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<beach> On this page: http://metamodular.com/CLOS-MOP/initialization-of-generic-function-metaobjects.html I added a note saying that the METHOD-COMBINATION keyword argument could be defaulted during initialization of generic-function metaobjects.
<ixelp> Initialization of Generic Function Metaobjects
<beach> But now I think it is deliberate that there is no description of any defaulting behavior in the chain of functions from ENSURE-GENERIC-FUNCTION, to ENSURE-GENERIC-FUNCTION-USING-CLASS, to initialization of generic-function metaobjects. From reading the page on ENSURE-GENERIC-FUNCTION, it now seems to me that this argument must be a method-combination metaobject, and that no default is possible.
<beach> Any remarks?
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<beach> Now that I think about it again, it does seem silly not to default to the STANDARD method combination when the generic function is being initialized.
<beach> But it seems that the method-combination metaobject will always be supplied, if the chain of calls starts with ENSURE-GENERIC-FUNCTION.
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<agm> beach: i still don't have a full grasp of CLOS, let alone MOP ;)
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<jmercouris> Let's say I have a multiline string
<jmercouris> and I want to replace the newlines with a character
<jmercouris> how do I do that?
<yitzi> substitute
<jmercouris> yitzi: substitute what?
<ixelp> substitute, substitute-if, substitute-if-not, nsubstitute, nsubstitute-if, nsubstitute-if-not | Common Lisp Nova Spec
<jmercouris> I'm asking how can I reference the newline characters?
<random-nick> are they only linefeeds? (unix newlines)
<yitzi> `(substitute #\w #\newline str)
<jmercouris> let me try
<jmercouris> I see, thanks yitzi
<yitzi> yw
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<beach> agm: You will learn.
<agm> :)
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<dnhester> is it possible to simply initialize a class based on a given object? Say I have an object of class A, and class A inherits from class B, and I want to initialize an object of class B with the same fields as A The reason is that I want to remove certain slot values from the object but I want to keep another instance with the values Without just doing (with-slots...)
<dnhester> *slots instead of fields
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<ixelp> change-class | Common Lisp (New) Language Reference
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<dnhester> worked like a charm! change-class :D
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<dnhester> beach: thanks for answering the question the other day on reinitialize-instance, it helped me find the right answer by reading the reference
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<beach> Great!
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<beach> About your previous question, you don't initialize the class, but the instance.
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<beach> So "Say I have an instance a of class A, and an instance b of class B, and A is a subclass of class B, and I want to turn b into an instance of A. The reason is that I want to modify certain slots of a, but I want to keep the old slot values of a in b." Yes?
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<kenanb> Here is my latest CL related blog post that's hopefully interesting to some: https://blog.kenanb.com/code/lisp/2024/02/14/means-of-production.html
<ixelp> Means of Production | Kenan Bölükbaşı - Blog
<beach> dnhester: So my question is, why is b and instance of B and not of A in the first place?
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<beach> s/and/an/
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<skin> Out of curiosity: does anyone know which is faster on SBCL? `(setf (subseq a 0 (length b)) b)` or `(replace a b :start1 0 :end1 (length b))`?
<pkal> skin: Seems like the former macro-expands to the latter
<bike> the setf macroexpands to pretty much the latter, so probably neither
<pkal> (LET* ((#:SEQUENCE A) (#:END (LENGTH B)) (#:NEW1 B)) (REPLACE #:SEQUENCE #:NEW1 :START1 0 :END1 #:END) #:NEW1)
<skin> Cool
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<younder> How do I get a asdf system to report the directory it was loaded from?
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<josrr> maybe (asdf:system-source-directory (asdf:find-system "sistem-name"))
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<younder> josrr. thanks.
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<Kingsy> is it possible if I have a class to iterate over all slots on that class? I am trying to create a method that makes it easy to build a hashmap of the class without having to manually setf for each slot. its annoying with classes that have lots of slots.
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<clothespin> class-slots
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<Kingsy> clothespin: I don't know what that is.. its undefined. its not in cl?
<clothespin> (let* ((class (class-of instance)) (slotds (class-slots class))) (loop for slotd in slotds collect (slot-value-using-class instance class slotd)))
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<clothespin> class-slots is a mop function in most implementations
<Kingsy> slot-value-using-class is also undefined. sorry what is MOP? is this something I need to use :use?
<clothespin> if in sbcl use-package sb-mop
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<Kingsy> ah so its not possible with standard CLOS
<clothespin> MOP is nearly ubiquitous, except for like CLISP