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<sewn> hi
<sewn> Guest22: just do kiss c foot
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<ehawkvu> sad_plan: Should be fixed - forgot to add a dependency to the file
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<sad_plan> ehawvu: it just errors out on not finding the 'fixed' font for me.
<sad_plan> ehawkvu
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<riteo> Hi folks
<riteo> Building firefox is _pain_, how do you speed up the process, if it's even possible? sccache and kiss don't work well together, due to the different folders
<riteo> I wonder why we have pid-named folders in the first place
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<midfavila> i've finally reached the point where i just boot straight into emacs
<midfavila> i don't know if this is a good or a bad thing
<midfavila> (at least, i'm experimenting with it on this cheapo laptop i picked up)
<midfavila> i'm gonna be moving within the next few weeks and i needed a temporary machine to use so i picked up this hp elitebook 131c for like 60$
<midfavila> honestly even though it's super old it's pretty decent
<midfavila> shockingly easy to work on too
<midfavila> i was able to swap the hard disk out for a spare ssd i had laying around in fifteen seconds, toolless
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