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King_DuckZ: i'm guessing either it's a usb2 camera and it can't keep up with 720p rawvideo or the pi can't keep up with encoding x264
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Liver_K: I don't know anything about CRI/USM but I can see that a demuxer was added to ffmpeg's libavformat in version 6.1 that handles ".usm" files and describes itself as "CRI USM".
I also see there's at least one standalone demuxer (unrelated to ffmpeg) that talks about encryption keys, but ffmpeg's USM demuxer doesn't seem to know anything about decryption.
usm can contain a bunch of codecs and i assume not all of them are supported
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is there a filter to flip the video vertically and then horizontally, i.e. rotate 180 degrees
or is the easiest way to do that -vf vflip.hflip
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Traneptora: use the "transpose" filter
er, wait, nvm, transpose doesn't do 180
yea, I checked that and it was only variations on 90
I figure vflip,hflip is more performant than rotate=180
well, try both and see
actually rotate=PI is what it would have to be. it may have a fastpath though
just checked, it does have a fast path
I was hoping there was a dedicated filter for this though
ah okay
so I guess it's that one
for some reason there's a flip_vulkan filter that does it
but no corresponding software filter
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if I run flip_vulkan,libplacebo=foo, will avfilter automatically insert an hwdownload,hwupload between the two or will it keep the hardware frames?
currently libplacebo filter does some import of surfaces I think if the frame is not HW? but otherwise there's no automated upload or download
there might be in the future
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JEEB: afaik libplacebo automatically uploads and downloads to the gpu itself
that's upload
download would be back to RAM
unless it does that
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uploads to and downloads from
is what I meant tos ay
but yea, ffmpeg -i foo.mkv libplacebo=bar baz.mkv does work without any hwupload/hwdownload/hwaccel stuffs
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I wanted to work on automatic hwupload/hwdownload
but atm it's a bit blocked by the fact that hwupload is overloaded to mean multiple different things (sw->hw upload and hw->hw copy)
if $somebody were to split that filter into two it could be done more easily
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furq: I think the hardware forces 1080, not sure... but ok that could be the reason, so nothing that can be done? any settings to make encoding faster on the pi for example? not super interested in quality as long as it's recognisable
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