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<josrr> shka: I don't know if it's what you need, but the make-cipher function receives the :padding parameter
<ixelp> GitHub - sharplispers/ironclad: A cryptographic toolkit written in Common Lisp
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<MommyDearest> when I start slime, i get a warning about swank versions being mis-matched, but I can't figure out what to update/upgrade. any suggestions would be helpful!
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<MommyDearest> i tried using package-upgrade-all
<MommyDearest> i manually removed/re-installed slime
<MommyDearest> the actual error:
<MommyDearest> Versions differ: 2.29.1 (slime) vs. 2.28 (swank). Continue? (y or n)
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<MommyDearest> sorry, wrong channel.
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<dnhester`> has anyone here ever used ocicl?
<dnhester`> mfiano: have you used it? How does it compare to the julia package manager you were so happy about?
<dnhester`> MommyDearest: Usually that means you have two versions of slime being loaded. If you are useing roswell, check your roswell directory where a slime folder should be available, and then you can delete the one emacs's package install downloaded...
<ixelp> GitHub - ocicl/ocicl: An OCI-based ASDF system distribution and management tool for Common Lisp
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<mfiano> I have not as it didn't interest me, using alternative delimited file formats and, per project dependencies can't work with the image-based development workflow I and many others use.
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<dnhester`> mfiano: thanks for replying. I am just curious that's why I asked. I don't know anything about OCI so I didn't follow the docs. I read your critique praising the julia package manager and was wondering if this was similar. you spoke about how you ported some of your code to julia, would the opposite be easy as well? Would it take a lot of effort to port the julia package manager to CL to serve as an alternative to quicklisp?
<dnhester`> the pkg.jl documentation is beautiful
<mfiano> That praise was a long time ago and only really applies because it is a batch-compiled language at the end of the day.
<mfiano> Lisp is an image-based language, and the package system prevents the same package name existing in the same image. Attempts to 80% this are usually by those coming from languages that haven't fully leveraged this ability yet, in my opinion.
<mfiano> THose types of package systems make sense when programs development involves compiling files up front. In Lisp, we don't have to use LOAD or COMPILE-FILE to invoke the compiler even.
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<mfiano> Julia is an image-based language, with many similarities to CL, but it has to precompile everything with LLVM up front, and is designed to work with packages having the same name. Infact, some years ago, I dismissed Julia because the package (in the CL sense of the word, module for Julia) system was so buggy because of this. Live recompiling a function would, infact, define a new package with
<mfiano> the same name for that new function, and the REPL would be in a same-name/different-identity package with no intuitive way to know what is what.
<mfiano> Languages that try to mimick CL's features often do it poorly when the gestault of everything is put together, and Julia is no exception, despite it being my second choice, if I ever had to not use CL (at the time I "switched" to Julia, I was not in a very good state of mind. I am happily using CL)
<mfiano> The beauty of CL is not its features, but how they all fit together seamlessly (mostly) and written out in stone for many years and many more to come.
<mfiano> It is a work of art, the lengthy and expensive design/standardization process.
<dnhester`> mfiano: thanks for taking the time to write that. I've had issues myself with the versions of packages, and I very much dislike that quicklisp is not secure by default (https). I am using qlot, which has worked fine so far, but I wish quicklisp would support versions of packages, and that we didn't depend on a person to decide what get's in the registry or not.
<mfiano> You may be interested in CLPM
<mfiano> I have tried it before, but I can't speak of it these days.
<mfiano> etimmons may be still working on it, but I have not seen them around in some time.
<dnhester`> Does anyone use the CL Critic? https://courses.cs.northwestern.edu/325/exercises/critic.html#critic Sorry I had accumulated a bunch of questions for a while. I noticed that there is no default linting discussed in the sources I've read. That's why I am asking. I know there are style guides, but it would definitely be useful to get style warnings as I'm compiling my functions into the repl...
<ixelp> CS325 Code Testing Tools
<dnhester`> clpm I'll check it out, thanks
<dnhester`> looks like the last commit was two years ago, but that's not necessarily a bad thing if it works better than quicklisp https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/clpm/clpm
<ixelp> clpm / clpm · GitLab
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<mfiano> So, I guess the tldr is, Julia has in a very good source code loading system for being a batch-compiled language, or any language, dynamic or not, that operates on file units. I had the fortune of nearly simultaneously picking up CL and Python when I started to get serious about learning to program, and I dropped Python after about a year. Not because of its speed or because it is interpreted,
<mfiano> but because it is such a slow process to have to load files instead of modifying the code you want now. I was getting more practical, working applications done with less time spent learning Lisp, than I was with the addition year of Python experience and more time allocated to trying to bend it to my liking.
