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more playing about. sws_dither option has no effect. if I convert to rgb24 first, then rgb32, it looks fine - no horizontal lines
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I've been using ffmpeg for a few days now and I'd like to know if what I want to do is possible because at the moment I can't do it, maybe I've misunderstood how it works or something.
Here's my question:
I have two files containing video data
the first file contains moov data, it contains the beginning of the video and I can read it.
The second file contains an empty part of the duration of the first video at the beginning and then continues with the video data.
Is it possible with ffmpeg to glue these two files back together so that playback is possible, without the problem of corruption?
I'm trying to do streaming, but at the moment I can't manage to get a file that's viable.
Thanks to all :)
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You mean you have a corrupted mp4 file, and want to fix it?
I'd like to assemble two parts, but since the second part contains no atom moov data, it tells me that the file is not found, so I don't know how to proceed.
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What is that second file? Where does it come from?
Generally, an mp4/mov file without moov atom is not easily recoverable
both files come from a server that sends me the parts I request. In this case, I asked him for a first part of 4mo for the first file, which contains the moov files and allows me to start playing, and the second part contains the rest of the video but without the beginning of the video. I don't know if I'm clear enough :)
But what kind of files are those? Is it fragmented mp4?
If they're individual mp4 files, the second file without moov atom is useless
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basically I upload an mp4 video to a server
the two video parts I'm requesting from the server are the original video I sent to the server, cut in two, but I can't put them back together or merge them.
Why not?
If it's just the file cut in two, you can literally just cat them back together
But I still don't understand from your description what's actually going on.
ffmpeg won't glue them back together because it can't find the moov atom
Just use cat if it's just one file split in two?
yes, I haven't tried just gluing them back together yet, I'll try that :)
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how can i output aac to "pipe:1" ?
searching for a pipeline equivalent for ffmpeg -i pipe:0 -f mp3 -b:a 64k pipe:1
but for aac
-f adts
hmm that never finishes
i want the stdout to be a valid aac file
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.aac is not a well defined file format iirc
it is
it's just not m4a which is what people think .aac is
m4a is mov though, which cannot be streamed to a pipe
if you want to stream aac... I'd say go mpegts or flv
mka works
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if you want a file that you can play and has duration headers etc but want to do this via stdout for some reason
Doesn't streaming mkv result in it not having that?
Since that involves seeking back to the start
it works here
how exactly are you doing it? If you "pipe" it to a file, that is seekable
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wait never mind
i was looking at the wrong file
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i just happened to have another out.mka that was also 10 seconds of lc-aac
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yeah i meant a file with header etc
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the streaming is just for not writing to disk, its probably going to be called via socat
streaming and header for seeking are pretty much mutually exclusive
not streaming, just output the file to stdout
that is streaming
Cause to write the header, it has to seek back to the front at the end and write it
it cannot do that when it's not a file
hmm but for mp3 that works
mp3 has no header whatsoever
it's pretty much just raw bitstream dumped to disk
Which is why ffmpeg always detect any random file as mp3 with a low probability. Cause any file is valid mp3 bitstream :D
that will only work for cbr mp3 because the player just estimates the duration from the bitrate
bitrate and file size
a lot of players also just parse the whole file in one go nowadays
if you do it with e.g. -q:a 0 the duration will be all wrong
at least it is in my player
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i used -b:1 64k
that's horrible for mp3 :D
yeah that's cbr
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cbr mp3 has no duration header
the input is 24k samples of wav mono
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my goal is to have a socat tts server that responds with valid files to text inputs via tcp
seems like this works fine with ogg
you'll need to use a streamable format then, without header
so maybe consider using opus
fragmented mp4, mpegts, flv
it's pretty widely supported nowadays
if you want it to play in a browser, fmp4 would be the obvious choice
opus has been supported by all browsers for a while
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but annoyingly safari only supports it in webm
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hello, I have a cross compiling issue related to pkg-config
this works (Linux binary): ./configure --enable-libvmaf --extra-cflags="-I../vmaf/libvmaf/include" --extra-ldflags="-L../vmaf/libvmaf/build/src"
this does not work: ./configure --target-os=mingw32 --arch=x86_64 --enable-libvmaf --extra-cflags="-I../vmaf/libvmaf/include" --extra-ldflags="-L../vmaf/libvmaf/build/src" --cross-prefix=x86_64-w64-mingw32-
ERROR: libvmaf >= 2.0.0 not found using pkg-config
but this works: pkg-config --modversion libvmaf
Of course, cause it finds the version for the host OS
and this also works: x86_64-w64-mingw32-pkg-config --modversion libvmaf
It most likely also just finds the one for the host
alright so what do I need to do to cross compile
when I build libvmaf, should I have done it for windows as well?
You need to make sure it finds the correct version of the library and its headers for the target
of course, everything you link in needs to be for the target
commands: pkg-config --modversion libvmaf and x86_64-w64-mingw32-pkg-config --modversion libvmaf give me version 3.0.0
I do not usually build stuff by myself but I am trying and really struggling to understand what I need to do here
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BtbN you are building Windows binaries, hope you have some insights here
There really is no simple "do this" here. You need to make sure it finds the right library, and that library needs to be built for the right target.
cross-compiling is always a bit of an advanture the moment dependencies get involved
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right, so I understand I need to build libvmaf for Windows instead of following the official build instructions, correct?
yes, you cannot link libraries for Linux into a windows binary
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alright, good to know, are there any instructions to build libvmaf for Windows?