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<sad_plan> ehawkvuv: i can confirm that I still cant launch anything in tinyx without my installed fonts. so for me the included ones dont work for me. also, the buildscript for liberation-fonts-tinyx uses unsupported xargs flags that my xargs dont have.
<sewn> me wondering if i should make my own package manager or just use alpine
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<sad_plan> use slpm
<sewn> whats a slpm
<sad_plan> suckless package manager
<sewn> where is it
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<sewn> is it
<sad_plan> yes
<sewn> no real distro made with it
<sewn> unfortunate
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<sad_plan> just use it w/e else one has. not sure how usable it is though
<sewn> sad_plan: everything about it is implicit
<sewn> basically it tries to do everything
<sewn> basically its not suckless
* sewn does a mic drop
<sad_plan> its made by one of the suckless devs though. perhaps thats a design choice
<sad_plan> never tried it myself, so i dont even know if it works
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