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When you have a multi-resolution mpeg-dash (mpd) source, and you try to -c copy one specific stream (ie: the 1080p out of 1080/720/480 available), sometimes the 1080p just *disappears* from the mpd for like 2-3 segments (provider specific), then re-appears; this is causing ffmpeg to stop the stream, for obvious reasons; is there a way to somehow... not do that?
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grib: What usm demuxer did you find that was dealing with encryption?
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Hi guys, could really use your help, I have an mp4 file, trying to convert it to IMX50, no matter what I tried, every mpeg2 422 at 50mb - when I open in mediainfo it says it's xdcam hd422, any ideas how to make it match the IMX50 specs?
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