<mfiano> (and I guess that was definitely not a tldr)
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<mfiano> At the end of the day, application performance doesn't matter if a program never gets completed. CL makes it easy to prototype and you have an array of choices for performance for your particular hardware/platform, in-language and implementation choice.
<calx> true
<mfiano> A word of wisdom if you will: I find that most of programming is thinking about programming, rather than typing out source code. Take breaks from programming and let the subconscious think, and have a design plan to start. It is more efficient.
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<mm007emko> Since the vast majority of SW projects spend the vast majority of their time in "production" or "maintenance" phase (however you call it), even for longer projects, the coding speed is not that important. Maintainability and flexibility
<mm007emko> are the most important.
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<mm007emko> So I'd optimize for fast prototyping, readability and flexibility.
<mm007emko> A project, which never hits its market at least as a functioning prototype, is never created.
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<mm007emko> If you can't make the project reasonably performant, the costs of running it can make you go out of business. If you can't make new features, competitors can take over. If you can't fix bugs or change its behaviour, customers might be upset.
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<mm007emko> If your project breaks when a dependency is updated, it's a lost time. I have been spending the last 3 months updating a larger Python code because of breaking changes on dependencies. I wouldn't like to do that if I wasn't paid (I am so I don't care, using shite like Python at least provides a job security :) )
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<green_> dnhester`, be sure to check out ocicl: https://github.com/ocicl/ocicl -- it is https-always, and supports package versioning, among other things.
<ixelp> GitHub - ocicl/ocicl: An OCI-based ASDF system distribution and management tool for Common Lisp
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<dnhester`> mfiano: mm007emko: thanks for your thoughts
<dnhester`> green_: yeah, that's how the conversation started: I asked mfiano if he used it and his thoughts
<dnhester`> green_: do you use it?
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<mfiano> I would assume from the name they are the author
<dnhester`> ah haha
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<green_> yes, I wrote it and use it!
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<dnhester`> green_: I don't know much about kubernets so the readme page is not so easy to read. it feels like I need to know how OCI works to understand what's going on. I'm going to tinker with it when I finish a milesone in my current project and I have some time to explore. Does it work with qlot or is it meant to replace both quicklisp and qlot?
<dnhester`> It would be nice if the docs had a simpler quickstart detailing usage, and change the title of the current quickstart to be "tutorial"
<dnhester`> green_: out of curiosity: why did you have to make a fork of every repo instead of just adding links to the existing repositories?
<green_> I just saw that, and mifano's comments now. re: mifano's comments ... ocicl doesn't force you into per-project dependencies, as you can use a global system collection. I'm not sure what the concern is with alternative delimited file formats. Perhaps he's referring to systems.csv. I'm not sure what the concern is really, as that's just an implementation detail. It does solve important problems with quicklisp,
<green_> although I realize that if you aren't experiencing those problems there's little reason to switch.
<green_> dnhester`, I did not make a fork of every repo
<jmercouris> what is a good naming convention for semaphores?
<jmercouris> you know how we have "-p" for predicate, something equivalent?
<bjorkint0sh> unicode flag?
<bjorkint0sh> U+2691 :-)
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<green_> dnhester`, there's a repo for every project, but it just contains metadata. The nice thing about doing it this way is that you can leverage github actions to build and publish new versions on a project by project basis by just updating the metadata (git commit hash, release version, etc).
<jmercouris> bjorkint0sh: what?
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<jmercouris> are you implying sempahores are bad?
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<bjorkint0sh> how?
<jmercouris> a black flag?
<bjorkint0sh> U+1F38C <- or this.
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<jmercouris> I was hoping for a more serious suggestion
<jmercouris> I'm not about to start adding emojis and unicode to my source tree
<bjorkint0sh> as you were.
<dnhester`> green_: got it. thanks for the explanation
<green_> dnhester`, you don't need to understand OCI. That's really just an implementation detail.
<dnhester`> green_: yeah, I just fell lost when reading the docs.
