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<algebrato> Hello! I need your help to "decode" the HEVC patent//royalties etcc...
<algebrato> If I want to distribute a software for encoding/decoding, stream visualization etcc.. under the GPL license, I have to pay some HEVC royalties?
<algebrato> Obv, I am using ffmpeg as framework for decoding/encoding
<furq> no
<furq> at least hevc advance has a specific exception for software encoders, idk about the other two
<furq> but in general you shouldn't need it unless you're actually selling something
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<bpmedley> algebrato: ### Have you seen this?
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<furq> well there are two other licensors with different terms
<furq> hevc advance and mpeg-la
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<bpmedley> I don't know that means, exactly. If you have time, I would be grateful for more verbosity.
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<furq> i guess viala is mpeg-la's pool
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<furq> the other one is technicolor
<furq> it's hard to keep up with
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<bpmedley> Omg! Thank you. I thought via-la thing was all that was needed.
<furq> this is a big part of why hevc never really took off
<furq> too many landlords
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<algebrato> bpmedley yeah, I also requested the full documentations but still remains messy....
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<algebrato> It seems that there is not an HEVC Standard but (citing Gary Sullivan) "The idea behind is that anyone should be able to implement an international standard  without being forced to unreasonable business terms. In other respects, the major standardization bodies generally do not get involved in licensing details for necessary patent rights"
<algebrato> WTF!!???? What does it meeeeaannn???
<furq> it just means itu-t/mpeg et al don't actually run the licensing bodies
<furq> mpeg-la is a separate organisation
<furq> the top three are the licensors you need to care about
<furq> i'm pretty sure velos media don't offer a license any more
<furq> and the other companies listed there are members of the other patent pools but could in theory decide to come after you if they really want to
<algebrato> Ok, so if i can do what i want (royalty free) as long as I worked out the license mpeg-la
<furq> well no you'd need to check all three of them
<furq> not legal advice but as a general rule if you're not selling anything then you don't need to worry about this
<algebrato> I see ....
<furq> lots of people distribute ffmpeg binaries and they are all yet to be sued
<noobdev2937> Is it obvious they distribute without reverseing/inspecting their project?
<furq> well it's pretty obvious
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<algebrato> LOL, I was moving into this messy deep pit of bureaucracy 'cause, some with some friends we decide to open a GutHub organization with some tips and open-source softwares to react at some video-surveillance companies that offer a very unclear and suspicious agreements and managing of personal data of the user.....
<algebrato> For this reason it will be a total fail if we start with an open-source solutions that are not aligned with patents/royalties/stuffs like that
<furq> well at least for h264 that's not something the user needs to care about
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<furq> end users only need a license if they create and sell h264 encoded videos
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<furq> i assume the same is true for hevc
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<algebrato> Yeah, h264 is nice but HEVC is super compressed, in particular for streams characterized by a lot of moving objects/persons. I think hevc is a super nice solution that meet the end-user needs (limited storage, possibly avoiding cloud solutions etc...)
<algebrato> for this reason i started to gather some information about hevc usage/patents/etcc..
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<King_DuckZ> hi, I'm trying to encode /dev/video0 in real time, it's working but ffmpeg endlessly spams this error: DTS 357235286507, next:13499865 st:0 invalid dropping
<King_DuckZ> I don't know if that's the reason but playback of the stream (through netcat) starts off fine, then it gets choppy
<King_DuckZ> any help on getting rid of that message?
<King_DuckZ> ffmpeg -hide_banner -f v4l2 -framerate 30 -input_format rawvideo -video_size 1280x720 -i /dev/video0 -c:v libx264 -fflags +genpts -flags +global_header -vf format=yuv420p -profile:v baseline -preset ultrafast -tune zerolatency -c:a null -f matroska - | ncat -l -m 5 -p 9001
<King_DuckZ> it's running on a raspberry pi 5 btw
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<obcecado> hi guys
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<obcecado> kudos to everyone involved in ffmpeg development, today i managed to build a framerate converter for interlaced video. it works as well as commercial appliance we have
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