Marth64 changed the topic of #ffmpeg to: Welcome to the FFmpeg USER support channel | Development channel: #ffmpeg-devel | Bug reports: | Wiki: | This channel is publically logged | FFmpeg 7.1 is released
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<minahermina> Hey there! I hope you're doing well!
<minahermina> I have read all the instructions at,
<minahermina>  and I wanted to ask: who should I contact or email to inform them that I am working on a certain bug as my qualification task?
<minahermina> I picked the bug from the FFmpeg bug tracker.
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<BtbN> Should be the mentor of the project you're qualifying for, minahermina
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<minahermina> thanks BtbN
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<phinxy> This might be a question for mpv/libplacebo? Is glslang or shaderc required for vulkan hwaccel of h264/h265 video?
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<phinxy> Im trying out 'hasvk vulkan video decoding' draft getting this error [ffmpeg/video] hevc: Device does not support the VK_KHR_video_decode_queue extension! log: is my GPU not supported / should I give up/
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<another|> phinxy: try `export HASVK_PERFTEST=video_decode`
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<fsphil> hi all. any ideas why scaling and converting a video to rgb24 would look different vs. rgb32? there are vertical lines on rgb32:
<fsphil> (images zoomed and contrast boosted)
<fsphil> * er, horizontal lines even
<fsphil> I'd expect them to be identical
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