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<Ermine> mjg_: 86Box did the trick: https://i.imgur.com/gD2Va85.png
<bslsk05> ​i.imgur.com <no title>
<nikolar> Ermine: told you :P
<Ermine> nikolar: yeah, thank you
<nikolar> No problem
<Ermine> i hoped that qemu will pull it off, and i overestimated the quality of linux of those days
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<mjg_> Ermine: if x11 works then it *did not* do the trick
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<Ermine> what it did then
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<mjg_> fool yu into thinking that era-appropriate x11 used to work
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<Ermine> no
<Ermine> it's emulator which has enough quirks implemented to make X happy
<Ermine> besides, the kernel intensely complains about some hwclock bug
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<osdev199> Hi, can I use UEFI's GOP linear framebuffer to display my laptop's in-built screen to the hdmi monitor?
<Ermine> uefi mirrors outputs iirc
<ddevault> not necessarily
<ddevault> odds are the answer is just no
<ddevault> my solution to the same problem was to port to ARM and write a simple GPU driver for rpi4
<ddevault> you can get an fb out of HDMI on the rpi4 in a couple hundred lines of code
<osdev199> I have my hdmi monitor connected to the laptop. Nothing is getting displayed on it.
<ddevault> IHD or so is much harder
<ddevault> yeah, that's what I'd expect IME
<Ermine> ihd?
<ddevault> Intel HD (graphics)
<ddevault> i.e. the GPU I would presume osdev199 is working with
<ddevault> unfortunately you do need to write a fairly complex GPU driver to get multiheaf
<ddevault> multiheaf*
<ddevault> head -_-
<osdev199> I read on reddit that one can write a vga driver for the hdmi output
<osdev199> From online search, I think that both the in-built and hdmi port are connected to my integrated graphics card (Intel Iris Xe)
<ddevault> that's probably not true
<ddevault> (I did similar research and my conclusion was that you have to write an IHD graphics driver and that's a big challenge)
<ddevault> what's your use-case?
<osdev199> readability. Laptop's screen size is small. My large hdmi monitor just makes it easier for my eyes to work on my OS :p
<ddevault> I see
<ddevault> well, you could probably get a framebuffer out of HDMI via GOP using a desktop GPU
<nikolar> you could use a larger font for the gop
<ddevault> there might be some BIOS tunables for the laptop display vs HDMI
<ddevault> but yeah, the answer is that it's hard
<ddevault> porting your OS to ARM and writing a driver for its GPU is probably less than a tenth of the work needed to get HDMI output via IHD graphics on a laptop
<ddevault> or opening up your laptop and running the internal display ribbon cable into a converter board :)
<osdev199> I don't know. I just wanted a simple linear framebuffer like solution :)
<ddevault> no such luck, I'm afraid
<osdev199> :|
<Ermine> osdev is hard
<ddevault> if you want a really stupid idea you could boot to linux, have it set up a framebuffer, then kexec into your kernel :^)
<Ermine> graphics are even harder
<Ermine> ddevault: you've just invented linux the bootloader
<ddevault> :D
<ddevault> (re-)invented, unfortunately
<bslsk05> ​www.intel.com: Access Denied
<ddevault> see you in a year
<osdev199> no thanks :D
<Ermine> then rewrite it in rust^Whare
<osdev199> thank you guys for the help :D
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<heat> bugtracker!
<nikolar> trackbugger!
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<Ermine> trugbacker!
<GeDaMo> tackburger!
<Ermine> taco burger!
<heat_> linux kernel operating system borgar
<Ermine> linox kernal operating systam borgir
<Ermine> so, what's the fuss about bugtracker today
<heat_> see musl ML
<heat_> the musl bingo never fails
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<heat_> i'm rewriting my tcp stack cuz the last one was hopelessly fucked
<heat_> This Time we're paying close atention to RFC9293
<nikolar> kek
<nikolar> good luck
<GeDaMo> You're following a standard? That seems like a mistake :|
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<nikolar> GeDaMo: yeah you don't follow standards
<nikolar> just wing tcp
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<Ermine> oh yeah, action is coming
<Ermine> I don't track their ML though
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<heat> i'm already halfway through
<heat> it turns out it's radically easier to write a tcp implementation if 1) you've already done it before 2) you actually follow the RFC
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<heat> is uncromulent a valid word or am i not allowed to make up antonyms like that?
<Ermine> soon your network stack will be envy of sortix
<Ermine> and every os out there
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<Ermine> zid`: native English expertise required
<nikolar> heat: incromulent perhaps
<heat> cromulence as well
<heat> these derivative words are not in the dictionary
<heat> but, like, surely i can just do this?
<nikolar> perhaps
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<zid`> a missing antenym etc is called a semantic gap
<zid`> err no
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<zid`> accidental gap
<zid`> My describal was bad
<zid`> We should refusion to listen to me.
<nikolar> so zid`, incromulent vs uncromulent
<nikolar> vs nothing
<zid`> use what you like, but it isn't in a dictionary, despite being phonotactically etc valid
<zid`> words enter the dictionary once they're used enough
* Ermine feels like trying to read DRM code today
<heat> decromulent
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<zid`> Morphologically it's valid
<zid`> decromulate*
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<geist> yah, un- prefixes generally go with words that start with a vowel
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<zid`> de means not do, un means opposite
<kazinsal> me fail english? that's unpossible!
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<mjg_> so what does iversity mean?
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<geist> yeah but more in- vs un0
<geist> un-
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<geist> or im-
<geist> though i guess ther'es inactive, etc
<geist> oh i dunno
<Ermine> There are no rules on un- vs in-
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<heat_> had a migraine and just fuckin slept for a couple of hours
<heat_> dope stuff
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<Ermine> oh, that sucks
<Ermine> that *EXTREMELY* sucks
<Ermine> I have migraine sometimes too, and seems like I need stronger pills as I'm aging
<Ermine> Meanwhile, "And indeed, this page more or less describes the situation as of kernel version 1.1.94"
<heat_> >The name 'tasklet' is misleading: they have nothing to do with 'tasks', and probably more to do with some bad vodka Alexey Kuznetsov had at the time.
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<Ermine> Where is that from?
<Ermine> Also yes, one needs to choose vodka (and any other alcohol) carefully. Counterfeit vodka can be deadly
<bslsk05> ​archive.kernel.org: Software Interrupt Context: Softirqs and Tasklets
<heat_> i was trying to find out what happened to this guy
<heat_> which kind of mostly disappeared kernel-wise after having written large swaths of the tcp stack
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<heat_> the one-who-does-not-kiss-girls is still rolling punches at least
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<Ermine> do you see some Russian name? Joke about vodka
<Ermine> The funniest thing evar actually
<heat_> be happy it's not a soviet russia joke
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<heat> in soviet russia, girls kiss you
<Ermine> same energy level joke
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<Ermine> meanwhile, fbdev is MINIMALISTIC
<heat> it is yes
<heat> i have some basic onyx fbdev in some branch, it's how i got xorg working
<Ermine> well, it's ezpz to port, compared to drm
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