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<vai> yo
<sortie> All the gnu & fsf infra is down. Good thing that I mirror all of the tarballs I download from everywhere or I'd be fucked
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<Ermine> kaboom
<nikolar> sploosh
<zid`> I tabbed from an article about how some russian lady thinks they should have just nuked london and gotten it all over with, to irc and ermine saying 'kaboom' :P
<Ermine> ew
<Ermine> Just in case, I stand for total ban on nukes
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<Mutabah> Sounds like people are playing that one wind waker minigame
<zid`> win a sail!
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<heat> i stand for nuking london
<zid`> That's called envy
<zid`> porto already looks nuked
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<heat> i agree, porto sucks
<heat> lisbon 4eva
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<the_oz_> banning nukes means pro-mafia control of a nuclear world order
<the_oz_> it is what it is, sorry, no takesies backsies
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<bslsk05> ​twitter: <SapphoSys> going to the .DS_Store anyone want anything
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<sortie> :D
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<gog> leme get uhhhh resource fork
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<sortie> I could go for some zip metadata
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<andydude> gog: I miss mac
<gog> i don't
<gog> i had a PowerMac G4 Al and it was the biggest waste of money ever
<sortie> Today in osdev I'm working on my init system and it
<gog> i have not owned a mac since
<andydude> not a big fan of the recent changes (like iOS and W^X)
<sortie> 's complex state machine and it's really difficult to handle all cases and I can hear my university professor's lessons in my head as I try to maintain this code
<gog> i think there are a lot of good things about OSX but it's so tied to the apple ecosystem
* sortie tells those dissident opinions that nooo I don't need a formal state machine verification
<gog> w^x is good also
<sortie> W^X is great but previously in a typo I invented PROT_WRITE | PROT_WRITE and we've dubbed it W^2 and it's all the rage
<andydude> darwin, gnu-step, etc. tried to take some of that ecosystem to the *BSD world
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<sortie> I haven't really been taking macOS seriously since it's been two decades behind on POSIX
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<heat> sortie, socket activation?
<heat> :P
<gog> it only protects you if you write twice
<gog> write once is fine
<kof673> ahh, true to nextstep :D it lives on! > macOS seriously since it's been two decades behind on POSIX
<andydude> It takes less than 2 decades to add "if darwin" to open source stuff
<andydude> also, exactly how is it behind on posix?
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<heat> not only does it not implement posix, it's implementation is also subtly incorrect
<heat> for fucking SUS
<andydude> yeah, how?
<andydude> like an example?
<heat> https://github.com/heatd/Onyx/blob/master/usystem/tests/regtests/namei.c modify that to compile on macOS's old ass POSIX and run it. it wont pass
<bslsk05> ​github.com: Onyx/usystem/tests/regtests/namei.c at master · heatd/Onyx · GitHub
<heat> and this is something as basic as path walking
<heat> which non-certified unices like the BSDs and Linux _mostly_ get right
<andydude> regtests not found
<sortie> heat: Not a lot of mental energy right now to read your code, but what's the problem with macOS's path walking?
<heat> it's subtly broken in some edge cases
<andydude> oh you mean the whole "/" and ":" not allowed in filenames, yeah, they're never going to fix that
<heat> we discussed this wayyyyyyyyy back when i first wrote this
<heat> andydude, no.
<sortie> heat: What are those cases?
<heat> idk
<heat> i'd need to look through my irc logs for a while
<sortie> I call bullshit
<sortie> This is heat spreading misinformation and Onyx again
<heat> you can call whatever you want
<sortie> I can't because the path walking is wrong I can't get to /macos/heat/bullshit :(
<sortie> I joke but it sucks if they get that basics wrong
<andydude> The only instance of posix non-compliance in macos that I am aware of is that when it first came out, it didn't have dlopen(), and so you had to do some funky stuff to open dynamic libraries, but I was pretty sure that was fixed in 2004
<nortti> I can try running it on os x 10.6 tomorrow. it's unix certified, but dunno how close that's to curretn state
<sortie> My problem with macOS is when they say POSIX they mean POSIX *2001*
<sortie> That's like two decades of innovation that's barely there
<sortie> Unless they somehow added POSIX 2008 stuff in the recent years and I didn't know about it
<andydude> well, they probably don't work on the core anymore, I recently saw some patchnotes in xar that indicated that it hasn't been looked at in over 10 years
<heat> nortti, yeah you were involved Back Then yeah
<andydude> xar is only the archive system used by every single installer on macos
<Ermine> did I accidentally virtualbox site
<nortti> heat: the ones I provided you were not from a unix-certified version back then, only had powerpc (only ever certified on intel and arm, 10.5 onwards)
<sortie> I did get a job offer to work on the macOS XNU kernel and CoreOS but well
<sortie> I'd almost take the job just to fix their darn stuff
<andydude> isn't CoreOS just linux?
