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<thuna`> Is there a way to do the reverse of ,,(loop :for x :on '(1 2 3) :by #'butlast collect x),,?
<thuna`> ,(loop :for x :on '(1 2 3) :by #'butlast collect x)
<ixelp> (loop :for x :on '(1 2 3) :by #'butlast collect x) => ((1 2 3) (1 2) (1))
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<thuna`> Nevermind, it's MAPL/MAPLIST, although that does mean not using LOOP
<hayley> Not ,(loop for x on '(1 2 3) collect x)?
<ixelp> (loop for x on '(1 2 3) collect x) => ((1 2 3) (2 3) (3))
<mfiano> 'reverse' is not well-defined. The output list reversed?
<thuna`> No, I need it to be ((1) (1 2) (1 2 3))
<thuna`> Sorry, I guess it was kind of ambiguous
<hayley> ,(reverse (loop for x on '(1 2 3) by #'butlast collect x))
<ixelp> (reverse (loop for x on '(1 2 3) by #'butlast collect x)) => ((1) (1 2) (1 2 3))
<thuna`> hayley: The goal is (loop for x on '(1 2 3) by #'something ... do some important stuff)
<thuna`> The :COLLECT was just to show what I wanted X to be at each iteration
<hayley> I don't think you can write SOMETHING (easily), as it needs to add values from the list which aren't in X.
<mfiano> Well easy would be (loop for x on '(1 2 3) by #'butlast :collect x :into result :finally (return (nreverse result)))
<mfiano> ,(loop for x on '(1 2 3) by #'butlast :collect x :into result :finally (return (nreverse result)))
<ixelp> (loop for x on '(1 2 3) by #'butlast :collect x :into result :finally (return (nreverse result))) => ((1) (1 2) (1 2 3))
<thuna`> mfiano: You can't pack additional LOOP directives with that approach, unless you are doing the equivalent of (loop for x in (maplist 'identity '(1 2 3)) ... important stuff)
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<thuna`> Wait... MAPLIST doesn't do what I want, why did I think it did?
<thuna`> Disregard
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<mfiano> The act of just invoking butlast once if not keeping a pointer is bad. Doing this in a loop is worse. Doing the additional linear access and then reversing, which may be optimal in-place, is...again...not the best. There are ways to do this better, but if you ever need to use #'last or #'butlast or similar, you really should be rethinking how your data got to that part of the program.
<mfiano> Unless this is all macroexpansion time stuff, but still could be broken up into more appropriate functions.
<thuna`> I don't expect the length of the given list to be more than 5 typically, so it's not that detrimental, but you're right, it's probably better to just refactor the thing a bit
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<mfiano> By the way, map-product is very similar to what you're after, with that one example anyway
<thuna`> map-product?
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<mfiano> (loop for x on '(1 2 3) by #'butlast :collect x :into result :finally (return (nreverse result))) ; => ((1) (2 1) (3 2 1))
<mfiano> whoa
<mfiano> wrong paste
<mfiano> (let ((result nil)) (alexandria:map-product (lambda (x) (push x result)) (list 1 2 3))) ; => ((1) (2 1) (3 2 1))
<mfiano> result is only an accumulator. It should probably be called as such. It is not the result
<thuna`> Hmm, good to know that something like it exists for the future, though I already changed it up
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<mfiano> And, if you wanted, you could just put a reverse around the push, or get fancier with less traversal with more tail keeping
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<thuna`> ,(let ((list '(1 2 3))) (unless (null list) (do* ((exit nil (null list)) (x (list (pop list))) (tail x (setf (cdr tail) (cons (pop list) nil)))) (exit) (format t "~S " x))))
<ixelp> (let ((list '(1 2 3))) (unless (null list) (do* ((exit nil (null list)) (x (list (pop list))) (tail x (setf (cdr tail) (cons (pop list) nil)))) (exit) (format t "~S " x)))) (1) (1 2) (1 2 3) => NIL
<thuna`> The properly indented version: https://0x0.st/Hd-5.txt
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<semz> Why does LOOP not allow termination tests before variable clauses? Is this just a spec oversight or is there a reasonable implementation of LOOP that wouldn't be able to handle that?
