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Hey, I have a hobby project where I repackage my local tv broadcaster's smooth streams to mpeg dash, so I can watch what I am paying for on all my devices. First I just generated an init segment manually, but haven't touched the segments, just proxied them 1:1. Result was that Kodi played the stream just fine, but both ffplay/ffmpeg and vlc was
struggling with playback. ffmpeg kept jumping around and repeating the same chunk in a loop while VLC had delayed audio. Then I figured if I add a TfdtBox to the mp4 segments, VLC plays it just fine. FFmpeg however doesn't seem to respect that and it still jumps around. I am assuming that's because the audio and the video isn't perfectly synced
together and relying on tfdt box or the timing in the dash manifest would be required instead of trusting the timings inside mdat. Is there any flag I am missing? Or what would you recommend for me, so I could get it work with ffmpeg as well? For now it was really nice that I just had to deal with boxes and no reencodes.
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Also, as long as my mpeg dash stream has stpp subtitles, both ffmpeg and ffplay would just go crazy and keep fetching the same chunk. Playback doesn't start either. If I don't serve subtitles in the manifest, it does start the playback at least. VLC and Kodi on the other hand even displays the subtitles and plays them correctly. Is there any way
for ffmpeg to ignore subs or fix playback with them?
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Hi I'm new around here I was trying to do something and ffmpeg looks like the only reasonable option, I don't really know that much about how to use ffmpeg so I don't really know how I should approach this, my problem is I'm trying to capture the screen and stream it with as low delay as possible, I tried to do this without ffmpeg but it was not possible for me without using a lot of platform specific code,
currently the ffmpeg command that I am triying have a delay about 2 seconds locally(my cpu usage was under 30% so the problem is not my cpu), not really sure how I should try to reduce the delay