phoebos changed the topic of #kisslinux to: Unofficial KISS Linux community channel | | post logs or else | song of the day
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<thikkl> quick question: is there a way to check what firmware blobs are being used by the arch iso?
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<sewn> hi
<sewn> thikkl: dmesg
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ehawkvu has joined #kisslinux
<ehawkvu> The spec is now public ~
<sewn> ippee
<sewn> aw its not in markdown
<sewn> now everyone and their mother has to have a tex to pdf compiler
<ehawkvu> I'm not opposed to rewriting in markdown :)
<ehawkvu> I just think tex looks nice
<ehawkvu> sewn: also let me know what you think of the "kiss-system" package
<sewn> oh im no kisser
<sewn> phoebos: testuser[m]: you should check this out
<ehawkvu> iirc phoebos has seen the draft already
<sewn> but not the kiss-system :p
<ehawkvu> right
<ehawkvu> im surprised you're not on kiss anymore? alpine?
<sewn> i suggest you check this out
<sewn> using your specification, a test suite to determine if a kiss implementation fully supports the specification can be possible
<ehawkvu> That's why I've been working on it
<sewn> yippee
<ehawkvu> that's also the reason I've been trying to write as many tests for kiss.el as I can
<ehawkvu> Also, I do have some other ideas for stuff this year.
<ehawkvu> w/ regards to kiss
<sad_plan> im going to go out on a limb and say that most of us dont use tex format. so md would probably be better, or plain text. but atleast the format is readable in raw form, so I dont care too much about it
<sad_plan> in any case, keep it up ehawkvu
<ilt> ehawkvu: applied!
<ehawkvu> ilt: Thank you!
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<sewn> ehawkvu single handedly making the most amount of progress done in kiss community for the first time in months:
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<sewn> phoebos: song of the day plz:
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