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<sad_plan> hi
<sewn> hi sd
<sewn> sad
<sewn> sad _pl
<sewn> sad_plan:
<sad_plan> hi sewn
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<midfavila> hey guys
<midfavila> looking to dump my PC and similar
<midfavila> any of you want a new workstation?
<midfavila> same machine i've used for a few years now, just need to get some cash and offload some larger items so i can move
<midfavila> Saskatchewan is much more affordable than New Brunswick and I'm tired of the place I work at fucking me over so I'm making like a tree and getting the fuck out asap
<midfavila> HR placed me on admin leave without telling me, my boss, or my boss' boss, and nobody knows why. i legitimately can't fathom why myself, other than over unionbusting
<midfavila> and i'm just
<midfavila> blaaaah
<riteo> oof
<riteo> I've never had a job but I think you did the right thing
<midfavila> avoid having a job as long as you can
<midfavila> 99% of them are bullshit
<midfavila> >no
<midfavila> >hey can we have enough money to eat and pay rent and maybe wash our clothes?
<midfavila> >hey so we're exercising our right to organize collectively to pressure you to pay us enough to live
<midfavila> >we're putting you on admin leave and you're not allowed on company property or to talk to anyone at the company other than this specific HR person
<riteo> bruh that should be illegal :(
<midfavila> it is
<midfavila> they're still doing it
<riteo> hopefully stuff's better over here in italy
<riteo> still a long way to go (I still gotta start university) so I can not worry about this shit too much for now hopefully
<midfavila> don't bother with university unless you're interested in the material for its own sake
<midfavila> unless italy's labor market in tech is significantly different than NA, nobody will care
<riteo> oh yeah I heard that tech jobs are actually kinda shitty here
<riteo> but I am indeed interested as my "industrial and technical" high school explained stuff like shit and I came there exactly to know about this stuff
<riteo> From what I can tell, either a sysadmin or an OSS developer (think of Godot or sourcehut) would be pretty nice things, but I've not investigated that much and I'll still have to see what the job market actually offers
<riteo> as long as it's not webdev it should be doable lmao
<riteo> out of curiosity, what are you doing as a job rn? (or did, nw)
<midfavila> i'm stuck as a cashier at a gas station
<midfavila> because there's no work in my city
<riteo> I'm sure you'll find a more rewarding job once you move, hoping for the best <3