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<Ingvix> I found some old filter examples showing volume having softclip option but that doesn't seem to be the case currently. Was the functionality moved to asoftclip perhaps?
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<Ingvix> oh, or is it replaygain_noclip now
<Ingvix> hmm, maybe I'm actually reading this mpv related filter wrong
<Ingvix> also I don't know why did my brain think noclip is the same as softclip for a moment
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<cers> I am having an issue using filter_complex. I have an initial chain that produces an output that I am attempting to then reuse in subsequent chains. For example -complex_filter "[0:v]scale='in_color_matrix=auto:in_range=auto:out_color_matrix=bt709:out_range=tv',setsar='1:1'[vfixed];[vfixed]scale='w=1280:h=720'[v720p]" (slightly contrived example),
<cers> but I get an error saying that vfixed does not match any streams. Using [0:v] as input for the chains works as expected though, but I would like to not have to do the preprocess step for each following chain. Am I misunderstanding something?
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<furq> cers: if you're using vfixed as an input label multiple times then you need to split it first
<furq> setsar=1,split=3[vf0][vf1][vf2];[vf0]scale... etc
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<cers> furq oh interesting!
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