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sorry i was afk
but doing -r 25 on the output is what i have been doing and it drops every 2nd frame as desired but playback is jerky
i ended up trying this which produces better results
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"-vf setpts=N/25/TB" && "-r 25" on output still
i don't understand it but chatgpt said it would fixed presentation timestamps :S it seems better
yeah, there's also "select" where you can explicitly specify to select every other frame
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Hey, can anyone tell me how to properly demux+transcode a CRI Movie 2 (.usm) video?
It appears to be a supported container format, but ffmpeg can't find the codec of any streams in the file I give it
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i am extracting keywords from wav file by using vosk model
can i do that keyword extraction with ffmpeg?
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let me repeat my question
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i am extracting keywords from wav file by using vosk model can i do that with ffmpeg
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Hey. I'm trying to make VAAPI hardware acceleration work with ffmpeg. I have tried some commands I have found on the internet, but they are failing:
first of all, adding `-v verbose` is generally a good idea as it's the last non-spammy log level while still providing some extra. then second thing is that you will want to check out the output of `vainfo` regarding what it tells about your available VA-API drivers
yea, with verbose you can see the loaded driver info etc
while without it that was all not visible
yea, so it doesn't like the 4:4:4 :)
which is not surprising, since that's not a thing in any of the relevant profiles that older hardware can do (until quite recently actually)
What are my options?
you will have to get it to 4:2:0 YCbCr at the end of the chain (either nv12 or yuv420p) for the encoder to take it in
you'll probably have to utilize something like scale_vaapi if that old version of FFmpeg has it
so something like `hwupload,scale_vaapi=format=nv12`
if it can upload a bgr0 image
also when dealing with hardware formats, you really want to start disabling auto-scaling insertion since it does not know hw formats. that may change in the future, but even then it could end up in going backwards and forth
`-noauto_conversion_filters` would disable automagically inserted conversions in the filter chain
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JEEB: This is the output after I've added 'scale_vaapi=format=nv12' (now colorized):
try replacing nv12 with yuv420p
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kind of surprising it's not OK with NV12, but the full vainfo output does indeed only show YUV420
otherwise it's the input side that it doesn't like
The order of filters seems to be important. Does hwupload have to be first?
yes, since I don't think the vaapi scaler works with software frames
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JEEB: "if that old version of FFmpeg has it" I can try to obtain the latest version of ffmpeg if it will help.
hi guys, anyone has experience changing framerate 25 => 29.976 on interlaced content? some time ago someone on this channel suggested to deinterlace the contente, modify framerate and interlace again. this has a better result, but some movements are still a bit janky. any suggestions?
^thanks for your input
meator: the filter is there, it's just that most likely bgr0 is a no-go :P
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The colors look a bit off though. I think that this is related to the pixel format problems. Here is an extracted frame from the video recorded using the ffmpeg invocation above: here is an actual screenshot:
is that with current master or 6.1?
and yea, that is the case where you let software do the RGB to YCbCr conversion, and then hwupload
This is ffmpeg version 7.1 (not the latest version 7.1.1 nor any development version).
I just have no recollection when 7.1 got branched, if it was before or after the initial swscale improvements
which added transfer function support etc
because if it's new enough then you want to set `scale=out_color_matrix=bt709:out_primaries=bt709:out_transfer=gamma22,format=pix_fmts=nv12`
that should set various color related values that hopefully when you `ffprobe -v verbose -i OUTPUT_FILE` you can see
This makes no mention of hwupload, which I assume is necessary. I will do some more experiments tomorrow. Thanks for your help!
yes, since that was after
that was just the scale filter part
well, scale+format that controls the pixel format for the previous filter
format is basically a meta filter and not one that by itself does something :)
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(it causes the filter before it to get a requirement for that format to be pushed out)
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