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<YUiNA_> sorry i was afk
<YUiNA_> but doing -r 25 on the output is what i have been doing and it drops every 2nd frame as desired but playback is jerky
<YUiNA_> i ended up trying this which produces better results
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<YUiNA_> "-vf setpts=N/25/TB" && "-r 25" on output still
<YUiNA_> i don't understand it but chatgpt said it would fixed presentation timestamps :S it seems better
<ppw> yeah, there's also "select" where you can explicitly specify to select every other frame
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<Liver_K> Hey, can anyone tell me how to properly demux+transcode a CRI Movie 2 (.usm) video?
<Liver_K> It appears to be a supported container format, but ffmpeg can't find the codec of any streams in the file I give it
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<spinningCat> i am extracting keywords from wav file by using vosk model
<spinningCat> can i do that keyword extraction with ffmpeg?
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<spinningCat> let me repeat my question
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<spinningCat> i am extracting keywords from wav file by using vosk model can i do that with ffmpeg
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<meator> Hey. I'm trying to make VAAPI hardware acceleration work with ffmpeg. I have tried some commands I have found on the internet, but they are failing:
<JEEB> first of all, adding `-v verbose` is generally a good idea as it's the last non-spammy log level while still providing some extra. then second thing is that you will want to check out the output of `vainfo` regarding what it tells about your available VA-API drivers
<meator> vainfo: more verbose ffmpeg:
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<JEEB> can you try with `vainfo -a` ?
<JEEB> it should show all of the attributes, but at least in general you can see a VAEntrypointEncSliceLP for H.264
<JEEB> yea, with verbose you can see the loaded driver info etc
<JEEB> while without it that was all not visible
<JEEB> ahhh
<JEEB> yea, so it doesn't like the 4:4:4 :)
<JEEB> which is not surprising, since that's not a thing in any of the relevant profiles that older hardware can do (until quite recently actually)
<meator> What are my options?
<JEEB> you will have to get it to 4:2:0 YCbCr at the end of the chain (either nv12 or yuv420p) for the encoder to take it in
<JEEB> you'll probably have to utilize something like scale_vaapi if that old version of FFmpeg has it
<JEEB> so something like `hwupload,scale_vaapi=format=nv12`
<JEEB> if it can upload a bgr0 image
<JEEB> also when dealing with hardware formats, you really want to start disabling auto-scaling insertion since it does not know hw formats. that may change in the future, but even then it could end up in going backwards and forth
<JEEB> `-noauto_conversion_filters` would disable automagically inserted conversions in the filter chain
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<meator> JEEB: This is the output after I've added 'scale_vaapi=format=nv12' (now colorized):
<JEEB> try replacing nv12 with yuv420p
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<JEEB> kind of surprising it's not OK with NV12, but the full vainfo output does indeed only show YUV420
<JEEB> otherwise it's the input side that it doesn't like
<meator> The order of filters seems to be important. Does hwupload have to be first?
<JEEB> yes, since I don't think the vaapi scaler works with software frames
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<meator> JEEB: "if that old version of FFmpeg has it" I can try to obtain the latest version of ffmpeg if it will help.
<obcecado> hi guys, anyone has experience changing framerate 25 => 29.976 on interlaced content? some time ago someone on this channel suggested to deinterlace the contente, modify framerate and interlace again. this has a better result, but some movements are still a bit janky. any suggestions?
<obcecado> ^thanks for your input
<JEEB> meator: the filter is there, it's just that most likely bgr0 is a no-go :P
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<JEEB> `-vf scale,format=rgb32,hwupload,format=vaapi,scale_vaapi=format=nv12`
<JEEB> for newer versions, since BtbN's stuff seems to contain vaapi you can always try the latest master-linux64 build
<JEEB> download and extract into a directory, then call it out with its full path
<BtbN> vaapi in static builds is very problematic though
<JEEB> (instead of just `ffmpeg`)
<JEEB> yea
<BtbN> since you HAVE to have exact the same libva version it was built against...
<BtbN> It's a bit of a hack to link it statically at all
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<meator> I'm compiling ffmpeg 7.1 now.
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<JEEB> lol, asking for rgb32 and...
<JEEB> although I guess `format=pix_fmts=rgb32` would be the full setting
<JEEB> ahhh
<JEEB> should have read `-pix_fmts` :P
<JEEB> rgb0 should be rgb and 4th byte unused
<meator> How should I modify ffmpeg's arguments?
<meator> Ha, ffmpeg7 compilation didn't take as long as I expected it to.
<meator> I how have ffmpeg 7.1 available.
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<meator> I have rerun all commands mentioned here (even trying out format=pix_fmts=rgb32) but I haven't observed a difference.
<JEEB> yea, that's because rgb32 is not a thing as I noted
<JEEB> I wrote that initially after reading vainfo's output
<JEEB> but forgot that it's not a name that FFmpeg uses
<JEEB> `ffmpeg -pix_fmts |grep rgb`
<meator> Which of these pixel formats would be appropriate?
<meator> I won't lie, my debugging proces is trial and error. The error messages don't tell me much and Google is clueless too.
<JEEB> the error itself is indeed generic since it just talks about configuring the vaapi_scale filter
<JEEB> but it definitely does support for output one of yuv420p or nv12. thus what's left is the output
<JEEB> and as I said, rgb0 would be 32bit with the last byte being unused instead of alpha
<JEEB> alternatively if you want to give up, just use CPU scaling for RGB to YCbCr `scale,format=pix_fmts=nv12,...`
<JEEB> (or yuv420p)
<JEEB> and then you only need hwupload and no scale_vaapi
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<JEEB> yea then just try doing the RGB to YCbCr conversion in software as I noted. which then doesn't require scale_vaapi
<JEEB> (also it could just be something dumb like scale_vaapi wanting `,format=pix_fmts=vaapi` after itself
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<meator> The following commandline works: ffmpeg -y -v verbose -vaapi_device /dev/dri/renderD128 -noauto_conversion_filters -f x11grab -video_size 1366x768 -i :0 -vf 'scale,format=pix_fmts=nv12,hwupload,format=vaapi' -c:v h264_vaapi output.mp4
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<meator> The colors look a bit off though. I think that this is related to the pixel format problems. Here is an extracted frame from the video recorded using the ffmpeg invocation above: here is an actual screenshot:
<JEEB> is that with current master or 6.1?
<JEEB> and yea, that is the case where you let software do the RGB to YCbCr conversion, and then hwupload
<meator> This is ffmpeg version 7.1 (not the latest version 7.1.1 nor any development version).
<JEEB> I just have no recollection when 7.1 got branched, if it was before or after the initial swscale improvements
<JEEB> which added transfer function support etc
<JEEB> because if it's new enough then you want to set `scale=out_color_matrix=bt709:out_primaries=bt709:out_transfer=gamma22,format=pix_fmts=nv12`
<JEEB> that should set various color related values that hopefully when you `ffprobe -v verbose -i OUTPUT_FILE` you can see
<meator> This makes no mention of hwupload, which I assume is necessary. I will do some more experiments tomorrow. Thanks for your help!
<JEEB> yes, since that was after
<JEEB> that was just the scale filter part
<JEEB> well, scale+format that controls the pixel format for the previous filter
<JEEB> format is basically a meta filter and not one that by itself does something :)
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<JEEB> (it causes the filter before it to get a requirement for that format to be pushed out)
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