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<beach> Do we know the definition of the phrase "it is an error" as used in the dictionary entry for FUNCTION?
<beach> Apparently, it does not mean that an error is signaled, because that page simultaneously says that "it is an error" and "An implementation may choose not to signal this error...".
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<beach> ::clhs function
<ixelp> CLHS: Meanings for FUNCTION
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<mfiano> error n. 1. (only in the phrase ``is an error'') a situation in which the semantics of a program are not specified, and in which the consequences are undefined.
<beach> Oh, thank you!!!
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<mfiano> Admittedly, it took me a minute as well. I am so used to defaulting to 1.4.2
<beach> Yeah.
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<beach> In case you wonder what I am doing, I am slowly adding more information to the pages created by dnhester26, and improving the examples. In the case of AND and OR, I added a paragraph explaining why they can't be used with APPLY, and what to do instead if you feel that need. For FUNCTION, I added a paragraph explaining what "it is an error" means.
<beach> I also fix incorrect markup when appropriate.
<beach> I would encourage #commonlisp participants to take a page and edit it in similar ways.
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<beach> For example, you can start with the pages that says "Exceptional situations: None." and add a paragraph that explains the consequences of not respecting the type restrictions in the Syntax section.
<beach> Like for AREF: "The consequences are undefined if the first argument to AREF is an object other than an array."
<beach> Stuff like that.
<beach> s/the pages that/a page that/
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<beach> Maybe we should add a section "Undefined or unspecified situations" to several pages?
<beach> Those sections could then also be a good source of information for WSCL.
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<beach> Another thing people can do is to replace top-level SETQ in examples by DEFPARAMETER, and other uses of SETQ by SETF.
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<beach> If I am the only one doing this, and I do one page per day, it is going to take me years to finish.
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<agm> every time that the clhs describes an argument to a macro as (for example) "a symbol; evaluated" it really means "an object that must evaluate to a symbol", right? that's obvious enough, but I would prefer a clearer wording
<beach> I believe that is always what it means, yes.
<beach> agm: I can't tell whether you are suggesting editing pages like that so that the wording is clearer, or whether this is just a question of yours.
<beach> Oh, and I would use "a form that must evaluate to a symbol" rather than "an object..."
<agm> well, that could be an improvement. in current wording, a newbie might think that type checking is applied to the form, not to the result of the form
<beach> I agree.
<mfiano> I'm sorry, but where in the spec is this wording? Because I interpret "a symbol; evaluated" as "an object that must be a symbol, that evaluates in the current lexical environment to an object of any type"
<beach> Wouldn't that be a strange restriction?
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<mfiano> I am not sure. I just saw this quote and have no context.
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<beach> But your remarks is more evidence that phrases like that could be made more clear.
<beach> *remark
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<mfiano> A quick look only found some "form; evaluated"
<beach> I don't remember seeing that particular phrase, but I do remember having doubts about the meaning of similar ones.
<beach> It is always in the context of a macro, I think.
<mfiano> with-input-from-string: "a form; evaluated to produce a string", with-compilation-unit: "a generalized boolean; evaluated", with-slots: "a form; evaluted to produce instance"
<agm> today I met this wording in DO-SYMBOLS. it says that package must be "a package designator; evaluated". the stricter meaning would mean you can't pass any form that produces a string or a package object, like ,(car (list-all-packages))
<ixelp> (car (list-all-packages)) => #<Package "COMMON-LISP-USER">
<beach> Yes, that could definitely be improved.
<beach> I would have written "a form that must evaluate to a package designator".
<mfiano> I see
<beach> In fact, I would probably do that for all macros and special operators when an argument is to be evaluated.
<beach> "a form that..."
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<beach> Maybe "a form that evaluates to a package designator" rather than "... must evaluate...".
<beach> The wording in (say) WITH-HASH-TABLE-ITERATOR is better.
<beach> "a form, evaluated once, that should produce a hash table"
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<younder> WITH-HASH-TABLE-ITERATOR hmm. The first thing I would do with such a name is abbreviate it. But the I also use vbind for multiple-value-bind. I believe Paul Graham's On Lisp has the macros needed to translate special forms.
<aeth> m-v-b is fine, m-v-c is a little more problematic with the verbosity
<aeth> the difference being that multiple-value-bind is mostly on its own line, while (multiple-value-call #'+ ...) is competing with (+ ...)
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<lispmacs[work]> Hi, I'm trying to experiment with running common lisp in org code blocks
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<lispmacs[work]> I'm trying to specify the package as a header, but it doesn't seem to be working
<lispmacs[work]> so, I expect #+BEGIN_SRC lisp :package :h1500-screen
<lispmacs[work]> to cause the code to be executed in the h1500-screen package, but instead
<lispmacs[work]> it executes in the CL-USER package
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<lispmacs[work]> can I capture all standard output into a string? I see WITH-OUTPUT-TO-STRING but am not quite sure exactly how I want to use it
<lispmacs[work]> I woudl need to set *standard-output* temporarily...?
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<yitzi> You can do `(with-output-to-sting (*standard-output*) ...)`
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<skin> `*standard-output*` is a dynamic variable, so you can just `let` it.
<skin> ```
<skin> (with-output-to-string (captured-out)
<skin> (let ((*standard-output* captured-out))
<skin> ...
<skin> ))
<skin> ```
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<yitzi> The let is not needed
<aeth> right... with-output-to-string (*standard-output*) still rebinds it
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<skin> cool
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