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<geist> i could imagine that sort of stuff being used in some sort of code generation stuff
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<dinkelhacker_> Does anyone know of a good gdb frontend ?
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<sortie> You mean like a graphical user interface?
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<sortie> They don't tell you when you join that any successful osdev project turns into a Linux distribution
<nikolar> lol well, where else are you going to find a crapton of useful software you could port
<sortie> https://sortie.sortix.org/for/sortix/sortix-dependencies.png ← They have played us for absolute fools
<nikolar> lol nice
<nikolar> to be fair, the moment you touch graphical software, the dependencies explode
<sortie> Damn straight
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<sortie> I only touched the surface of that iceberg
<mjg> lol
<mjg> try to write a hello world in rust
<mjg> :x
<nikolar> kek
<sortie> I have a side project to port as many proglangs as possible to Sortix lol
<sortie> Rust would earn me the nerd points
<nikolar> lol
<nikolar> nah, it would earn you hipster points
<sortie> I'd probably go for go next
<sortie> It actually has a thought out bootstrap using go 1.4
<mjg> haskell or bust
<mjg> or better yet
<mjg> port some forsaken basic
<sortie> I have emacs lisp? :D
<mjg> i mean something which stopped being maintained in the 90s
<nikolar> kek
<sortie> ugh those 90s ports are fun
<sortie> I have php
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<mjg> :D
<mjg> i misread this is 'i hate php'
<sortie> I actually don't hate it
<sortie> Although I have not worked in it for like 10 years
<mjg> my estimation of you as a programmer just fucking plummeted
<sortie> Be nice mjg
<sortie> I have not yet told you of my exploits as a Visual Basic and Win32 programmer
<sortie> You'd be amazed at the amazing abstraction astronautics I achieved
<sortie> mjg: My ivory tower of excellent is entirely build on years upon years of screw ups and poor ideas
<sortie> You'd be shocked at the wonderful creation that I somehow managed to refactor MaxsiOS intro
<sortie> *into
<sortie> One refactor at a time I make my projects suck less :)
<mjg> i was sentenced for several years of fixing after php devs
<mjg> both people who *use* the language and *implement* it
<mjg> and i have scars to show it
<sortie> Stroustrup was sentenced to maintaining the language he unleashed upon the world. A fitting punishment :D
<nikolar> i mean he did bring it onto himself
<mjg> in a way one should be happy c is so primitive
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<mjg> imagine if the simplest lang out there for systems usage was c++
<mjg> :d
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<sortie> The International Criminal Court primarily prosecute war criminals and programming language designers
<sortie> mjg: Honestly that is why I ended up switching Sortix to C.
<mjg> splitting hair by trying to paint a difference
<nikolar> sortie: what do you mean
<nikolar> wasn't it c++
<sortie> nikolar: Kernel is C++. Userspace was migrated to C many years back.
<nikolar> ah right
<mjg> sounds like a backwards choice mon :d
<sortie> The vast majority of Sortix was written in 'C but it's C++' and I realized this weird common subset language did not have a viable future as both C and C++ evolved and divergenced so I just ported it all to plain C
<mjg> genuine question tho, why write new userspace in anything c-like anyway
<zid`> <3
<nikolar> ^
<zid`> sortie good person, learns from mistakes
<mjg> maybe turbo core lib could be c
<nikolar> we love sortie
<mjg> past that you could probably go it
<mjg> i'm assuming all this work predated rust
<sortie> mjg: Well C is the systems language.
<sortie> It's what I knew.
<sortie> I don't trust this rust thing.
<mjg> :d
<mjg> are you still at G?
<sortie> Especially since it's hell to bootstrap.
<nikolar> rust sux
<mjg> my experience with rust is rather negative so far, but it is the future
<sortie> You want your lang everywhere? SUPPORT. BOOTSTRAPPING.
<mjg> and it's not the first time the industry put itself into a corner
<sortie> The _long tail requires bootstrapping_
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<nikolar> mjg: the future part remains to be seen
<mjg> well fwiw rust does support quite a few wtf oses
<mjg> nikolar: idk man the momentum is there
<sortie> I never tried rust
<mjg> even if it will not get anywhere in the linux kernel
<nikolar> i mean it's place is primarily for userspace stuff if you ask me
<sortie> If you want to be a real systems language, you need to support getting your language, if you don't have your language.
<sortie> I don't want to bootstrap 20 versions of your language just to build the latest one from source
<sortie> Maybe a couple, at worst.
<zid`> rust is hell to bootstrap and hell to write, and hell to maintain
<zid`> makes you wonder what isn't hell
<zid`> what glorious efficiency does it allow
<nikolar> there are at least 3 projects that aim to implement rust compilers in another langauge, one of which is gcc
<nikolar> none of them are there
<sortie> mrustc seemed far enough to bootstrap some real rust versions from recent years
<nikolar> eh
<sortie> Didn't try it out, just what I gathered from looking
<sortie> That's the kind of thing I want. An implementation in C or something that bootstraps easily, which doesn't make good output, but is correct enough to build the real language implementation.
<sortie> So you can do a bootstrap from source
<zid`> Is it allowed to require 30GB of diskspace
<zid`> like the current rust bootstra
<sortie> In theory, yes. But I also wanna say fuck no.