<heat> ... no?
<heat> nortti, hmm maybe that's subtly different
<andydude> sortie: at Apple?
<sortie> andydude: Wherever the internal team was called
<andydude> SkunkWorks
<andydude> Seal Team 6
<andydude> There was once a blog that recalled the early days of Apple when people just made up titles, like Chief Digital Wizard
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<zid`> Hmm I remember you doing a bunch of flag tests for open and stuff and various combos were broken on various things
<zid`> wouldn't surprise me if a bunch of them didn't actually fully conform all of the time
<sortie> zid`: https://sortix.org/os-test/ ← Yeah
<bslsk05> ​sortix.org: os-test
<heat> yes i just find it hilarious that the big professional certified unix fucking dies
<heat> meanwhile communist GPL'd unix is way more correct
<zid`> acid3 but posix
<andydude> The only 4 parts of posix I've read more than once are the manpages for grep, vi, lex, yacc
<andydude> I learned that vi doesn't use the same name for modes as vim
<andydude> visual mode is exclusive to vim
<andydude> what the vi spec calls visual mode is the entire interface, in constrast to ex
<andydude> vi command = vim normal,
<andydude> vi command-line = vim command-line,
<andydude> vi input = vim insert
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<heat> sortie, >macOS (Contributed data - how do I get such a virtual machine?)
<heat> i heard those fall off trucks
<heat> but i wouldn't know how to get one, it's against the ToS
<andydude> You can send some cloud providers physical macs to plugin
<bslsk05> ​aws.amazon.com: Amazon EC2 Mac Instances - Amazon Web Services
<sortie> heat: [infohazardous information]
<sortie> Damn Apple doesn't get the basic fact that operating systems are just commodities
<sortie> If they let me actually test for it easily, I might actually care
<sortie> But they don't so fuck em
<kof673> > the big professional certified unix fucking dies well, isn't that sort of the general True UNIX trajectory, somewhat?
<kof673> i mean versus the Uncertified "unix"-likes
<Ermine> oh those godless red unixen
<andydude> I thought haiku was better
<andydude> I have never heard of openindiana, is that what Solaris turned into?
<nikolar> andydude: that's because visual mode is a vim invengion
<nikolar> vi didn't have it
<nikolar> just insert and normal
<nikolar> and command i guess
<heat> openohio
<sortie> Never Solaris a swing state
<kof673> :/ free state of indiana jones
<andydude> I used to use Solaris for the ZFS
<nikolar> now you can get zfs on linux and freebsd
<gog> haiku is so good
<gog> haiku is the best OS
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<nikolar> (and an ancient version on netbsd)
<nikolar> lol gog said that and just left
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<heat> gog openohio solaris just rizzed up linux dunne
<gog> chat is this cap
<gog> openohio made me lol ngl
<sortie> All the cool kids have already migrated their workloads to Sortix what's all of this talk about legacy systems like Solaris and macOS
<zid`> openohio :(
<gog> trianglix
<andydude> sortie: did you make sortix?
<sortie> gog: openohio was hiliarious yeah heat did do the best pun
<heat> openutah is too busy soaking
<gog> jelking in femboy furry land
<sortie> andydude: <_< who told you >_> oh no they're onto me and my Sortix system
<sortie> heat is a fan of everything open
<andydude> um, I made a wild guess that you would name an OS after yourself
<sortie> I wonder if I might name myself after an OS
<andydude> hell if I ever make an OS, the options are AndyOS or Andnix
<sortie> Dudix
<heat> chat sortie just named himself after sortix ong 💀
<zid`> I told you to stop leaving signs up everywhere sortie
<Ermine> heat: I shall call you on
<sortie> Fun fact Sortix is actually named -IX which which is 9 for roman numeral compatibility with Plan 9
<zid`> "why do people keep finding me!?"