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<semz> (I'm aware that most LOOP impls support this as an extension)
<beach> Actually, it may allow it. There is a phrase indicating that in the standard. But that phrase is not reflected in the grammar.
<beach> clhs 6.1.4
<ixelp> CLHS: Section 6.1.4
<beach> "Termination-test control constructs can be used anywhere within the loop body."
<semz> hm
<semz> Does "loop body" have an explicit definition? I could see variable clauses being considered part of some kind of "preamble"
<semz> "The termination tests are used in the order in which they appear." might also clash with whether loop variables are rebound or reassigned on each iteration
<beach> I don't think so. I don't know whether it is formally stated, but the loop clauses are mostly executed in order.
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<beach> But there are several gaps in the LOOP specification. It is not clear, for instance, whether a for-as-arithmetic variable can take on a value outside the ones implied by the iteration.
<beach> MIT LOOP does assign such values, but Khazern does not.
<beach> ,(loop for i from 1 to 4 finally (return i))
<ixelp> (loop for i from 1 to 4 finally (return i)) => 5
<beach> That would return 4 in Khazern.
* semz seems to recall some fun related to this and type declarations from a while ago
<beach> Yes: ,(loop for i of-type (unsigned-byte 2) from 0 below 4 finally (return i))
<ixelp> (loop for i of-type (unsigned-byte 2) from 0 below 4 finally (return i)) ; Warning: The form 4 evaluated to 4, which was not of the anticipated type #1=(UNSIGNED-BYTE 2). ↩ ; Current LOOP context: FOR I OF-TYPE #1# FROM 0 BELOW 4 FINALLY. ↩ ; While executing: ANSI-LOOP::LOOP-WARN, in process Initial(0). ↩ => 4
<beach> That works in Khazern.
<beach> When I rewrite the standard, I'll fix that problem. :)
<semz> hehe
<beach> Unlike other WSCL issues, that one might be controversial, though, since pretty much all implementations use MIT or something similar.
<beach> ... and I suspect people would rather their implementation be wrong that taking the time to fix it.
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<beach> Of course, they wouldn't have to fix it if they use Khazern instead.
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<gilberth> scymtym: Well, the task is to tell whether FOO is known as a declaration. You mentioned SB-CLTL2:DECLARTION-INFORMATION. But it is buggy and doesn't report e.g. SB-EXT:MUFFLE-CONDITIONS as a known declaration. Which I kind of expected actually because I found that CLtL2 API being buggy in general. It's buggy for CCL as, but CCL:DECLARATION-INFORMATION works just fine. CCL reports all declarations including built-in.
<gilberth> Thus the questions remains, with SBCL how to tell whether FOO is a known declaration or not? So far I haven't found a way.
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<scymtym> gilberth: is it buggy and doesn't report certain declarations or is it buggy because it doesn't report certain declarations?
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<gilberth> It doesn't report e.g. SB-EXT:MUFFLE-CONDITIONS as a declaration, which it is, it's not a type.
<scymtym> i see. i wasn't sure whether you had discovered other problems in addition to that
<sabrac> Hello everyone
<beach> Hello sabrac.
<gilberth> No, I was just curious whether I can find a way with SBCL to answer the question whether (DECLARE (FOO X)) is a type declaration or not.
<gilberth> Something a macro writer might need.
<beach> My guess is that SB-CLTL2:DECLARATION-INFORMATION is reporting only stuff that has been proclaimed as DECLARATION, so that the compiler should ignore it. That is not the case for the implementation-specific declarations, of course, and you are probably supposed to know what they are.
<beach> It would probably be better to find the SBCL-specific operator for figuring out type definitions.
