phoebos changed the topic of #kisslinux to: Unofficial KISS Linux community channel | | post logs or else | song of the day
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<sewn> hi
<acsqdotme> sewn you're everywhere. I always feel nervous asking questions related to a dozen different projects in a dozen different chats cause you're there to see me mess up each time.
<sewn> i
<sewn> I'm lain
<sewn> no matter where you go acsqdotme, everyone is connected
traidare has joined #kisslinux
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<thikkl> sewn: I left webkit2gtk version 2.40.4 compiling overnight, this version built successfully for me
<sewn> aweaowsme
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<thikkl> unfortunately surf freezes xorg and I have to kill my wm from another tty
<thikkl> so I guess I'm going with badwolf now
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<ehawkvu> sad_plan: that's interesting, and I'll fix the xargs options
<ehawkvu> also kiss-spec has been rewritten to use markdown instead of LaTeX
<sad_plan> cool. ill lets you know my findings later. dope
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<sewn> thats awesome
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