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<kuka_lie> how could i remove noise of videotape from cartoon? i have old dvd that is made from videotape and i want it to look better
<kuka_lie> there might be also some compression artifacts
<BtbN> not much you can do to revert degradation
<BtbN> quality only ever goes down, never up
<BtbN> you could try a denoising filter, but that's obviously always a tradeof
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<kuka_lie> BtbN: its just lines and single color stuff so it should not matter
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<kuka_lie> BtbN: do you have any ideas what denoising filter should i use and how
<BtbN> no
<BtbN> I'd probably just try them all
<BtbN> it's not that many
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<kuka_lie> hqdn3d seem to work quite well
<kuka_lie> but it has some ghosting
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<avidseeker> I'm trying to modify mpdecimate options to detect keyframes of slide changes in a slideshow video
<avidseeker> So far, this command seems to give good initial results but I get out-of-order frames for some reason
<avidseeker> ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf mpdecimate=hi=12800:lo=1200:frac=0.33,setpts=N/FRAME_RATE/TB f%d.png
<avidseeker> example video to try this on:
<avidseeker> tldr: how to convert slideshow video to slideshow frames
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<YUiNA_> what is the correct way to restore 25fps video that is in a 50fps container?
<YUiNA_> every 2nd frame is a dupelicate
<YUiNA_> just doing "-r 25" i end up with jerky playback
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<BtbN> if it's just straight up doubles, a simple -r on the output side should do the trick
<ppw> YUiNA_: I think the correct procedure is -vf "filter=25fps" -- had a long argument with an llm about that
<ppw> sorry, that's -vf "fps=25"
<another|> You're arguing with a hallucination machine?
<ppw> all the time
<another|> Why?
<ppw> it's fun
<another|> OK. But fun does not mean correct.
<ppw> having fun is more important than being right
<another|> Debatable
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<BtbN> -r 25 is 100% identical to a fps=25 filter.
<BtbN> when used as an output option
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<BtbN> just look at the debug log... -r 25 will just insert a fps=25 filter
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