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Liver_K: most of the search engine results for "cri demuxer" mentions something about keys. for example, cri_demux_p5r <> which talks about keys for a specific game
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Hi guys, could really use your help, I have an mp4 file, trying to convert it to IMX50, no matter what I tried, every mpeg2 422 at 50mb - when I open in mediainfo it says it's xdcam hd422, any ideas how to make it match the IMX50 specs?
Hello everyone. I hope I'm in the right space for this: I want to understand why ffmpeg (in benchmark mode) sometimes doesnt repost "speed" or "maxrss" values. Sometimes its not reporting it at all, sometimes it returns "N/A" and sometimes it returns the Value. Kind Regards
Or is this something I would need to ask on the mailing list? I figured I'll ask on IRC first as a more direct approach.
might help if you post examples/share version/etc
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jdek: well this is where I need to confess: I am using jellyfin-ffmpeg_7.0.2-3 AND never managed to reproduce the issues on my end. I am working on a benchmark tool that uses ffmpeg to see how many concurrent streams a hardware device can handle. Some people somehow made their ffmpeg report weird values, so I am trying to figure out in what cases ffmpeg doesnt report these values.
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I am aware this isnt an ideal situation to be in, I just want to understand why ffmpeg reports it so differently
how long are the tests?
or, how long does a test take to run?
Depends on hardware, also depends on the test. The tool uses 4 test files from jellyfin. And then runs various different ffmpeg commands on them. I can send you an example command for ONE of many CPU tests.
also, what's "benchmark mode"?
ah, that just prints stats at the end
This here is one ffmpeg command that we use for a 1080p AVC file: ffmpeg -c:v h264 -i {video_file} -noautoscale -an -sn -vf \"scale=trunc(min(max(iw\\,ih*a)\\,106)/2)*2:trunc(ow/a/2)*2,format=yuv420p\" -c:v libx264 -preset veryfast -b:v 3616000 -maxrate 3616000 -f null - -benchmark
so shouldn't change any behaviour
That was my assumption. However my tool relies on the output, so that I can correctly parse the speed and such.
My assumption is, that the values are not reported whenever ffmpeg has encountered a problem during runtime.
(Am I allowed to share links in here? If so I can link to an issue on my repo where this issue has caused problems)
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<botblake> in the "Additional Context"-Section, you can see the ffmpeg output - and specifically how the "speed" and "maxrss" values are missing. It also seems to have had a bunch of problems, thats why I assume ffmpeg is not reporting the value whenever an issue has occured.
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Well thank you for the efforts though!
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i got H.266 working😈
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I just want to re-phrase my question from earlier: When using `-benchmark` - in what circumstances will the output NOT include "speed" or "maxrss"? Or will it ALWAYS fill these values?
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