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<Ermine> hot news! wiki.osdev.org mediawiki got updated!
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<geist> mind blown
<geist> maybe while at it the all site archive download got updated
<geist> actually., yes it is
<bslsk05> ​files.osdev.org: Index of /
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<heat> for the networking people: is there a succinct list of relevant rfcs to ip{v4,v6} routing?
<heat> besides rfc1812 that is
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<Ermine> I wonder if it's possible to map pci(-e) device memory
<nikolar> iommu?
<Ermine> not everything has iommu?
<Ermine> Maybe there's another way?
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<immibis> that's literally an iommu
<immibis> heat_: each network does routing the way it wants to. Different networks use different competing technologies, so there's no single way it works. The IP RFCs specify what should be done with the IP packet header, but not how the packet actually ends up at its destination.
<immibis> there are many RFCs describing technologies that may or may not be used on certain networks. On the internet, BGP is a common denominator, but it's designed for the network edges where networks talk to other networks, isn't a complete routing protocol, and doesn't even fully specify how routers should pick routes based on BGP information.
<immibis> seems like an increasing number of networks are using BGP internally as well, which is a bit stupid IMO because you need a bunch of extra complexity then.
<immibis> Ermine: map which memory where? mapping a device's view of host memory is precisely an IOMMU. Mapping a host's view of device memory is a regular MMU.
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<heat__> immibis, that's not true, the internet would be a mess
<immibis> heat__: but it is
<heat__> it is not
<kazinsal> the internet *is* a mess
<heat__> all of these things have rfcs
<immibis> it is. how do you know it isn't?
<heat__> well it would be a way worse mess
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<immibis> yes, each protocol has an RFC, but there's no RFC saying how to make your own network
<immibis> you can pick and choose from the many competing and contradictory protocols
<heat> ok?
<heat> i was asking for ip packet routing aka forwarding and associated rfcs
<heat> there's a really big one (which seems to be the only one), rfc1812
<heat> which details a lot of stuff including ip forwarding, icmp, arp, etc
<heat> (in the context of routing)
<kazinsal> yeah that's basically it
<kazinsal> 2644 as well but that's just an update to one section
<immibis> seems like a good overview, but many routers don't actually follow these requirements strictly
<immibis> one network design that comes to mind is MPLS. The idea with IP over MPLS is that you make a network out of only MPLS switches, and then each router at the edge of your network, looks up the destination address of each packet, to see where the packet should come *out* of your network, and then puts it inside an MPLS network addressed to that edge router. (Which I guess is just an overly complicated way of doing IP-over-ethernet actually)
<immibis> inside an MPLS packet*
<kazinsal> EVPN-VXLAN is another one that I "love"
<heat> kazinsal, ack, thanks. is there a similar one for ipv6?
<immibis> networks are doing increasingly complicated bullshit internally, and it's fine as long as the packet gets to the edge of the network at the right place
<kazinsal> 8200 for IPv6 itself, 4433 for ICMPv6 which is a hard requirement, 4861 for neighbor discovery
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<kazinsal> 4862 for autoconf
<heat> ah i guess those rfcs detail requirements for routers too
<kazinsal> yep
<heat> fun fact: in linux, slaac is done by the kernel
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<heat> i find uhhh no good reason for it honestly, it's perfectly doable in userspace if you have some icmpv6 sockets
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<heat> heck even those raw packet types work
<immibis> i'm on o2 cellular in germany (the same one implicated in the story that just came out about germany breaking tor). If I send an ipv4 packet it first goes over wifi to my phone, which does nat, then probably wraps it in an IPv6 packet to get to a CGNAT gateway, then the base station wraps it again in GTP, then in IPv6 again, then ....... none of this is in RFC 1812
<nikolar> but it doesn't matter, because to your phone everything works by the rfc 1812
<heat> most if not all of those techniques have associated RFCs. i'm also building an operating system kernel, not an AS
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<kof673> > 4862 for autoconf 🥁 ࿃ Unicode Character 'BA-DUM-TSS'
<heat> actually nikolar everything works by rfc791 and 793 and rfc1122 and others, not rfc1812, because your phone doesn't do forwarding 🤓
<immibis> does anyone even do IGMP by default? i had the impression multicast mostly just doesn't work anywhere unless the admin specifically set it up
<nikolar> kek sure
<immibis> my phone does forwarding
<heat> linux at least has a sysctl for it that defaults to off
<heat> I see IGMP messages in my local network
<immibis> how else do you think i managed to pass *checks settings app... hang on...*
<Ermine> It's OS kernel, not AS kernel
<immibis> yes. 5 terabytes so far this calendar month
<immibis> i am really testing their unlimited data policy
<heat> oh right, mobile hotspot, good point
<heat> that has to forward
<nikolar> 5tb??
