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<Liver_K> So can anyone tell me about ffmpeg's support for the CRI movie 2 (.usm) format yet?
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<Liver_K> I've already tried increasing analyzeduration to 5,000,000 since it was defaulting to 0 for some reason instead of the normal 5,000,000
<Liver_K> probesize is already the proper default 5,000,000 and it still fails to find a codec for either of the two detected streams
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<another|> Liver_K: it simply doesn't seem suported
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<ym> Hi. Just used: ffmpeg -ss 00:26:23.041 -to 00:26:24.375 -i ~/0yfu8.mp4 -c copy ~/mette-1.mp4
<ym> And it seemed to worked as expected, mpv mette-1.mp4 played that part, but firefox's HTML5 media player played the file with desynced audio and like it was cut slightly earlier.
<ym> I wonder what could cause this.
<ym> Should I use some option to tell ffmpeg to copy more precisely?
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<ym> I took timestamps with mpv --osd-fractions ~/0yfu8.mp4
<ym> Maybe mpv messes things?
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<welder> does desync persist when you drop -c copy?
<ym> welder, thanks, that's worked!
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<Liver_K> another|: But it's in the -formats output, ffmpeg is at least aware of it
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<frankplow> Is there any way to extract the first N frames of a video while avoiding transcoding, given the Nth frame lies just before a GOP boundary?
<frankplow> Using the select filter doesn't work as you can't use a filter and stream copy at the same time
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<BtbN> -frames
<BtbN> thougn not sure if that's honored in -c copy mode, but worth a try
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<noobaroo> BtBn sorry to ask but I kind of have a disability, do you have a concise link to a tutorial for Avidemux to do what i want?
<noobaroo> * do you happen to have
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<BtbN> no, not really. The few times I used it I just fiddled with it and it worked
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<another|> Liver_K: yes, there is a demuxer for usm. That does not mean there is support for all the codecs that can be contained inside
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<Liver_K> AFAIK sofdec2 always contains mpeg-2 video and CRI ADX audio streams, which are both supported
<Liver_K> I'll do my best to check that if I can get my hands on the sofdec SDK though
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