<beach> .. and by "you are supposed to", I really meant "one is supposed to".
<scymtym> maybe the question can be approached from the other side using the second value of SB-INTROSPECT:DEFTYPE-LAMBDA-LIST. but i'm not sure that the union of all classes and all types identified via that function is equal to all types
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<gilberth> beach: Sure. I would need to read the compiler, copy, paste, hard-code a list of declarations and then closely watch any changes in SBCL. Great!
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<gilberth> btw. SB-C:INFO doesn't report implementation-defined declarations either.
<beach> I didn't say it was good.
<gilberth> And as mentioned the other night: There are two questions a Lisp system may need to answer: (1) Is FOO a type? (2) Is FOO a declaration? It might be neither.
<beach> Indeed.
<gilberth> From a macro writer perspective I believe erroring on the "FOO is a type" side has a greater chance of success than erroring on the "FOO is a declaration" side. Hence I was focusing on the question about being a declaration here.
<gilberth> My line of reasoning is: Suppose there is a declaration (that you are not aware of) called AUTHOR. And you want to implement LET* as a macro. You have a greater chance of success, I believe, when you make (LET ((JOE 10) (JANE 20)) (DECLARE (AUTHOR JOE)) ...) into (LET ((JOE 10)) (DECLARE (AUTHOR JOE)) (LET ((JANE 20)) ...) ...) instead of (LET ((JOE 10)) (LET ((JANE 20)) (DECLARE (AUTHOR JOE)) ...) ...)
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<bike> probably also a greater chance given how rare it is to proclaim DECLARATIONs at all.
<gilberth> bike: I doubt that implementation-defined declaration are rare. I mean, the authors of the Lisp implementation put them there for some reason, don't they?
<gilberth> No issue for a user-defined LET* though as it sees user code, but might be an issue, when I attempt to code walk a bit.
<bike> not as rare as someone putting in their own declaration, but still less common than type declarations
<bike> i'm not saying there shouldn't be some way to tell, of course
<bike> tangent: it just occurred to me that the underdevelopment of declarations is inconvenient. imagine if multiple implementations had something like sb-ext:muffle-conditions (e.g. if i implemented it for cleavir). there'd be no way to even have a portability library defining an alias. code would have to do #+sbcl #+clasp everywhere.
<bike> i mean, inconvenient in this specific way. i already knew it was inconvenient
<beach> Heh.
<gilberth> My reason for erroring on the type side: SBCL, while compiling, doesn't know whether FOO is a class or not. It is notoriously bad at separating compile-time from run-time environments and FIND-CLASS still isn't working.
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<gilberth> So I would expect this spilling over to whatever means I would find to ask the question "Is FOO a type?". But I haven't bothered looking.
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<Bubblegumdrop> (let ((path #P"/tmp/some/file.type")) (make-pathname :name (pathname-name path) :type (pathname-type path))) ;; Does this code exist in cl already? There's pathname-name and pathname-type, I feel like "extract the full filename.type" is a common enough operation?
<bike> i think in sbcl you might have to dip into sb-int:info to check if something's a type. which would be bad.
<gilberth> Here is a test for FIND-CLASS and results: https://termbin.com/a35b
<bike> Bubblegumdrop: i believe that is pathname-utils:to-file https://github.com/Shinmera/pathname-utils
<ixelp> GitHub - Shinmera/pathname-utils: A collection of utilities to help with pathname operations.
<bike> (in which case it is not a standard function, no)
<Shinmera> ::clhs file-namestring
<Colleen> Clhs: function namestring, file-namestring... https://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/f_namest.htm
<Shinmera> the oft forgot file-namestring
<bike> but that doesn't give you a pathname, right?
<gilberth> Still, after this issue has been known for ages, they could have fixed FIND-CLASS.
