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<kwak> Can someone please help me with a bit of superficial logic in regards to GUI programming? I'm creating an IDE GUI in HTML5 and would like to to know how GUI logic usually works in operating systems. Specifically, I'm wondering what kind of references that are contained within GUI menus (window/start/context menus etc.) in order for a system to be able to identify what a selection is pointing to.
<kwak> So in a hypothetical scenario where an OS renders a menu with selections, how does the system know what option 1, 2 and 3 respectively are pointing to? Might there be a list of strings somewhere that indicates what each option would want to execute?
<kwak> I understand that an operating system is many times more compelx than my use case, so I'm really just trying to discern some kind of simplified abstraction.
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<zid`> You need a lookup from x,y to struct widget *
<kazinsal> There are layers
<zid`> you could use a hash, or a spatial tree, a silly linear search, whatever you like
<kazinsal> When your mouse button clicks messages get sent up each layer until it gets to the top most layer and gets directed back down to the layer tha handles the most relevant bit
<kazinsal> Interfaces are a mess
<zid`> widgets also tend to be heirarchical themselves which may also be leveraged
<kazinsal> Learn to love the pain
<zid`> i.e if I want to click the '=' button on calculator, on my 2nd desktop. I only need to find out which desktop was clicked, which outer-window on that desktop was clicked, and which button on that one window was clicked
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<kof673> > a list of strings somewhere that indicates what each option would want to execute i think they are asking what happens after you click...a function is called?
<kazinsal> that's the kind of question I ask people when I'm interviewing them
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<kazinsal> literally last time I did an interview of some fresh grads my biggest question was "you type google.com into your browser and hit enter, what happens to get packets from your computer to google and back"
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<kazinsal> I no longer do such kinds of interviews on account of being in a very different position with very different public and union mandated hiring requirements
<kazinsal> but at the time I was always proud of being able to choose the right people who could understand the various layers involved in networking
<kazinsal> with the implicit knowledge that based on their understanding, they could apply that to troubleshooting and development
<kazinsal> I know at least one of the people I hired a few years back became a good apprentice replacement for my position when I left my last job, even though I kinda fucked him on a few jobs on my way out
<kazinsal> just knowing how he answered those kinds of questions on his way in was a good signifier that he could adapt well
<kazinsal> if someone can break down a high level event into lower level events and back up again, even in the abstract, they have the kind of layered understanding of how things work that you want them on your team
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<kof673> sure, but i think they just meant "function pointer" > what kind of references
<kwak> kof673 / kazinsal / zid`: Yeah sorry if I'm having a hard time asking my question the right way. I've already got the rendering and clicking down, but I can't figure out the best way to store and use references to what the different options are supposed to execute.
<kof673> :)
<zid`> 'options'?
<kwak> Like for example, I can generate a menu called "File" which folds out the options "New", "Open" and "Save. And I can handle what happens when a file is created, opened or saved. But I would like to know the optimal way to connect menu items to these functions.
<zid`> Anyway, most widget toolkits work via message passing
<kwak> "Save"*
<zid`> Each widget supplies a callback function when they are registered
<zid`> which recieves the message, "you were clicked", etc
<kazinsal> I'm the kind of dork who works from a perspective of "asynchronous message comes in, how does it get passed down to kernel mode and back"
<kwak> I could stupidly check for the contents of the menu item text to see if the text reads "New", "Open" or "Save", or I could have a list of commands somewhere which correspond with the order of the menu items.
<zid`> and on windows at least, if you don't want to do anything special with the message, you just pass it along to DefWindowProc() and that does the 'normal' things a widget does
<kwak> The latter is what I've been doing so far.
<kazinsal> We've spent quadrillions of cycles making basic UI stuff a non problem
<zid`> struct widget w; w.callback = save_menu_widget(); w.text = "Save"; RegisterWidget(MENU_ENTRY, parent_menu, w);
<zid`> or whatever
<kazinsal> Which makes trying to encapsulate the "best" way to do a GUI hard
<zid`> err first () are wrong
<kwak> kazinsal: Well I can rephrase maybe. If I was to have a list of commands (strings) that correspond with the order of a list of menu items, so that if you click Item #1 under the menu "File", then it would run command #1 from a list called File. Would that be a stupid way of doing it?
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<zid`> I already explained how it's normally done
<zid`> either do it that way, or do it otherwise, it's up to you
<bslsk05> ​learn.microsoft.com: Using Menus - Win32 apps | Microsoft Learn
<kazinsal> That's mildly past my usual level of layer seven
<kazinsal> If you asked me to recreate a circa 1984 Advanced Gateway Server I could do so
<kwak> Ah I see.
<kazinsal> If you asked me to recreate a circa 1993 Windows NT desktop environment I'd be stammering and looking for the nearest fire exit
<kwak> :D
<kazinsal> I can answer most basic questions about the low and mid level stuff works for a message-passing UI happens
<kazinsal> But at the most coherent base level I'm more of a "how do we take this processor and shove as many packets through it as possible" guy, with the happenstance that I've also studied the NT environment a bunch
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<zid`> I believe *specifically* for menus, windows is awkward and actually deals in strings and a generic handler for *every* menu
<zid`> but for everything else, it's a callback per widget
<zid`> ah no, it's an int at least
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<heat> finally home
<adder> where ya been
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<heat> algarve
<heat> if i see another lads holiday i'll fucking lose it
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<adder> cool, welcome back
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