<andydude> I <3 Plan9
<andydude> it was the last independent unix era
<Ermine> plan9 is not unix though
<heat> what's an independent unix
<sortie> zid`: I literally once kept following the sortie signs and felt like 'yes this is going my way' until I almost exited the CDG Paris airport by accident and I actually needed a connecting flight
<Ermine> and yeah, define independent
<andydude> Plan9 = UNIX 2.0, Inferno = UNIX 3.0, Golang = UNIX 4.0
<sortie> What's a dependent Unix?
<zid`> sortie: They wanted rid of you so badly they put up signs
<zid`> Rust = web 4.0
<Ermine> lmao
<sortie> sortie belongs out in the french commons
<heat> perl = UNIX 5.0
<zid`> sys v unix = unix 6, weirdly
<andydude> Well, maybe "independent unix" is the wrong word, I think the word I was looking for is "Rob Pike Cyber Creation"
<sortie> Sortix also ends in -X for macOS 10 compatibility
<kof673> i'm on lynx, is this still the logo? > Mar 28, 2016 · The logo is an old cat logo
<sortie> kof673: Sortix ships with links not lynx
<sortie> So you'll have to adapt a bit when you migrate
<zid`> is it built with -g support
<kof673> yes, but i am making an X joke. CHIron is X, centaur...egypt lion with bow (see secret of mana charon lol). i recommend chiron :D
<sortie> Sortix ports are built -Os -s
<zid`> k?
<Ermine> ah so you just like Rob Pike
<zid`> -g is graphical mode, it needs a CONFIG_FB or whatever
<sortie> kof673: But yeah same old logo as ever
<dostoyevsky2> Is there a class of hobby OSes that can run firefox in some form?
<heat> no
<zid`> yea, linux
<Ermine> he's still alive, so "independent unix era" is still here
<heat> OPENBSD
<zid`> It's a little out of hand as a hobby project now though
<Ermine> netbsd
<dostoyevsky2> heat: ha!
<sortie> zid`: Ah no framebuffer for links. Perhaps SDL or something might work. nortti did the port
<zid`> nortti my favourite
<zid`> is good people
<kof673> > The myth of Geryon is linked to the building of the nations of Spain and Portugal meta-chiron basically leads you out of meta-portugal.... there are layers here
<dostoyevsky2> I think DragonFly BSD may meet my criteria
<sortie> nortti is indeed google people and they're actually only one person so that's a really high bar they meet and they do
<sortie> *good people
<sortie> I'VE SAID {TOO MUCH}
<sortie> Anyone else got 23:38 syndrome?
<Ermine> I guess if someone gets badass enough to port drm to onyx, there will be one more system
<heat> no i have 22:38 syndrome
<heat> sorry
<sortie> heat: Gotta get on french time dude C'EST
<heat> Ermine, thank you for volunteering
<sortie> heat is so WEST
<heat> dostoyevsky2, i think we've talked about this but i consider all BSDs not named freebsd hobby
<andydude> Matthew 23:38 says, "See, your house is left to you desolate".
<heat> not hobby hobby, but hobby
<zid`> [22:38] <sortie> Anyone else got 23:38 syndrome?
<zid`> You disgust me
<sortie> Portugal may actually be the only WEST country
<heat> uk?
<sortie> BST
<zid`> BST BST BST
<Ermine> heat: not anytime soon
<zid`> ends in 3 weeks or whatever
<andydude> what's 22:28?
<zid`> so we'll be back on TUCUTUCCUT
<dostoyevsky2> heat: So what's Linus's hobby?
<heat> ok so what's the difference between BST and WEST?
<sortie> The name
<heat> sgtm
<zid`> west europe standard testicle
<zid`> best summer time
<heat> dostoyevsky2, diving
<sortie> And now the EU no longer has any way over UK timezone
<heat> for realsies though i don't think there's a hobby os (made by a single or very very small group of people) out there that has ran firefox
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<heat> i think the managarm people got some other web browser working
<heat> and serenity rolled their own until they became a web browser themselves
<andydude> I seem to remember having basic web on FreeDOS
<sortie> heat: Should we make Onyx or Sortix be the first?