<green_> By using OCI we get to use lots of great free tooling, and free hosting/bandwidth.
<jmercouris> seems a lot of poeple use "-sem" in their source code
<green_> That's good feedback. I'll see about making the docs easier to use.
<jmercouris> or "-semaphore"
<dnhester`> green_: ok, I just don't know as a user what I'm supposed to know or not
<dnhester`> maybe that's dev docs instead of usage docs
<green_> good point.
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<dnhester`> it looks like a cool project if it solves the issues, but it's just too confusing to be able to take it in in 5 or 10 minutes, which is what I would expect at most from a package manager
<yitzi> green_: the number of repos in in oci is bit overwhelming and I don't find the "all-ocicl..." file to be useful to figure out if my systems are included. Perhaps a file dump of the git addresses?
<green_> Just run "ocicl list SYSTEMNAME"
<dnhester`> is it available from the repl like quicklisp? (package-manager:apropos "name")?
<dnhester`> is there a quickload access or it just downloads and then in ASDF I have to load the project?
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<green_> dnhester`, no it's not available from the repl, but that's a good idea. Once the ocicl-runtime package is loaded, ASDF can download and load systems in one go by setting ocicl-runtime:*download* to t
<green_> (asdf:load-system "cl-ppcre") will do it all.
<yitzi> green_: I manage a few CL packages in the Arch AUR. I can look into making one for ocicl if you want.
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<yitzi> For system-wide installation of the CLI that is.
<green_> That would be great. I will likely do the same for Fedora soon.
<green_> (I work at Red Hat)
<yitzi> Sounds good
<green_> For the OS package, I will leverage the system's oras package, and not use the bundled one. Does Arch has oras packaged?
<yitzi> Yes, there is one in the AUR.
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<dnhester`> green_: oh right, that was in the docs. thanks.
<dnhester`> green_: I re read the docs again, this is pretty cool. good job. it looks like quicklisp and qlot combined (not sure if I'm missing qlot functionality, but for the parts that I've been using at least). I will probably move from quicklisp to your project pretty soon, it's actually pretty cool. However I had to read the docs 3 times for it to sink in
<dnhester`> !
<dnhester`> I would write it with sections: global mode, per environment mode. I would make the --global option a setting you can just set once, that would be mfiano's use case
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<dnhester`> like --set-global-mode-permanent
<dnhester`> or disable
<dnhester`> so that's very nice
<dnhester`> The last thing: is there a way to search for systems? You are loading with asdf based on providing asdf a list of available distros? so maybe there's an asdf search we can do from the repl? or is it only with `ocicl list` in the terminal
<dnhester`> ?
<dnhester`> "I would write it with sections" meaning the usage part, skipping any implementation details for some other part of the docs, and have a sub sections under usage: global environment or multiple environments (instead of calling it per project), and have subsections for installing, downloading systems, finding systems, submitting a system, deleting systems, updating systems, fixing a version of a system, etc... it will make it much easier
<dnhester`> to read and probably much easier for people to use your project
<dnhester`> I would offer to help, but I am swamped with other projects right now for the technical reference and others
<dnhester`> good job though, it looks cool
<green_> Thanks for the feedback.
<yitzi> green_: the binary in the oras package is just called "oras". Is that gonna work with ocicl? I see that the makefile renames it to oras-ocicl
<yitzi> I guess it renames it ocicl-oras
<yitzi> Looks like it is hard wired in various format calls
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<ixelp> AUR (en) - ocicl
<Bubblegumdrop> Hey people using ocicl
<Bubblegumdrop> oh, it's green_
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<beach> I just love those TYPE-ERROR messages: "The value NIL is not of type CONS". Er, yes, I know that.
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<beach> ,(+ 'hello 1)
<ixelp> (+ 'hello 1) ERROR: The value HELLO is not of the expected type NUMBER.
<beach> That's a tad better, but not much.
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<jmercouris> Is there some sort of succinct way to write "try this function until no condition is raised"?
<jmercouris> some sort of helper function?
<jmercouris> or macro?
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<beach> jmercouris: You mean you try it on different arguments each time? Otherwise, I would expect the same result each time.
<jmercouris> beach: no, I am waiting on I/O
<beach> jmercouris: And conditions are "signaled", not "raised".
