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<flyingtoaster> Hi everyone. I'm having some difficulty capturing video from dshow. Whenever I try to provide options such as "video_size" or "framerate" to avformat_open_input, it gives me "Malformed dshow input string".
<flyingtoaster> If I pass nullptr instead of options to avformat_open_input, it opens.
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<flyingtoaster> I have also set the log level to trace, but don't get any additional information.
<flyingtoaster> Oh, sorry. It looks like that message is coming from somewhere else. The message for that code is "Could not set video options"
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<ePirat> flyingtoaster, dont you need to quote the name?
<flyingtoaster> Doesn't seem like it. If I quote it, it doesn't find the device.
<ePirat> flyingtoaster, does it work on the cli btw?
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<flyingtoaster> ePirat, I can specify them, but they don't seem to do anything on the CLI.
<flyingtoaster> `hffmpeg -f dshow -i video="OBS Virtual Camera" -framerate 1 -video_size 800x600 -c:v libopenh264 -loglevel trace foo.mp4`
<flyingtoaster> I'm wondering if it's erroring out because the virtual camera only has a single supported resolution and frame rate?
<ePirat> possibly
<another|> input option != output option
<ePirat> flyingtoaster, oh yeah in your CLI line you need to put the option before the -i ...
<flyingtoaster> Ah, now it errors with the same "Could not set video options"
<ePirat> then the device probably does not support the framerate you want, I would assume
<flyingtoaster> That looks likely. However V4L and AVFoundation devices don't seem to have this issue. They just grab whatever's closest.
<flyingtoaster> If I set the frame rate to the advertised 60, it seems to be fine.
<flyingtoaster> So I guess I'll need to parse the available formats and choose myself. I wish FFmpeg would have an API method to do this.
<flyingtoaster> Instead of having to capture CLI output.
<ePirat> libavdevice is a bit lacking it that regard
<ePirat> I mean there isnt even a unified way to specify the devices
<flyingtoaster> Yep, lots of little gotchas like V4L using `input_format` instead of `pixel_format`
<flyingtoaster> I'm a bit leery about parsing the FFmpeg CLI as it could break on any update. It looks like the "proper" way to do so would be to call the OS functions itself like FFmpeg is already doing privately.
<JEEB> yea that is why the newer capture module was added as a filter
<JEEB> no trying to play that it's actually a demuxer-like entity
<JEEB> proper pixel formats etc
<flyingtoaster> JEEB, oh, interesting. I don't see that documented on the filters page.
<JEEB> ddagrab
<JEEB> the newer desktop capture API
<flyingtoaster> Ah, but that requires a GPU?
<JEEB> the desktop compositor uses d3d11 surfaces I think, so I don't think that module has any additional requirements?
<JEEB> you just get those captured desktop surfaces as d3d11
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<flyingtoaster> Thank you very much for your assistance. Much appreciated!
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<King_DuckZ> anyone able to help with my question from the other day? the one about invalid timestamps? should I re-post it?
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<Liver_K> Nobody acknowledged mine either heh
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