<Shinmera> sure
<Shinmera> if it has to be a pathname then yes the pathname-utils function you linked is adequate
<gilberth> bike: Neverthless, I'm fine with implementation-specific means. For my declaration or type questions I would need some anyway, as ANSI-CL provides no way.
<bike> yeah, i mean it would be nice if there was at least an implementation export. i used sb-int in a portability library once and it's just been headaches
<gilberth> Yes, especially when you want to do that with an implementation, that you otherwise don't use. Before you noticed, your tapping into internals breaks.
<Bubblegumdrop> Thanks!
<bike> for an actual deftype type, you could use sb-ext:typexpand. but that wouldn't cover implementation types. like the alien types probably.
<younder> Who added that! :)
* younder wonders if the full CL hyperspec will be available on wikipedia
<Shinmera> it won't because of copyright
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<yagkasha> in slime, I cannot get 'go-to-definition' to work after loading slime.
<yagkasha> or M-.
<yagkasha> I have 'slime-edit-definition' bound to M-.
<younder> Have you tried M-x slime-edit-definition?
<yagkasha> On 'defun' and doing slime-edit-definition I get: "slime-push-definition-stack: Symbol’s value as variable is void: find-tag-marker-ring"
<younder> Well I use sly so I use sly-edit-definition, but it works fine here. (I think it does for most slime users too)
<younder> All I can say is you probably broke something.. Perhaps a setting in Emacs?
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<ixelp> cd.lisp · GitHub
<yagkasha> so I am getting an error in sly as well
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<yagkasha> I have the same error in ecl as well as sbcl
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<ixelp> error in slime · GitHub
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<younder> ,(defun join-strings (list separator) (format nil (concatenate 'string "~{~A~^" separator "~}") list))
<ixelp> (defun join-strings (list separator) (format nil (concatenate 'string "~{~A~^" separator "~}") list)) => JOIN-STRINGS
<shka> hi all
<shka> i need HMAC-based Extract-and-Expand Key Derivation Function (HKDF) in Lisp
<shka> irocnlad has derive-key function and HMACD KDF but i am not sure if it does what i want
<younder> ,(join-strings (list "the" "fat" "cat" "shat" "on" "the" "mat") " ")
<ixelp> (join-strings (list "the" "fat" "cat" "shat" "on" "the" "mat") " ") ERROR: Undefined function JOIN-STRINGS called with arguments (("the" "fat" "cat" "shat" "on" "the" "mat") " ") .
<shka> source code seems to say "yes" but i thought it would be good to check it here
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<younder> I think the reason lispers put up with the CL library's lousy string functions is because the all-powerful format let's you work around it.
<gilberth> younder: You just coded a major security hole.
<gilberth> I mean, what happens when separator includes a tilde?
<gilberth> But then the urge to paste strings already pushes you to that unsafe realm.
<younder> You get a format error?
<gilberth> younder: ~/EVIL-FUN/
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<younder> Perhaps.. Seems a bit contrived
<gilberth> How so?
<gilberth> Would I as a user of your function expect that the separator parameter is spliced into a format string?
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<gilberth> Try (join-string "~-1*" '("a" "b")) e.g.
<younder> What I really want is a curry so I could write (apply (curry concatenate 'string) (zip list (duplicate "\\" (length list))))
<gilberth> Like (defun curry (fun &rest args) #'(lambda (&rest more) (apply fun (append args more))))?
<gilberth> That's one-liner.
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<younder> That is cool!
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<gilberth> And btw, what's wrong with (defun join (s l) (with-output-to-string (o) (do ((q l (cdr q))) ((endp q)) (princ (car q) o) (when (cdr q) (princ s o)))))
<gilberth> However, I would prefer a more general JOIN function which works on all types of sequences, not just strings.
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<gilberth> Another option is REDUCE: (defun join (sep list) (reduce #'(lambda (&optional (x nil xp) y) (if xp (concatenate 'string x sep y) "")) list))
<gilberth> But that with-string-output-stream version perhaps is the fastest.
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