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<gamer191> I'm very confused how CVE-2023-6602 part ii ( and ctrl+f "II. HLS Force TTY Demuxer") is a vulnerability. When ffmpeg processes m3u8 files itare supposed to
<gamer191> (sorry, didn't mean to click send yet)
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<gamer191> Try 2:
<gamer191> I'm very confused how CVE-2023-6602 part ii ( and ctrl+f "II. HLS Force TTY Demuxer") is a vulnerability. When ffmpeg processes m3u8 files it's supposed to fetch local resources that are linked in the m3u8 file. I believe there's already protection to prevent file:// URLs being abused by online
<gamer191> m3u8 files. Also, as stated in the vulnerability, only files with a media extension will be fetched. As far as I can tell, the only possible effect of this vulnerability would be that metadata would also be accessible in the output file, but afaik ffmpeg isn't intended to be a metadata sanitizer. So I'm really confused why FFmpeg has chosen to act
<gamer191> (if irc cuts out again, I'll look at the irc logs to see replies)
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<JEEB> gamer191: because the person handling CVEs decided to act on that CVE. after the initial versions of it getting merged broke a bunch of stuff I noted that the stuff could be handled in other ways. In the end my complaints just led to more and more special cases being added to fix things that did not apply to the original author's expectations
<JEEB> and then since it was marked as a CVE fix it got back-ported to at least one release, so now that's there as well
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<gamer191> JEEB do you agree that it's not a real security issue?
<JEEB> I don't recall it well enough any more, but the way it was handled just broke way too much :P (and still has stuff broken since there's a very strict limiter in place)
<JEEB> that thread should give you an overview
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<gamer191> JEEB thanks
<gamer191> (I'm closing irc, but I'll read the logs later)
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<drew> I'm trying to do something stupid mostly just for experimentation. I am trying to change the framerate to 1fps and scale the video with ffmpeg -i in.mkv -r 1 -c:v libx264 -vf "resize=-1:480" -c:a libopus -b:a 20k out.mkv
<drew> but I got repeated warnings about [matroska @ 0x562c95798100] Starting new cluster due to timestampte= 356.1kbits/s dup=0 drop=7623 speed=4.15x while encoding and I got a warning in mpv when I played the file:
<drew> Audio/Video desynchronisation detected! Possible reasons include too slow hardware, temporary CPU spikes, broken drivers, and broken files. Audio position will not match to the video (see A-V status field). Consider trying `--profile=fast` and/or `--hwdec=auto-safe` as they may help.
<drew> but when I played the file, it looks like I got mostly what I was going for (though the audio came out as 192kbps instead of 20kbps)
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<kepstin> huh. the scale filter isn't safe to use with "-reinit_filter 0"? I'm getting segfaults on some video inputs :/
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<gioele> hi, if I use `ffmpeg -i "[URL with the M3U at ]" -codec copy foo.mp4`, the generated foo.mp4 will only include the first audio stream ("Deu"). Is there a way to tell ffmpeg to include both audio streams?
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<JEEB> gioele: see the documentation around `-map` option. for example what `-map 0:a` means ;)
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<gioele> JEEB: thanks
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<JEEB> of course as soon as manual stream selection is added, all required streams need to be manually selected by mapping :)
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<linkmauve> Hi, I’m writing a video-only Vulkan driver, and I’m at the step ffmpeg tells me:
<linkmauve> [AVHWDeviceContext @ 0xaaaafa194620] compute queue family is required, but marked as missing in the context!
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<linkmauve> Does it really need compute in order to decode videos, or would it be possible to change ffmpeg so that it would fallback on the CPU or on another Vulkan driver for whatever it currently uses compute for?
<linkmauve> I assume it’d be scaling, YUV→RGB conversion, stuff like that.
<JEEB> would not be surprised that the default flags are just for whatever various components in FFmpeg are utilizing indeed
<JEEB> not sure if it's like with d3d11 where various flags for swap chain etc can be overridden by the API client
<JEEB> OK, looking at the version of hwcontext_vulkan.c I have these things are hard-coded under FF_API_VULKAN_FIXED_QUEUES
<JEEB> so it seems like that logic is deprecated but still there for now?
<linkmauve> I’m not at the point where I can handle swap chains just yet, for now I’m stubbing most calls and figuring out what ffmpeg and Gstreamer use so I can start implementing them along.
<linkmauve> I guess I’ll remove the compute queue request and see where it takes me. :)
<JEEB> linkmauve: I think you might just be able to go to libavutil/version.h and change the define for testing purposes to 0
<JEEB> that should just remove that whole block of hard-coded queue additions
<linkmauve> Thanks! Rebuilding ffmpeg with that and --enable-debug too.
<gioele> for the record: `-codec copy -map 0:v:0 -map 0:a:1 -map 0:a:0 -disposition:a:0 default` worked fine
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<Guest24> Where do we report issues and bugs?
<JEEB> on the trac
<Guest24> thanks.
<Guest24> It is written above.
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<JEEB> yes, and in the topic I think
<JEEB> yes
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<Guest24> Website is not working.
<BtbN> website works fine. Just wait for Anubis to do its thing.
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<Guest24> I became a member. logged in. clicked on create new ticket. blank page came up.
<Guest24> to activate the membership, I had to activate the membership from the email I received.
<Guest24> I did it. logged in again. clicked on create new ticket. fixed.
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<BtbN> ah, that's also possible. Though it should produce more than a blank page in that case.
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<Guest17> Hi, I try to convert a corrupted file, which is played to the end by ffplay, but ffmpeg truncates it to 7 seconds no matter what options I tried (`-fflags +discardoutput`, `-err_detect ignore_err`, `-max_error_rate 1`). Why? The file:
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<grib> try "+discardcorrupt" instead of "+discardoutput"
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<grib> Guest17: I don't think discardoutput is a real flag
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<Guest17> grib: yes, it was +discardcorrupt.
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<Guest17> I messed it when retyping into the chat.
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<grib> ah, pity, that would have been an easy fix
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<Guest17> grib: the fact ffplay manages to play it and ffmpeg doesn't is the weirdest part. Perhaps it's something related to stream length detection?
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<Guest17> I would actually just record it with ffplay it it was possible (screen capturing would work, but meh).
<Guest17> Interesting, if I attempt to convert it to mp3, it aborts at `ffmpeg: psymodel.c:576: calc_energy: Assertion `el >= 0' failed. `.
<Guest17> Ookay, it works with wav, this is why it also works with ffplay probably. So I would just need to convert it into some intermediate raw format.
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<grib> interesting! i would have thought codec copy would have been enough, but maybe not.
<grib> "ffprobe -show_entries packet=dts,size -print_format compact" showed the OK packets were mostly small but the corrupt one is waaaaay bigger
<Guest17> Yeah, DTS are uneven, so ffplay just ignores them, I suppose? And ffmpeg just ends the file when it reaches zero DTS? It exists with zero status, most wierdly, so it doesn't even seem to think it's some "error".
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