i dont get what that is ;]
<bike> it's what the do-matches form returns.
<bike> like with dolist or dotimes
<Demosthenex> i'm drawing a total blank. i was trying to compose a list of results like mapcar
<Demosthenex> omg, wtf is dotimes and dolist! these are new to me, how embarrassing
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<Demosthenex> ah, if i just wrap do-matches in a let block with a var, i can collect with push into the var and use that as the result-form, got it
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<aeth> it's just to save a line at the end
<aeth> and because in an implicit return language (where you don't always write "return foo;", or I guess "(return foo)" in a Lisp, or more accurately to CL it's "(return-from your-function-name foo)") it sort of looks weird to have something at the very end just to return it
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<dnhester26> I added definition tooltips for the terms in the technical reference. This is just a working example: https://lisp-docs.github.io/cl-language-reference/docs/chap-6/g-b-the-loop-facility
<ixelp> 6.1 The LOOP Facility | Common Lisp (New) Language Reference
<dnhester26> I still need to apply that to all the items, and I need to do a few updates before hand, but this is how it will work once that is done
<dnhester26> beach: take a look by doing a mouse over the green "forms". It takes a bit to load at first, because it loads all the definitions in the glossary, so at first it may not appear green
<dnhester26> And I think I need to quickly format the glossary terms as well... to be html and not markdown
<beach> The tooltips are nice!
<beach> dnhester26: I have been working on fixing a few pages as you may have noticed.
<dnhester26> yeah, good job
<beach> Thanks.
<dnhester26> I noticed a bunch of dictionary items which were not parsed. I've been working on a script to split those into multiple pages as it should be... not sure if I will get to finish it today, but if not I hope on Sunday to finish...
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<beach> Take your time.
<dnhester26> thanks for saying they are nice! I think it makes it more usable not to have to go to another page every time a user wants to read a definition
<beach> I totally agree.
<beach> dnhester26: I tried to encourage people to here to help out, but so far I see no takers.
<dnhester26> beach: Yeah, I see. I hope that once I finish parsing out the spec completely and apply to tooltips, people will just start using this spec instead of the other ones because of convenience, and then hopefully people will slowly start contributing.
<beach> Let's hope so.
<beach> But, again, I see this one as having a different purpose from (say) the Nova Spec.
<dnhester26> beach: I also think it's easier to ask someone for something very specific than a general request, so for example, if a specific page needed examples or clarifications, like loop, asking someone to add examples of using loop with (insert some specific term here), would probably be more effective to get people to contribute
<dnhester26> yeah for sure
<beach> OK, I'll try to come up with some specific examples.
<dnhester26> I think this is more for people learning, not experts/compiler writers, nova spec I think it's supposed to be a proper specification
<beach> Exactly!
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<beach> Oh, and we should explain notation like [[↓clause]] every time it occurs, because the text that defines it is just barely comprehensible.
<beach> But I can do that.
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* beach is off to go meet his (admittedly small) family who just came home, but he will be back soon.
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<beach> Speaking of which, why is the down-arrow needed in the syntax for COND?
<beach> It is not present in the Common Lisp HyperSpec, but that's very likely because of an error in the translation to HTML.
<beach> It is present in the Nova Spec and in the language reference.
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<gilberth> beach: Because it refers to another non-terminal defined just below. <https://novaspec.org/cl/1_4_Definitions#sec_1_4_1_2_2> And yes, the HyperSpec is full of errors just like that.
<ixelp> 1.4 Definitions | Common Lisp Nova Spec
<beach> Oh, so that's enough to justify it. Thanks!
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