<nikolar> on your phone
<immibis> (it isn't degrading service for other customers since the network gives me a fair slice of available radio bandwidth)
<nikolar> what the heck are you using it for
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<immibis> [redacted]
<nikolar> legally acquiring media i presume
<heat> champions league is the ultimate and only correct answer
<immibis> presume whatever you like. wouldn't it be a waste if i had some application able to consume high amounts of bandwidth, and didn't run it?
<immibis> it is the same as why you want your ram to be full
<immibis> although caching enough things to fill up 256GB actually takes quite a while
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<nikolar> of course it would be a waste, i am just wondering how you're filling all that bandwith :P
<nikolar> *bandwidth
<heat> homework folder doesn't fill itself
<nikolar> indeed
<immibis> i brought the same machine to bornhack camp where they are always saying "use more bandwidth", and managed to sustain 500mbps up + 500 down for most of the camp. 4500mbps peak.
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<immibis> so i know if i ever get a 7g phone i'll have to upgrade other components
<nikolar> kek
<immibis> in order to not waste the possibility of unlimited bandwidth :P
<immibis> i know one other guy was trying to maximize his bandwidth at bornhack, getting about 650, but he had a ton more hardware, so i win
<immibis> (and that's useful bandwidth, no iperf allowed)
<immibis> this isn't #networking anyway or ##defocus
<heat> ipv6 is the original wayland
<the_oz> where they went nuts is the focus on "you don't have to gateway!" when security demands a gateway anyway regardless. all that really changes is apparent locality of the address
<the_oz> >secretly, though, protect the plebs from scammers like google, mozilla, DoH, etc
<heat> no, you need to gateway, you don't need to NAT however
<the_oz> and themselves :(
<the_oz> yeah, you get it
<the_oz> huh, there is NAT for ipv6
<bslsk05> ​blogs.infoblox.com: You Thought There Was No NAT for IPv6, But NAT Still Exists
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<bslsk05> ​i.imgur.com <no title>
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<heat> my kind of book
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<the_oz> affine transformations?
<the_oz> I'm too stupid for math
<the_oz> I can barely counting to 16 and that's because I have toes
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<gog> count to 1023 on your fingers
<heat> hey gog what's sigma
* gog shows heat "4" in finger binary
<heat> sigmaballs
<gog> heat
<heat> gog
<gog> do the number 4 in finger binary
<gog> and turn th eback of your hand toward yourself
<gog> and pretend it's my hand
<heat> lol i did it wrong
<Ermine> i can do 1 in finger binary
<gog> lmao
<heat> i was doing bit 0 = index instead of bit 0 = thumb
<gog> ohh
<heat> what happens when you put finger binary and bit banging together?
<gog> that's called VCF
* gog fingerguns
<Ermine> my fingers are non-binary
<gog> are they
* kazinsal . o O ( finger ternary )
<heat> they/them
<gog> lemme she/them fingers
<heat> fingers are more of an analog thing aren't they
<gog> no
<gog> 100% digital
<gog> ask the romans
<nikolar> finger banging?
<nikolar> bit binary?
<heat> if you just use them as 0's and 1's you're missing 180º of rotation
<heat> basically 1 finger can represent 180 different values
<gog> that requires more precise measurement than binary
<heat> skill issue
<nikolar> heat: what kind of fingers you have when they can move 180° independently
<heat> gog i got nikolar to say finger banging what do i get
<gog> my undying scorn
<Ermine> radeon doesn't support atomic kms...
<nikolar> heat: you get 4 in finger binary
<heat> D:
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<the_oz> each joint
<the_oz> thumb is gimpy :(
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<gog> :(
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<the_oz> no, I'm too stupid to count clever
<the_oz> I've used this stupidity as a strength to aid in design
<the_oz> so don't feel bad
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<gog> i'm too clever to be useful in most situations
<gog> so i'm just the opposite
<gog> ordinary solutions and working models baffle me
<the_oz> lol
<heat> enterprise gog moment
<the_oz> to me it screams C++ or worse, haskell
<zid`> gog is rust
<gog> yes
<the_oz> oh good, you got a babysitter
<heat> gog is C#
<gog> why do you have to spill my tea like that
<gog> that was very ohio of you
<bslsk05> ​redirect -> www.reddit.com <no title>
<the_oz> who, C# accusation, or rust shittalking?
<gog> c# isn't merely an accusation
<gog> it's who i really am
<zid`> I mean, it is, but it isn't one you should level at someone
<dinkelhacker> Anyone got a _complete_ SVD file for the cortex M7? Like one that has the NVIC and SysTick registers in it?
<gog> i'm not ashamed anymore it's ok
<nikolar> svd file?
