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<Guest94> hey folks, I was wondering if someone could help me out. I am trying to generate thumbnails from videos/gifs/etc and I want to ensure that I create exactly N thumbnails that are as equidistantly apart as possible, for any input. I have tried messing with `fps` filters to math out the frames ahead of time, -frames:v to limit the max, but I still run
<Guest94> into cases where ffmpeg cannot create exactly the right amount of thumbnails. As an example, I have a gif that is 2.4 seconds long, has a framerate of 10/1, and I want to generate 18 thumbnails. In reality, I end up creating 17 thumbnails. This is the command I am working with:
<Guest94> I derive fps=7.5 by taking the duration (2.4) and the desired frames (10) to get this: (fps = 1 / 2.4 / 18).
<Guest94> `ffmpeg -v info -i ./myanimation.gif -vf scale=500x280:flags=neighbor,fps=7.5,showinfo -frames:v 18 -f image2 /tmp/thumbnails-1ef6182bbe51a33f/%04d.jpg`
<Guest94> This ends up generating 17 thumbnails at these timestamps:
<Guest94> ```
<Guest94>   0
<Guest94>   0.133333
<Guest94>   0.266667
<Guest94>   0.4
<Guest94>   0.533333
<Guest94>   0.666667
<Guest94>   0.8
<Guest94>   0.933333
<Guest94>   1.066667
<Guest94>   1.2
<Guest94>   1.333333
<Guest94>   1.466667
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