<nikolar> lol
<kazinsal> does it count as a bootstrap if part of its procedure is to install qemu and an linux from scratch image that can run rustc? :P
<nikolar> just ignore rust
<nikolar> kazinsal: that would take even more than 30gb čpč
<nikolar> lol
<zid`> I'll ignore rust until it's impossible not to
<sortie> kazinsal: Nope :)
<nikolar> zid`: basically
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<netbsduser> the time has come for me to dissociate my vm object page tracking structures from the system page size
<nikolar> lo
<zid`> I recommend LSD
<nikolar> from experience?
<netbsduser> i was thinking yesterday about the hateful and outrageous situation that to touch a few bytes of a file on a system with 64k pages allocates no fewer than 320k worth in the process
<zid`> limited slip disassociation, get your mind out of the gutter nikolar
<netbsduser> i did consider the possibility of collapsing the tree to however many levels are necessary (i.e. 1 level if the highest page extant in the object is < pgsize/size of pointer, etc) which does preserve the simplicity that the tracking tables are always page sized
<netbsduser> but a thorougher solution might be better yet
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<heat> what's a vm object page tracking structure?
<netbsduser> a 4-level table used to keep track of pages belonging to a vm object
<heat> oh ok
<zid`> well it's a virtual machine that's got method calls, which hires dogs to look for pages
<zid`> I think
<heat> do you always have the 4 level table allocated??
<netbsduser> yes, it's a nightmare
<heat> i grow mine dynamically
<heat> linux also grows its xarray dynamically
<netbsduser> outrageous overhead for the common case
<heat> xarray has a funny optimization i'm yet to do, which has a great optimization for xarrays with 1 entry at 0
<heat> they just stash it in the top node pointer
<netbsduser> and the size of levels is tied to the system page size at the moment because i stash data in the page struct (count of pointers in that table level, pointer to pointer pointing to that level)
<netbsduser> at the very least i need to collapse the depth (preferably to 0 and do that xarray thing where 1 page @ 0 is directly pointed to) and i think disentangling it from the system page size would also be nice
<heat> my nodes are 568 bytes long
<heat> including associated metadata
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<dinkelhacker_> sortie: sorry my message got dropped. Yes I meant a gui.
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<netbsduser> i wonder whether it's also worth my time to support the page table size < architectural page size case (as in not to require allocating pgsize / tablesize worth of tables at a time and install as many in the higher-level table)
<netbsduser> as in for architectural page tables and not for vm object tracking structures
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<the_oz> gotta grab that ram so you can cache shittyscript for the browsers so the ad executives can decrease time-til-eyeball on ads
<the_oz> the real motivator of innovation in bizzaroworld
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<bslsk05> ​github.com: While I can understand that ext2fs is using ufs_ihashget() I'm still · openbsd/src@5fbfb47 · GitHub
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<netbsduser> mjg: very bizarre
<netbsduser> for ext2 totally fine (ext2 is copy pasted ufs only sans fragments), for fuse senseless
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<Ermine> old linux can't mount ext2 created by modern mkfs.ext2
<nortti> wrong inode size? I know they've bumped that up to work around y2k38
<Ermine> mount says "invalid argument"
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<nortti> anything in dmesg that's useful?
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<Ermine> haven't looked at it yet. Tty is super slow there
<mjg> what are you messing with this old crap for
<Ermine> historical interest
<Ermine> I wanted to look at old kde
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<nortti> how old are you looking at?
<mjg> lol
<Ermine> debian 3 is from 2001 iirc
<nortti> so KDE 2
<Ermine> yes
<Ermine> debian didn't package kde 1 apparently
<Ermine> red hat 6 supposedly has kde 1, but it can't mount rootfs and just panics
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<_ngn> any resources for computer and OS history?
<nortti> https://gunkies.org/wiki/Main_Page is useful if you are poking at old things yourself
<bslsk05> ​gunkies.org: Computer History Wiki
<bslsk05> ​yarchive.net: Computers
<Ermine> VFS: can't find a valid MSDOS filesystem on dev 03:01 [ /dev/hda1 ]
<nortti> https://twobithistory.org/ might also be useful
<bslsk05> ​twobithistory.org: Two-Bit History
<GeDaMo> https://twostopbits.com/ "is a discussion web site about retro computing and gaming."
<bslsk05> ​twostopbits.com: Two Stop Bits
<Ermine> Ah, actually it tries to mount it as FAT apparently
<_ngn> thanks nortti and GeDaMo
<bslsk05> ​computerhistory.org: Home - CHM
<Ermine> nortti: you're right, it's inode size
<GeDaMo> Ken Shirriff does a lot of reverse engineering of old chips https://www.righto.com/
<bslsk05> ​www.righto.com: Ken Shirriff's blog
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<Ermine> Those old distros have perk of having every package on the dvd. That seems impossible nowadays
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<Ermine> Lol, now it caused KVM internal error
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<Ermine> "Aiee, killing interrupt handler"
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<heat> aiee, killing interrupt handler is still a real message in modern kernels
<heat> for when you oops in an irq handler
<Ermine> Kek
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