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<ePirat> haasn, also whats the difference between hwmap and hwupload?
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<BtbN> one maps between two hw formats, the other uploads from RAM to VRAM, or whatever is akin to VRAM for the hw in questio
<haasn> ePirat: I think the original intent was that ;wmap is zerocopy while hwupload is memcpy
<haasn> but looking at the vulkan hwcontext at least that is definitely not the case for cuda
<haasn> which is for some reason supported by av_hwframe_transfer but not av_hwframe_map
<haasn> while vaapi and drm are only supported by the latter
<haasn> I suspect there's no actual difference and it's just arbitrary
<ePirat> its very confusing
<haasn> and we should probably make all hwframe->hwframe transfers use hwmap so that we can fix the ambiguity
<haasn> cc Lynne
<BtbN> CUDA is very pecuilar, and I'm pretty sure is intentionally kept close but not fully compatible to Vulkan/OpenCL/OpenGL
<BtbN> so keep their ecosystem on lockdown
<BtbN> so it's not possible to go zero-copy, but you can copy between CUDA and others
<haasn> you can zerocopy between cuda and vk afaik, hwcontext_vulkan even does so
<BtbN> But that also means that for best performance, you need to go full CUDA
<BtbN> iirc what you get is in a format that you cannot easily use in CUDA, and to make it useful, need to copy
<haasn> ret = CHECK_CU(cu->cuImportExternalMemory(&dst_int->ext_mem[i], &ext_desc));
<haasn> ah
<haasn> quite possible
<haasn> wasn't that just for encode/decode though, where you need linear buffers
<Lynne> yeah, you get a format that you cannot use in encoders/decoders/filters when you import vulkan memory
<BtbN> i.e. all the CUDA video stuff operates on just plain buffers
<haasn> i.e. you need a copy to go from a vulkan filter to nvenc
<BtbN> but all the functions give you individual buffers per plane, or Arrays
<haasn> but you need a copy to go from vulkan filter to vulkan encode as well..
<BtbN> That being said, CUDA/Nvidia is very good at copying
<BtbN> not sure if it even copies at all under the hood, given how fast it is
<haasn> Lynne: internal memcpy shenanigans aside do you see a reason why we couldn't move the vk<->cuda interop from _hwframe_transfer to hwframe_map?
<haasn> afaict it just needs to be moved from one switch/case to another
<haasn> I wanted to add swfmt negotiation to hwupload/hwdownload/hwmap a while ago and this is one of the things that was blocking me
<Lynne> nope, not really, nihil obstat
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<noobaroo> is there a free GUI program for cutting up one big video ?
<noobaroo> Losslessly ..
<BtbN> avidemux
<noobaroo> I have that but I guess i need to find a tutorial how to use it for this purpose
<noobaroo> Can you cut more than one section at a time? This is what im really looking for
<BtbN> you can cut however you like, and then export the result
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<welder> is there an autotune audio filter in ffmpeg?
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<minimal> welder: a Britany Spears filter? lol
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<welder> one that will "round" the sounds
<welder> yeah, maybe it's called like that :D
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