<heat> yes
<heat> https://archlinux.org/packages/extra/x86_64/firefox/ we just need 54 deps and their deps
<bslsk05> ​archlinux.org: Arch Linux - firefox 131.0-1 (x86_64)
<bslsk05> ​www.linuxfromscratch.org: Firefox-128.2.0esr
<heat> ... why does it require nodejs for make
<sortie> 13 SBU that's not bad
<Ermine> their build system uses node js
<heat> christ
<nikolar> lel
<Ermine> take a look at ff's apkbuild
<nikolar> browsers are a nightmare
<zid`> firefox -epv firefox-bin
<zid`> Total: 398 packages (70 new, 1 in new slot, 327 reinstalls), Size of downloads: 227408 KiB
<zid`> emerge*
<andydude> I've worked on ff before, every feature is implemented in at least 12 files
<Ermine> > -bin
<zid`> and whatever else you want if you want to compile it yourself, meson and ninja and shit, assuming none of the deps also needed them
<sortie> Do I need rust for firefox?
<Ermine> yes
<nikolar> zid`: and what are the build time deps
<heat> RUST
<zid`> nikolapdp: idk, fancy doing a diff?
<nikolar> sortie: yes, rust was literally invented for firefox
<dostoyevsky2> nikolar: I think the API part for browsers doesn't seem that difficult.. just the normal kernel stuff and the X11 protocol... but building the C++ code that seems very hard
<sortie> Yep I see rustc being needed by Cbindgen which is needed by firefox
<heat> >I think the API part for browsers doesn't seem that difficult.
<nikolar> dostoyevsky2: i meant that browsers themselves are a nightmare
<heat> it's insane
<nikolar> zid`: kek sure
<andydude> sortie: you're thinking of Servo
<heat> you need full implementations for graphics and audio
<bslsk05> ​gist.github.com: gist:5b18898272538c1e27381e4e24fa7a46 · GitHub
<sortie> I'm not thinking. I'm reading Beyond Linux From Scratch
<heat> if you want relatively fast shit, a full DRM implementation is in order
<zid`> oops
<zid`> [ebuild R ] dev-lang/rust
<sortie> I can probably port GTK
<zid`> woo rust
<heat> sortie you need xorg first
<heat> which is fucking funny
<sortie> heat: Nah wayland is another path
<heat> firefox wayland isn't stable yet i think
<sortie> I actually did this back in 2013 or 2014
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<sortie> heat: Neither is firefox on our OS :)
<Ermine> heat: it is, they have it on by default
<nikolar> zid`: did you just send the same gist twice
<Ermine> I'm using it literaly every day
<heat> >Starting with version 121, Firefox defaults to Wayland instead of XWayland and does not require any configuration
<heat> oh cool
<heat> sorry i use chrome
<andydude> I also use Wayland Firefix everyday
<zid`> nikolapdp: yes, which is why I said "oops", then pasted what I meant to paste
<Ermine> does chrome still xwayland?
<dostoyevsky2> nikolar: It seems perplexing that browsers are more complicated than OSes, though...
<zid`> not really
<heat> Ermine, no
<zid`> a browser is the most complex piece of software ever devised
<nikolar> dostoyevsky2: that's because it combines a lot of the functionality from OSs plus a crap load of other stuff
<andydude> I find it interested that no one has reimplemented a browser entirely in wasm yet
<heat> https://archlinux.org/packages/extra/x86_64/chromium/ chromium doesn't look completely insane a port
<bslsk05> ​archlinux.org: Arch Linux - chromium 129.0.6668.70-1 (x86_64)
<zid`> OS implements "open files", web browser uses that to implement "decode JPEG files and draw them"
<sortie> I like the irony of Firefox needing the Chrome javascript engine to build
<nikolar> sortie: i guess no one thought about thta lol
<zid`> The cunts who decided *json* was a suitable config file format
<zid`> should be fired into the sun
<sortie> json wasn't invented it was discovered
<heat> i've used json as a config file format
<heat> i should definitely be fired into the sun
<zid`> heat: Was your program written in javascript?
<heat> no
<zid`> Then yes, you should be
<nikolar> zid`: thank you
<zid`> why the fuck would you pull in v8 just to open your own config files, and make end users hand edit javascript classes
<heat> worse: i have to import a shitty header-only C++ library that takes like 2s just to compile
<andydude> speaking of decoding jpeg, I wrote my own jpeg decoder a week ago
<heat> for _every file_
<dostoyevsky2> heat: I keep writing DSL-like YAML formats
<zid`> If your project needs something more than .ini
<zid`> redesign your project it's shit
<Ermine> why does vbox vendor mesa...
