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<jcowan> What is the difference between INCF/DECF and appropriate use of SETF?
<jcowan> (Clearly LOOP cannot rebind iteration variables, it must assign them.)
<jcowan> likewise DO
<gilberth> What I meant was the following the following.
<gilberth> The obvious implementation of (loop for i below 10 ...) would be (prog ((i 0)) again (if (>= i 10) (return)) ... (incf i) (go again)).
<gilberth> But the following could work as well:
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<gilberth> Like (prog ((g42 0) i) again (when (>= g42 10) (return)) (setq i g42) ... (incf g42) (go again))
<gilberth> [Modulo the correct order.]
<gilberth> That is LOOP could have a hidden gensym g42 which is the counter and upon "stepping" would assign I to the current counter. This way the user setting I would not affect the looping itself.
<gilberth> The observed behavior would be (loop for i below 10 collect i do (incf i)) => (0 2 4 6 8) in the former implementation and (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) in the latter.
<gilberth> IIRC DOTIMES can do either.
<aeth> oooh
<aeth> that's a nice trick
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<gilberth> Anyhow the glossary says "stepping" = "assignment of next value", while the prose speaks of "incrementing" the variable.
<gilberth> The latter would imply the former (incf i) implementation. The former could be both as INCF assigns as well.
<gilberth> Note, that FOR X IN Y needs such a shadow gensym.
<jcowan> I don't see that (setf x (+ x 1)) is not an incrementation.
<gilberth> So I could imagine some LOOP implementation for simplicity always having hidden iteration variables and opt to just install the correct next values in the "stepping" step.
<gilberth> jcowan: Is (setq i g42) an increment?
<jcowan> Not unless the value of g42 depends on i
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<gilberth> See my possible implementation using g42. There it does not.
<gilberth> I incf g42, the gensym, and then only assign it to the user iteration variable 'I' on each iteration.
<gilberth> And as said, something similar must happen with FOR IN anyways.
<gilberth> So a LOOP implementation might handle each FOR .. the same internally: Some gensym, some form to step that gensym, some form to assign to the user iteration variable. That's tempting.
<gilberth> Actually this is what I would come up with.
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<jcowan> Why is this required for FOR-IN?
<gilberth> Because with (loop for x in something do ..) the next value of x is not a function of the previous value of x.
<gilberth> There must be some pointer to the the remaining tail of the list to iterate upon that could be CDRed along.
<jcowan> oh, of course
<jcowan> most of my CL experience pre-dates LOOP
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<Lycurgus> jcowan: rly? did you know McCarthy?
<jcowan> no
<jcowan> LOOP was introduced to CL between CLtL1 and CLtL2. My first experience of Common Lisp was on Lyric (the direct ancestor of Medley), which was and is CLtL1.
<jcowan> it was originally borrowed from Interlisp's FOR
<Lycurgus> yeah i was just looking at my original copy of CltL2 and the loop chapter has change bars on every page
<masinter> it's all my fault
<masinter> i was working on DENDRAL in Lisp/360
<masinter> and I missed Algol's For and Record
* Lycurgus just brought up HerculesStudio a few minutes ago, gonna setup 3270 next
<masinter> so I did them for Lisp/360
<Lycurgus> i have a doc on ibm lisp prolly that one
<masinter> teitelman came by stanford and i showed him the code
<Lycurgus> if there are binaries for it, they'll run on herc
<masinter> there was something called Wylbur
<masinter> I had a listing of the source code but I gave it to the Computer History Museum
<masinter> and they haven't scanned it yet
<ixelp> Compilers for MVS
<Lycurgus> i printed out a lot of MCP 3.something software, MCP itself, the ALgol compilers and carted them around for a few years
<Lycurgus> as systems programmer it was easy to do and have them bound
<Lycurgus> unisys has a version of MCP that runs on Windows and they had a free version of it for a few years but had 1 year expiry and they stopped it in '20
<Lycurgus> but ofc unlike the old days, modern unisys doesn't distribute the sources now that FOSS is dominant
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<Pixel_Outlaw> Hmmm I'm trying a thought experiment but maybe my understanding of tagbody is flawed. I eval it and don't see the expected numeric anwser. https://pastebin.com/5TmNrDqK
<ixelp> (let* ((counter 0) (path "LLR") (list-length (length path))) - Pastebin.com
<Pixel_Outlaw> Ah maybe I've an infinate loop :P
<beach> Almost certainly.
<beach> In DDD you always (GO DDD)
<beach> Same with EEE and GGG
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<Pixel_Outlaw> Thanks as usual beach
<beach> Sure.
<Pixel_Outlaw> I'm doing a self recursive map traversal without using containers. Just for fun.
