Marth64 changed the topic of #ffmpeg to: Welcome to the FFmpeg USER support channel | Development channel: #ffmpeg-devel | Bug reports: | Wiki: | This channel is publically logged | FFmpeg 7.1 is released
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Hi everyone, has anyone been able to install FFMPEG on successfully? I'd to use to with an API to wrapper and n8n. Thank you for any help.
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hello im new with ffmpeg and i would like if when i convert from mpeg 2 to mp4 i need put in cmd flag global_header or not
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I can't think of any situation where you would ever manually mess with that flag.
Also, mpeg2 is a codec, and mp4 a container.
mp4 can contain mpeg2
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apologize my question mpeg2 to h264
and when i need global_header or not
Guest14: better off not setting global_header at all
you're probably going to want to do something like this: ffmpeg -i input.mpg -c:v libx264 -preset:v slow -crf:v 18 -c:a aac -b:a 128k output.mp4
that should be all you really need for most purposes
depending on what your goal and the pre-existing files are, you might also be better off keeping it as mpeg2
quality can only ever go down, never up
and it will go down with every conversion
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