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<erdem> test
<erdem> :p
<erdem> how can I connect up to a server over TLS w kiss?
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<sewn> erdem: not any different from others
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<sewn> hi
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<thikkl> Should I be concerned that my team isn't kicking in when compiling things? Normally it starts up immediately when I build a package, but it doesn't seem to be happening in kiss
<thikkl> Whoops, fan, not team
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<phoebos> thikkl: you may want to install tlp or thinkfan or something for a daemon to control your fan
<ehawkvu> sad_plan: could you test out a package for me?
<ehawkvu> (if you're still using tinyx that is)
<ehawkvu> it's liberation-fonts-tinyx (under testing/ in kiss-xorg)
<sewn> what does it do
<sewn> ehawkvu: is it me or would it be a better idea to let users of that particular package maintain packages meant for that package
<sewn> i dont get the need for it if youre not going to be the one most likely not using it
<sewn> oh yeah: sad_plan uses sbase and that package wont work for them as it uses flags unsupported by sbase
<sewn> particularly -print0
<sewn> still would be cooler if tinyx maintainer maintains tinyx packages :p
<ehawkvu> sewn: I was testing to see if it was possible to change fonts using tinyx
<ehawkvu> It was more so a curiosity rather than a real "serious" package
<ehawkvu> Also, I wanted to have a concrete example of what is explained in the tinyx readme
<sad_plan> ehawkvu: im still using tinyx, aswell as sbase as sewn said. not currently on pc, but can check when I get on it tomorrow or something.
<sad_plan> on another note regarding fonts. tinyx uses w/e font is installed. be it tamzen which is my maim font, or liberation-fonts
<ehawkvu> really? whenever I tried using tinyx, the only font I ever saw was 6x13 (the one we ship)
<thikkl> phoebos: looks like the fan speed on my laptop is controlled by the embedded controller and not exposed to the OS. I'll maybe just keep an eye on it, hopefully the fan kicks in when needed
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<sad_plan> iirc, i forgot to install a font once, and couldnt launch anything. similarly to when you have no fonts installed. but I can all doublecheck this later, once I get back on my laptop
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<sewn> waow
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