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<FlorianBad> I asked Grok what would be slower without the NVIDIA DRM driver (since it failed to compile in my case so I went with the rest of nvidia but not DRM) and it told me that things like encoding 264/265 could be slower, true? What else would be slower? (and no I cannot use nouveau, it's a long story)
<BtbN> what?
<FlorianBad> I thought that video encoding was 100% cpu, is there any GPU accel?
<BtbN> There is hardware encoding
<BtbN> a software encoder does not magically get faster by presence of a GPU
<FlorianBad> And would DRM be used for that?
<FlorianBad> hmm
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<BtbN> What do you mean by DRM?
<BtbN> DRM is usually not something that concerns the encoder, but is done at the container level or above
<FlorianBad> by DRM I mean the proprietary Nvidia DRM kernel module
<BtbN> There is nvenc, if you mean that
<FlorianBad> (as opposed to the rest of the nvidia driver)
<BtbN> still not sure how a specific part of the nvidia driver would be involved
<BtbN> either you use nvidias encoder, or not.
<FlorianBad> ok. So far I don't see any perf difference since I don't have the DRM module, I'm just trying to know what to expect in terms of performance drop, whether it's while encoding, or playing, or doing 3D, etc. So far I cannot see a difference
<BtbN> again: software encoders won't magically get faster/better by the presence of a GPU
<BtbN> They are fully CPU based
<BtbN> You need to use a hardware encoder
<BtbN> like nvenc in the case of nvidia.
<BtbN> And it's not a simple "it's faster". Yes, it's fast. But at the expense of quality for a given bitrate.
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<FlorianBad> well I jsut had a crash so I might have other issues...
<FlorianBad> probably more important than DRM
<BtbN> I'm still confused what you mean with DRM.
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<BtbN> In the context of video, that typically refers to content protection stuff
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<FlorianBad> well maybe you don't know nvidia drm
<FlorianBad> it's a type of driver they make
<w1kl4s> BtbN in context of GPU, it's probably this
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<BtbN> It's one of the many parts of a graphics driver
<BtbN> and one that ffmpeg is concerned with relatively little even
<BtbN> outside of stuff like Vulkan
<BtbN> The Nvidia specific acceleration support in FFmpeg sits on top of CUDA (Or D3D11), which works without any direct rendering going on at all
<BtbN> If you want to use nvenc, we have wiki pages on it, and the general documentation
<BtbN> But again, x264 or other swencs won't get faster just like that
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<dell> Hello. I have some mkv I want to make into mp4 for use in a simpler player that doesn't support subtitles or mkv. I have already tested -c copy and that works fine to do the mkv to mp4 without reencoding.
<dell> The source files have more than a dozen subtitles. I wanna burn the "English #1" into the output video...
<dell> I am looking for a magical simple solution to do so.
<dell> Linux
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<aaabbb> dell: so you basically want to hardsub one sub track from mkv into an mp4?
<aaabbb> you do "-vf subtitles=input.mkv". you cannot do it without reencoding though
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<aaabbb> example: ffmpeg -i input.mkv -vf subtitles=f=input.mkv:si=0 -c:v libx264 -crf 20 -preset veryslow -c:a copy output.mp4
<aaabbb> that assumes that the subtitle index of "English #1" is subtitle stream 0
<aaabbb> there are better formats than h264 (produced by libx264) but because you say it's a simple player, it might not support newer formats like hevc or av1 (produced by libx265 and libsvtav1 respectively)
<dell> yes correct h264 required
<aaabbb> hopefully it can be high profile and not baseline :p
<dell> thank you much for the reply, I'm going ot test it now.
<aaabbb> for testing, you can change -preset veryslow to -preset veryfast (but for the final encode, i'd suggest veryslow, or even placebo if you have the time which helps a bit with libx264)
<dell> I tried it exactly as you suggested with veryslow and if I understand the output right, it is indeed very slow. If I understand right, its encoding at 11fps. Considering the video started at 30fps, that means its gunna take more than twice as long as the video to encode it?
