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<grib> Liver_K: most of the search engine results for "cri demuxer" mentions something about keys. for example, cri_demux_p5r <> which talks about keys for a specific game
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<tomb^> Hi guys, could really use your help, I have an mp4 file, trying to convert it to IMX50, no matter what I tried, every mpeg2 422 at 50mb - when I open in mediainfo it says it's xdcam hd422, any ideas how to make it match the IMX50 specs?
<another|> is it perhaps just a tag?
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<furq> so it has to be 50mbps 4:2:2 with -g 1
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<tomb^> furq, you're a genius, it works! thank you very much!
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<botblake> Hello everyone. I hope I'm in the right space for this: I want to understand why ffmpeg (in benchmark mode) sometimes doesnt repost "speed" or "maxrss" values. Sometimes its not reporting it at all, sometimes it returns "N/A" and sometimes it returns the Value. Kind Regards
<botblake> Or is this something I would need to ask on the mailing list? I figured I'll ask on IRC first as a more direct approach.
<jdek> might help if you post examples/share version/etc
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<botblake> jdek: well this is where I need to confess: I am using jellyfin-ffmpeg_7.0.2-3 AND never managed to reproduce the issues on my end. I am working on a benchmark tool that uses ffmpeg to see how many concurrent streams a hardware device can handle. Some people somehow made their ffmpeg report weird values, so I am trying to figure out in what cases ffmpeg doesnt report these values.
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<botblake> I am aware this isnt an ideal situation to be in, I just want to understand why ffmpeg reports it so differently
<galad> how long are the tests?
<galad> or, how long does a test take to run?
<botblake> Depends on hardware, also depends on the test. The tool uses 4 test files from jellyfin. And then runs various different ffmpeg commands on them. I can send you an example command for ONE of many CPU tests.
<BtbN> also, what's "benchmark mode"?
<botblake> "-benchmark"
<BtbN> ah, that just prints stats at the end
<botblake> This here is one ffmpeg command that we use for a 1080p AVC file: ffmpeg -c:v h264 -i {video_file} -noautoscale -an -sn -vf \"scale=trunc(min(max(iw\\,ih*a)\\,106)/2)*2:trunc(ow/a/2)*2,format=yuv420p\" -c:v libx264 -preset veryfast -b:v 3616000 -maxrate 3616000 -f null - -benchmark
<BtbN> so shouldn't change any behaviour
<botblake> That was my assumption. However my tool relies on the output, so that I can correctly parse the speed and such.
<botblake> My assumption is, that the values are not reported whenever ffmpeg has encountered a problem during runtime.
<botblake> (Am I allowed to share links in here? If so I can link to an issue on my repo where this issue has caused problems)
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<botblake> in the "Additional Context"-Section, you can see the ffmpeg output - and specifically how the "speed" and "maxrss" values are missing. It also seems to have had a bunch of problems, thats why I assume ffmpeg is not reporting the value whenever an issue has occured.
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<botblake> Well thank you for the efforts though!
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<kingdomofheaven> i got H.266 working😈
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<botblake> I just want to re-phrase my question from earlier: When using `-benchmark` - in what circumstances will the output NOT include "speed" or "maxrss"? Or will it ALWAYS fill these values?
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<BtbN> when it crashes :D
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