<heat> ohio sus livy dunne baby gronk
<heat> why do people bash ohio like that when utah exists and is *so much worse*
<nikolar> heat: what do you know about either
<gog> somebody actually asked for help
<dinkelhacker> nikolar: its a description file that cotains registers descriptions of peripherals, core registers, etc. Tools (debuggers) can use it to automagically provide you with a nice overview of the current state of the hardware
<gog> i don't hack on arm unfortunately
<heat> i know everything nikolar
<nikolar> dinkelhacker: ah cool
<nikolar> heat: well go ahead
<Ermine> do you identify yourself as c#
<heat> no my pronouns are c/c++
<heat> my only problem with bashing ohio is that all of the other shitty fuckin states keep getting away with it
<Ermine> it's just a meme
<gog> i grew up in wisconsin, i'm allowed to take out that trauma on another state's reputation
<the_oz> florida gets joked a lot on, even though it's only because police records are public data ergo news reports on slow days. Florida man is every state man.
<heat> honestly out of the 50 states you could probably do away with like 30-35
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<zid`> my pronouns are they and ohio, I am a gestalt entity that seeks to turn all into ohio
<the_oz> heat, them's fighting words
<gog> where the wind comes sweeping down the plains
<heat> lol
<Ermine> let's memetize Oklahoma!
<gog> rodgers and hammerstein beat us to it
<gog> my knowledge of musical theater is a coincidence
<heat> missouri
<heat> nothing interesting has ever happened there
<gog> kansas city is kinda cool
<gog> st louis is meh
<the_oz> happenings are what you make of them
<the_oz> that you say nothing happens means dunbar's number has you
<Ermine> st louis is a character from some anime, no?
<heat> gosh is wyoming literally square shaped?
<heat> well, fucked up rectangle. quad.
<Ermine> also it's a nice cruiser to play on
<gog> the border is actually jagged
<gog> acshually
<heat> wdym Ermine
<heat> do you play uhh world of warships
<Ermine> used to play
<heat> i tried to play it a couple of times but could never be arsed to fight the pay2win
<heat> might have gotten to tier 4
<heat> if i could fight the pay2win i'd be stuck playing war thunder 24/7 because while i do love boats i much prefer planes
<Ermine> there's an OP paid british destroyer at this tier, but I don't remember encountering anything really broken at those tiers
<heat> well my problem is more with the slow progression system
<Ermine> yeah
<Ermine> So I've got only to tier 5
<Ermine> and tier 7 in blitz
<Ermine> It was more fun when I've played with my friends, but they've stopped
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<zid`> I never played those games because there's 0 freemium
<zid`> I don't care if it takes me 8 months to get enough currency for a single paid item
<zid`> because if I get super into that game, maybe I play it for 10 years and get all the stuff I really really wanted anyway
<zid`> but there just being 0 way to get the special currency can fuck off
<Ermine> i don't see anything bad in it
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<kof673> "<Ermine> st louis is a character from some anime, no?" saint germaine shows up in castlevania cartoon lol
<Ermine> that's not st louis
<kof673> sure but what did saint louis do? > Saint Germain invented Absinthe : r/castlevania it was actually paracelsus supposedly, but show me the louis alchemy and i will change my mind
<kof673> stiff competition, hard to beat > A mysterious time traveler in Castlevania: Curse of Darkness who seems to have infinite knowledge. He has the ability to shift his position in respect to time
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<Ermine> St. Louis is from Azur Lane actually
<kof673> > The Spirit of St. Louis is the custom-built, single-engine, single-seat, high-wing monoplane that Charles Lindbergh flew on May 20–21, 1927
<kof673> at an amusement park that was on the side of one of the planes, a kid ride. so it is/was used for planes too
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<heat> today in me: tcp syn handling is incredibly annoying and i'm upset
<heat> not only do you need to write code, it turns out that the ancients decided to create some pseudo-ish sockets instead of the real deal with dealing with this - which makes you need to duplicate a lot of code
<heat> add tricky locking into the mix and i'm very upset
<nikolar> pseudo-ish sockets?
<heat> yeah. i think because of DoS problems they decided long ago to instead of allocating the final tcp_sock structs (or what have you), they allocate a much smaller variant
<heat> linux and freebsd at least, i didn't check aynthing else
<bslsk05> ​www.kernel.org: tcp_sock struct fast path usage breakdown — The Linux Kernel documentation
<the_oz> it's gibberish
<heat> haha the raw doc makes sense
<the_oz> Ahhhhhh ok
<the_oz> fast path *picture oif mom's spaghetti*
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<Ermine> syn cookies!
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<heat> it'd be dope if syn cookies could be the only way to handle connections, but they can't
<heat> speed goes down the drain cuz you can't remember a bunch of options