<aaabbb> dell: roughly, but you will get improved quality for the same size
<aaabbb> you can also do "slower" instead of "veryslow" if 11fps is too slow
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<aaabbb> but that slightly reduces quality per bitrate
<dell_> sorry i disconnected and reconnected, i may have missed a reply
<aaabbb> just said that if it's 11fps, then it's probably encoding at about 0.3x speed. if that's too slow you can change "veryslow" to "slower" but the faster it is, the less quality you get per bitrate
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<dell_> of course, just makin sure i understood the output right, you've confirmed that's really what it does mean.
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<aaabbb> if it's anime (and not a bluray rip/not grainy) then adding "-tune animation" can help improve quality too
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<bray90820> How much ram is recommended for converting mkv and mp4 to h..265 mp4
<bray90820> Spesifically this coe
<bray90820> -vcodec libx265 -c:a copy
<aaabbb> bray90820: depends on preset but mostly on resolution
<aaabbb> 360p is going to use much less memory than 4k
<bray90820> 1080P
<bray90820> To convert an H.264 mp4 to an H.265 mp4 is 1.7X an ok speed
<bray90820> Because when I go from mkv to h.265 my speed is like 5 times faster
<aaabbb> from mp4 to h265 mp4 won't be any faster than mkv to an h265 mp4
<aaabbb> but for 1080p at -preset slow it seems it uses about 1 gigabyte
<bray90820> But It's roughly 2.5 times faster to convert an mkv to mp4 44that it is to convert mp4 to mp4
<aaabbb> then the resolution or framerate are different
<aaabbb> mkv and mp4 are just containers. they won't impact encoding speed
<aaabbb> so i guess whatever you have in that mp4 probably has a higher framerate or a higher resolution
<bray90820> Framerate as in FPS?
<aaabbb> yeah
<bray90820> That's good to know
<bray90820> Thanks
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<Guest21> hi! i have a problem that i cannot solve. i'm trying to set all the files in set directory as an input and i managed to do so, but i have to navigate to the right directory before using ffmpeg. what i would want to do instead is to change the path from the script. any help? i use windows btw.
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<hsv> Is there a way to insert regular duplicate frames to a movie?
<hsv> in effect to slow the perceived frame rate without changing the actual frame rate.
<hsv> (most of the search hits are about avoiding duplicate frames)
<hsv> maybe... -vf setpts='PTS+(N/FR/TB)'
<furq> setpts=N/20/TB,fps=25
<furq> not sure how regular that would be though
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<furq> also minterpolate=fps=30:mi_mode=dup,setpts=PTS/25/TB
<furq> or some other mi_mode
<hsv> thanks :) i will experiment ...
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<peetah> Hi, I have a VOB file that ffmpeg tools fail to parse correctly: it contains a video stream, several audio streams and one subtitle stream, but ffprobe only detect one audio stream with an inconsistent duration.
<peetah> mplayer and vlc are able to play this file fine, but no mpv which seems to detect the same audio stream as ffprobe
<peetah> is this the kind of thing that I can open an issue for or do I need to make futher investigation before ?
<devinheitmuell-1> By default ffmpeg will pick what it thinks is the “best stream”. If you want to pass through multiple streams you will have to use the “-map” argument.
<peetah> I thought ffprobe was supposed to list all the streams of a file
<peetah> If it is relevant, the VOB file is extracted from a DVD using dvdunauthor
<devinheitmuell-1> Yes, ffprobe should find all the streams. I thought you were trying to transcode with ffmpeg.
<peetah> it is because the transcode failed that I looked futher with ffprobe and notice these differents results between the tools cited above
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<peetah> I know that I can achieve DVD transcoding using other tools, but here the issue is about ffprobe not correctly detecting the content of this file
<furq> try increasing -analyzeduration and/or -probesizr
<furq> -probesiz
<furq> -probesize
<peetah> so my question is: do I open bug report with these informations, or do I need to look for more before opening the issue N
<furq> got there in the end
<peetah> furq: already done, no changes
<peetah> *N=?
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