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<Renfield> Hello. I have another conundrum: https://paste.rs/xPmZU.lisp
<ixelp> Source Code | Rocket Powered Pastebin
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<Lycurgus> is how ql is supposed to work wtih ocicl a conundrum?
<Renfield> Are you asking me?
<Lycurgus> not in particular
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<prokhor> hi
<prokhor> does anybody have an idea on how to train transformer based models in cl? sth like pytorch would be nice... maybe a ffi?
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<beach> Renfield: The macro call (USE-PARAM) is expanded at compile-time, and the expansion contains the value of *MY-PARAM* at compile time. The symbol *MY-PARAM* does not appear in the expansion, so it does not appear in the body of the LET.
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<beach> Renfield: If you just do (MACROEXPAND-1 '(WINDOW::USE-PARAM)) you will see what it expands to.
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<beach> Renfield: I am not sure what you are trying to do, but if you define USE-PARAM as (DEFMACRO USE-PARAM () '`(,*MY-PARAM*)) you will get *MY-PARAM* in the expansion, rather than its value.
* beach is now convinced that the real use case is more complicated, and that his suggestions won't work in the real case.
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<younder> (defun string-join (&rest strings &key (sep " ")) ...) as this (string-join "the" "fat" "cat" "shat" "on" "the" "mat") gives the error "odd number of &KEY arguments". Why?
<beach> Because every parameter is a &KEY parameter (and there is only one of them) so there must be an even number of arguments.
<younder> I read it a list of strings and a optional separator sep which defaults to " "
<beach> But that's not what it means.
<younder> Not optional - a keyword with a default argument
<younder> Well that makes no sense to me. Why does does it think the is a key?
<younder> "the"
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<beach> Your definition means a function that takes only keyword arguments (so there must be an even number of arguments), and whatever arguments you pass are going to end up in the STRINGS &REST parameter.
<_death> clhs
<specbot> Specifiers for keyword parameters: http://www.lispworks.com/reference/HyperSpec/Body/03_dad.htm
<ixelp> CLHS: Section
<_death> "In this case the remaining arguments are used for both purposes; that is, all remaining arguments are made into a list for the rest parameter, and are also processed for the &key parameters."
<_death> in your case, either remove &rest specifier and just pass a list of strings and possible key arguments (the sane option), or leave &rest and remove &key and do your own keyword-like processing in the function (the stareyed teenage lisper option)
<beach> _death: How would removing the &REST parameter make it possible to pass a list of strings?
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<_death> beach: the signature would then be (defun string-join (strings &key (sep ...)) ...)
<beach> Ah, so you mean add a required parameter, which you didn't say.
<_death> beach: right, I said remove the specifier not the variable
<younder> _death, yeah that's what I did
<beach> _death: That's a "lambda-list keyword", not a "specifier".
<beach> ... which is why I didn't understand.
<_death> beach: you're right :)
<younder> just (string-join (list "string1 "string2"))
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<_death> beach: (just a small note, lambda-list keywords are specifiers.. I could've been more specific)
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<_death> ok, I'm wrong again :).. "Each element of a lambda list is either a parameter specifier or a lambda list keyword.", so the specifier would be the symbol STRINGS.. now I need to internalize this terminological update ;)
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<dnhester`> does anyone here use coleslaw?
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<beach> _death: Good luck! :)
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<younder> I think I finally got the rationale after reading https://www.cs.cmu.edu/Groups/AI/html/cltl/clm/node64.html
<ixelp> 5.2.2. Lambda-Expressions
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<jcowan> I'm done here, at least for the present. I'll still be available on #scheme (or so I expect) and #lisp (or so I expect).
<younder> The hyperspec is too obtuse for me, I need examples.
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<edgar-rft> younder: Practical Common Lisp has a whole chapter about &optional, &rest, and &key parameters and what happens if you mix them with examples -> https://gigamonkeys.com/book/functions
<ixelp> Functions
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<shka> hi all
<ixelp> gist:1987d66741d19656e8ed67670d7602f9 · GitHub
<shka> keys and padding are fine
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<mrvdb> hi commonlisp! The line https://github.com/antifuchs/idna/blob/develop/decode.lisp#L16 causes a compile failure (I am on a ppc64 machine, using GUIX, sbcl 2.4.0) Is this implementation dependent? I'm assuming, given the age of that code, it has compiled successfully.
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<shka> what is the error to be exact?
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<ixelp> dpaste/K8K3b (Python)
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<shka> oh, that is likely not because of debug!
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<mrvdb> oh? commenting out the line fixes it though
<shka> yeah, but this check OUTPUT variable
<shka> it starts as nil
<shka> then it becomes some list because of nconc
<shka> but in line 97, it is used as a vector
<shka> that's why Derived type of COMMON-LISP-USER::OUTPUT is list
<shka> but asserted type is vector
<mrvdb> yeah, i understand the cause of the error, i'm just surprised it wont compile given the age of the code and usage in other packages.
<shka> add something like for elt on output in line 95
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<shka> and replace (aref output i) with (car elt) in line 97
<shka> and line 98
<shka> then it should be fine, i think
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<shka> uh, this code is so ugly
* mrvdb nods
<shka> this could be just (map 'string (lambda (case-flag output) (if case-flag (char-code (char-upcase (code-char output)))))) output) case-flags output)
<shka> also code-char inside lambda
<shka> still, just one map, no need for loop AND map
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<shka> *gosh*
<shka> i can't think today and this ironclad question shows
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