<Pixel_Outlaw> This will be generated via macro from a list of states.
<beach> You could also use some abstractions to avoid code duplication.
<beach> The only information that is different in each code block is the two labels.
<beach> But I guess if this code is generated in the first place, it doesn't matter.
<Pixel_Outlaw> Yep the elt stuff could be it's own funtion
<beach> Well, even a macro like (MUMBLE <label1> <label2>) might be worthwhile.
<Pixel_Outlaw> I plan to generate these from the "LR" business and a list of tag symbol jumps attached to each flag. I was writing the expansion manually.
<beach> I see.
<Pixel_Outlaw> I agree
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<Pixel_Outlaw> Hmmm I wish TAGBODY had a go back type thing that returns to the previous jump's label.
<Pixel_Outlaw> ah, I'm writing this via macro I can probably just gensym up a temporary var/callstack
<Pixel_Outlaw> push the current label on the gensym'd stack pop back.
<beach> You can't.
<beach> Labels must be literals. They are not evaluated.
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<Pixel_Outlaw> Ah that's right. (GO-WHENCE-YE-CAME) :p
<Pixel_Outlaw> Is needed.
<Pixel_Outlaw> Meh, I solved it differently it's OK now.
<gilberth> You want a computed GOTO?
<gilberth> FUNCALL is your computed GO. You can do things like (setq where-to (lambda () (go tag))) .... (funcall where-to).
<younder> auto-epistemic-inference-mode => loop
<gilberth> Or have a LOOP/CASE, as you must do with WASM or JS: (LET ((PC 0)) (LOOP DO (CASE PC (0 ..) (1 ..) ...)) Then (SETQ PC ...) is your computed GO.
<younder> go whence you came is just a function return
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<jjnkn> Hi, I've been experimenting with a dynamic version of FLET and observed what I suspect is a bug in SBCL.
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<jjnkn> Hm, if I use #.(function f), then SBCL produces expected results.
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<moon-child> I expect it's being inlined. Afaik this is allowed
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<jjnkn> moon-child: Indeed, with (declaim (notinline f)) added to the first paste it works as expected
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<jjnkn> But doesn't this optimisation break the specification? How could this be allowed?
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<Gleefre> jjnkn: I too think that it is a bug; but it is kind of complicated.
<Gleefre> See a discussion here for example: https://bugs.launchpad.net/sbcl/+bug/1653370
<bike> jjnkn: are you using compile-file?
<jjnkn> No, I used sbcl --script
<bike> hm... well, it might still apply with sbcl's default compiling.
<bike> clhs
<ixelp> CLHS: Section
<bike> "A call within a file to a named function that is defined in the same file refers to that function, unless that function has been declared notinline. The consequences are unspecified if functions are redefined individually at run time or multiply defined in the same file." here it would be acompilation unit more generally, i guess?
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<gilberth> Doesn't explain why SBCL believes it is fine evaluating (function f) whenever it feels like it.
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<jjnkn> I agree with gilberth. My interpretation of the specification is that FUNCTION is the same as SYMBOL-FUNCTION, only it also can access the lexical environment. Therefore, there is no reason why these 2 should produce different results when targeted at the global environment
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<bike> my idea here is that sbcl is relying on this aspect of the compilation semantics to decide that F is not redefined. so when you write (f) or (funcall ff) it just compiles it as a call to the global f, which it assumes will remain the same as ff.
<bike> haven't checked in detail or anything. but non top level defun is gonna be pretty dicey.
<gilberth> Yes, but we don't call a named function.
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<gilberth> We call the function that we find in the 'ff' variable. It was assigned to (function f) prior to the DEFUN.
<gilberth> SBCL probably substituted (function f) for ff in (funcall ff) on the assumption that #'f is a constant.
<bike> that's what i said, yeah.
<moon-child> I don't really understand how nondeterministic semantics work
<moon-child> the way it seems to work generally is as follows
<moon-child> a nondeterministic small-step semantics is defined. We apply equational reasoning to an 'ideal' deterministic version of the semantics, and express the equations as rewrites. Then we apply the rewrites to the nondeterministic semantics
<moon-child> which doesn't really make any sense?
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<moon-child> (applying the rewrites nondeterministically, of course--which would not matter if the semantics were deterministic, but since they aren't, you get nondeterminism blowup)
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<prokhor> question: i would like to load a list of files, but instead of dropping into the debugger, the env should write the error in a logfile & continue to load. I preferably would use sbcl or clisp...
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<jcowan> If you have tail recursion, you can use functions instead of labels.
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<ixelp> CLHS: Section The Conditions Dictionary
<aeth> probably one of the handlers
<ixelp> Beyond Exception Handling: Conditions and Restarts
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