<heat> Ermine, google vibes buddy
<andydude> my favorite config files are YAML
<heat> shades of mcrod
<nikolar> andydude: yaml is disguisting
<nikolar> don't use it
<zid`> yaml is fucking pointless*
<Ermine> yaml is cringe
<mcrod> what
<heat> yaml
<zid`> "let's use a library that can validate the input files" okay great, so now I have all that code twice, yay
<dostoyevsky2> andydude: I even convert HTML to yaml, so I can easily read a dom in a terminal
<zid`> cus I sure as shit need to validate what the yaml loader gives me
<zid`> or at least convert it to my internal data structures
<nikolar> zid`: don't forget that there are a bunch of yaml features even the yaml creators tell you not to use
<zid`> so now yaml is loading it from a timestamp to a date, validating the date is 'in range', then giving me the timestamp, so that I can turn it into a date
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<heat> maybe the real config file format ends up being shell + copius wordexp usage
<zid`> It's ini
<zid`> The only text based config format that makes any sense is ini, or possibly ini with control blocks, like say, apache.conf
<zid`> kernel is fine with ini
<dostoyevsky2> andydude: YAML feels a bit like python but with just the data structure syntax
<zid`> The thing with the most configuration options of all time
<heat> kernel's format isn't ini
<zid`> a=b
<zid`> is ini
<heat> don't those need sections?
<heat> [wank]
<heat> a=b
<zid`> [crap] is optional yea
<zid`> it just lets you namespace in the loader if you want
<zid`> wank.a
<zid`> The point is it's completely unspecified and also completely braindead
<heat> huh winapi supports ini natively?
<zid`> apparently? I've never tried it
<heat> according to wikipedia
<zid`> GetPrivateProfileString I think
<zid`> Note This function is provided only for compatibility with 16-bit Windows-based applications. Applications should store initialization information in the registry.
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<heat> see, the annoying bit about all of this shit is just parsing
<zid`> Good news, readline, find the first =
<zid`> you're do ne
<heat> which is why json kind of Just Works even if it results in a crap experience for the end user
<heat> on linux + C you might want to import glib which... hah
<zid`> You either toss it in a hash table, or you read it sequentially and set all your flags
<Ermine> why glib
<zid`> idk what's hard about parsing ini
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<Ermine> surely there are standalone ini libs
<heat> Ermine, idk it's the second impl in the list
<heat> fwiw glib is probably a nice lib to use for C
<heat> for data structures at least
<Ermine> I've tried that and I don't recommend
<Ermine> though you'd have to use it if you use gtk
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<Ermine> not sure, but qt probably uses it too
<sortie> heat: ok porting firefox is a non starter for now. I'd need to port both nodejs and rust first
<sortie> Plus I bet I need dynamic linking and full shared memory support
<sortie> And gtk or something with a backend
<sortie> Sounds like Sortix 1.2
<zid`> I'm having half a scottish dinner
<nikolar> sortie: define full shared memory support
<sortie> nikolar: Whatever firefox needs. My support is early prototype at the moment
<nikolar> ah
<zid`> Just configuring firefox is a small research project, I bet
<zid`> in terms of cutting down deps to things that are easiest to implement
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<nikolar> if you even have an option of cutting down deps
<zid`> yea
<zid`> USE="X clang gmp-autoupdate system-av1 system-harfbuzz system-icu system-jpeg system-libevent system-libvpx system-webp -dbus -debug -eme-free -geckodriver -hardened -hwaccel -jack -libproxy -lto -openh264 -pgo -pulseaudio -screencast (-selinux) -sndio -system-png (-system-python-libs) -wayland -wifi"
<zid`> no icu, no jpeg, no webp, no dbus, no audio, no h264, no png, no wifi
<zid`> is a start
<zid`> and then paring down either a wayland or an X
<zid`> set of libs
<nikolar> does that even build
<zid`> it would, yes
<nikolar> cute
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<heat> sortie, node is probably not the worst to port
<heat> v8 is actually quite portable, and the other deps look okay too
<heat> rust is probably a PITA if you care about bootstrapping though
<heat> you should probably tackle rustc for 1.1 before actually needing it for packages on 1.2
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