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<snoriman> Hi! A bit off-topic question but I'm sure people here know this. Let's say I have 10 webcams which stream I encode into h264 and all use the same profile/level/resolution and use I-frame only mode. When I have a decoder, will the decoder then be able to decode frames from any of the h264 streams (when e.g. pps/sps is also available) w/o restarting the decoder as if the stream came from one source?
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<BtbN> sounds like you are looking for mjpeg more than anything
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<snoriman> BtbN: ah, yeah lol that would maybe be a lot simpler indeed
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<Polochon_street> hi! What happens by default when converting an audio file from stereo to mono? I'm looking at, but I'm not sure what the process actually entails
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<jprjr> Polochon_street: it halves each channel and adds them together
<jprjr> You can see how this is done by calling ffmpeg with -v debug - that will print out details on the auto-inserted swresample filter and list the downmix matrix coefficients
<jprjr> When I take a file and downmix to mono to displays the coefficients as FL:0.5 and FR:0.5 - so halving each sample
<jprjr> Sorry by "swresample" filter I meant "aresample"
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<grimeton> hi, i got a strange issue. i'm reading the files to process, one per line, in a while loop in bash, and then i hand the file to process to a function inside the loop that sanitizes the filename and in the end calls ffmpeg. when that happens, the pipe contents of the shell are changed. the first two bytes of the next filename disappear. i tested this back and forth and as soon as i remove ffmpeg from the
<grimeton> equation, e.g. replace it with a simple "cp", it all starts working again
<grimeton> it seems as if ffmpeg is messing with the memory of my shell, which is rather hard to imagine
<BtbN> highly doubtful
<BtbN> probably just an issue in your script
<grimeton> when i run something like this find ./ -iname \*.mp4 | tee files.txt | while read f; do ffmpeg_do_something "${f}"; done then i can see that the filenames are fine and how the function is called with the wrong filename
<BtbN> "while read" has funky implications
<grimeton> i do a set -x in bash and get the debug output, see 'read' and afterwards i see the filename that is missing the first two characters
<BtbN> why not just a simple for loop?
<grimeton> yeah what implications does it have (let me tell you that I use read -r)
<BtbN> Weird interactions depending on how IFS is set.
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<grimeton> IFS is unset
<BtbN> that might just be your issue then
<grimeton> i also ran the same thing via process substitution with the same results.
<BtbN> it has to be set to _something_ sensible for read to operate properly
<BtbN> the default should be fine though
<grimeton> so why does it work when i do NOT call ffmpeg inside the function but swallows characters when I do?
<BtbN> as long as there are no spaces in the filenames
<BtbN> no idea, but does it still happen when not using read?
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<grimeton> it doesn't
<grimeton> well that's interesting to see
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<grimeton> but there has to be a reason for this. i already checked for special characters and everything. nothing there.
<BtbN> It matches my experience with while-read stuff though
<BtbN> random mindboggling behaviour, so I largely avoid it