<jmercouris> I'm waiting for a socket to open
<jmercouris> sorry, my vocabulary is mixed with previous languages I know
<jmercouris> basically I want to call: `iolib:with-open-socket` until the socket is actually openable
<jmercouris> the socket is not managed by me in Lisp, it is another process that will open the socket
<pkal> jmercouris: with timeouts?
<jmercouris> pkal: doesn't matter, either way
<jmercouris> timeouts are a good idea, for now I just want to avoid sending data to the socket until I know it is ready
<pkal> why not just (loop (with-open-socket ...)) and (return) at the end of ...
<bike> does iolib not have a 'wait until this socket is openable' kind of function? seems like something it would have. you know, actual polling
<jmercouris> yes, that is of course possible, I'm just thinking of a one liner
<jmercouris> you know what, it probably does, and I will investigate iolib
<jmercouris> that's a good point
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<beach> jmercouris: Otherwise you can use IGNORE-ERRORS, and check in a loop whether an error was signaled.
<jmercouris> beach: yes, that is an option indeed... indeed
<fe[nl]ix> jmercouris: a loop is the right solution
<fe[nl]ix> the socket API doesn't have a way to poll for when the remote side becomes available
<fe[nl]ix> and after you issue a connect() and you get an error, the socket must be closed and cannot be used for further operations
<jmercouris> fe[nl]ix: OK, a loop it is...
<jmercouris> I wish it wasn't so, but such is life
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<jmercouris> I had a feeling you were right, I've been grepping around in iolib, and yeah, nothing
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<beach> jmercouris: A loop isn't hard. Something like (loop for result = (ignore-errors <call>) while (null result) finally (return result))
<beach> ... provided that NIL is not a value that your call should return, of course.
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<jmercouris> beach: yes, of course, I did with "until"
<jmercouris> I don't really care for the result actually, I just want to know the socket is ready
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<jmercouris> this is what I've got in the end: `(loop for probe = (ignore-errors (send-message-interface interface "0")) until (equalp "0" probe))`
<jmercouris> send-message-interface attempts to open a socket, send some code, and if it returns "0", we're OK!
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<beach> Sure, that's fine.
<green_> yitzi: I don't know much about arch, but it looks like your package is x86_64 only. One of the problems with upgrading sbcl in Fedora is that it appears to be broken on ppc64. Does arch support ppc64, and if so -- what version of sbcl is in there?
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<yitzi> the oras is x86 only so adding arch "any" won't do much here.
<yitzi> But yes, it wouldn't hurt either.
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<yitzi> But, I guess I missed the point of your question.
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<green_> It's more about sbcl and ppc64 arch. Does arch support ppc64? If so, what version of sbcl is in there? I'm having trouble upgrading sbcl in Fedora because it doesn't pass the CI tests.
<yitzi> The main Arch dist is x86 only. There is a separate arm dist. Looks they have sbcl for aarch64 and armv7h
<green_> No power? Ok.
<yitzi> Sorry.
<green_> In Fedora, we try to keep version affinity across all architectures (x86, arm, power, z). I'll bring this up the sbcl people again.
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<yitzi> green_: I had to replace the "ocicl-oras" calls with just "oras". Might need to make the binary pathname configurable or just "oras" all the time.
<green_> I renamed it so it wouldn't conflict with verions people might have on their systems already. Maybe a simlink is the way to go. I'll think about it.
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<yitzi> I don't think symlinking to a binary in a different package is a great idea.
<yitzi> But, for now sed works so no worries.
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<Shinmera> beach: (loop thereis (ignore-errors ...))
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<Mondenkind> Shinmera: that doesn't work if ... successfully returns nil
<Mondenkind> need (prog1 t ...) or w/e
<Shinmera> sure but that same problem exists with beach's example
<Shinmera> thereis is an oft-overlooked loop operator
* Mondenkind 💜 thereis
<Mondenkind> (and band problems and to a lesser extent boolean blindness are ... a thing in cl. I don't have a solution though I like cps in some cases. E.G. the low-level interface to my hash table is (lookup table key on-success on-failure), where on-success is a continuation that gets passed the value and a further continuation to update it, and on-failure just gets the update continuation. This isn't
<Mondenkind> perfectly safe, since you could escape the update function, or do concurrent updates to the table from within the continuations, but imo it's better than other approaches I've seen on most counts)
* Pixel_Outlaw looves a good filthy LOOP :D
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