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<grib> Liver_K: I mentioned that I saw dedicated (non-ffmpeg) CRI demuxers doing some decryption (unscrambling) on the streams. I also said that ffmpeg's CRI demuxer doesn't do that decryption. If a dedicated CRI demuxer finds your stream but ffmpeg doesn't, that's the first thing I'd look at.
<Liver_K> Sorry I didn't see your messages when you sent them
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<flyingtoaster> I'm attempting to capture webcams via dhsow, but whenever I do, I run into: `real-time buffer [OBS Virtual Camera] [video input] too full or near too full (95% of size: 3041280 [rtbufsize parameter])! frame dropped!`
<flyingtoaster> I assume this is because it's reading frames faster than I'm processing them. Ideally I would be able to drop queued frames. This message is unfortunately set to AV_LOG_ERROR, so I can't really suppress it without potentially losing other errors.
<flyingtoaster> `hffmpeg -f dshow -framerate 60 -i video="OBS Virtual Camera" foo.mp4`
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<termos> maybe you are not able to encode it fast enough, is there some number in the ffmpeg output (lower left) showing some number 0.5x?
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* wfpkhc transporter beams into chat*
* wfpkhc waves hello to everyone in chat*
<wfpkhc> hello
<wfpkhc> can i ask some questions about film editing in here?
<wfpkhc> or footage management
<wfpkhc> anyone around?
<wfpkhc> i guess not
* wfpkhc transporter beams to #programming channel*
<f_> someone is around
<f_> but I think film editing is offtopic here
<wfpkhc> woops..
* wfpkhc beams back in
<wfpkhc> do you know much about footage management?
<wfpkhc> its probably a bit of topic but can i discuss it here?
<f_> this channel is about ffmpeg
<wfpkhc> is that a no?
<wfpkhc> could you recommend a channel i could talk about footage management in?
<f_> "/msg alis list video" lists a few that might be related
<wfpkhc> oh nice thank
* wfpkhc transporter beams outs to #video-editing
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