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<ninjin> I have a mixture of H.264 files. Some "live encodes" that were encoded just-in-time ("CBR") and others that are "offline encodes" (VBR). Is there a way to tell these apart programmatically? Bonus points if the techniques goes beyond H.264 to say VP9 and AV1.
<compnn> sure yes
<compnn> there are a few tools to mass identify video files
<compnn> at least they report codecs
<compnn> there is mediainfo , or theres a dumb mplayer script somewhere midentify.
<compnn> most people use mediainfo
<compnn> because it will detail more about the vbr/cbr
<ninjin> Thanks, let me have a look at what mediainfo produces. What I see from ffprobe is not enough for me to tell the difference at least.
<compnn> there is an online version in javascript
<compnn> for quickest
<compnn> just drag and drop :D
<compnn> ninjin, if you are looking to deduplicate (delete duplicated files) there are also other projects to do that for video files
<ninjin> Well, what I am looking to do is to transcode "CBR" files that come straight from live streams so that they do not eat up such a massive amount of disk space.
<compnn> ah
<compnn> then just sort by size and drop them all into your converter script
<ninjin> But I would prefer not to have to keep around some database or file naming scheme to tell them apart.
<compnn> and by them all, i mean the all them larger files
<compnn> takes too long to check files for cbr/vbr just set them to reencode and ez done
<ninjin> I guess I could do that and then stop looping once I get roughly (the same) size outputs. But dear lord is that hacky.
<compnn> yea but saves time. time is money
<ninjin> But am I correct that telling the darn things apart is something that is not easily done programmatically? My understanding is that very few of the magic variables we feed into the encoder make it into the final file. Correct?
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<ninjin> So we end up with nasty heuristics and no clear definition of what is what.
* ninjin considers going to read the source for how mediainfo determines the "Bit rate mode" value.
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<ninjin> Reading MediaInfoLib, it is indeed heuristics central (sometimes not even with any at all). Although H.264 seems to have a flag, but too tired to dig into the spec (is it even public?) to figure out how it works.
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<grib> ninjin: Good question (is it just a matter of heuristics rather than metadata), and good solution (read the source of something that distinguishes).
<grib> I suspect that you could get a long way with just counting how many different packet sizes there are (eg: `ffprobe -show_entries -print_format=compact packet=size "$input_file" | sort | uniq | wc -l `)
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<ninjin> grib: Cheers! I may be able to do something with awk to say calculate variance based on it and use that with a heuristic threshold if the raw count is not enough.
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<compnn> ninjin, like i said, just reencode everything and move onto next job :D
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<drew`> I am trying to select just some streams from an .mkv. I did ffprobe -i myfile.mkv and I see the streams are named like: Input #0, matroska,webm, from 'myfile.mkv' ... Stream #0:2(eng): Audio: ac3, 48000 Hz, stereo, fltp, 192 kb/s ... Stream #0:4(eng): Subtitle: subrip
<drew`> I tried ffmpeg -i myfile.mkv -map 0:v -map 0:a:2 -map 0:s:4 -c copy outfile.mkv but I am getting Stream map '0:a:2' matches no streams.
<drew`> am I doing this wrong?
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<drew`> ah I just did the streams as they showed up in ffprobe, like -map 0:2 -map 0:4 etc.
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<another|> `-map 0:a:2` matches the third AUDIO stream
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<drew`> I gotcha. thanks another|
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