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for libx264 lossless (qp=0), why is me=tesa invalid? why does it force me=esa?
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Ai is helping me with this stuff
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is that article that goes around about 18x performance with AVX512 just a... nothingburger, or am I missunderstanding it?
I mean, sure, nice that it's more performant, but in the grand scheme of things?
It's 18x faster than the naive C code
But on no PC from the last century the naive C code is used
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also it's for one function
and one that you've probably never used
The comments on phoronix about it are absolutely mindbogglingly stupid
Apparently we're all "bigotted clowns" for comparing against C code that doesn't even use intrinsics.
"I would like to see some PSNR and SSIM tests between the different versions."
this guy is smart
I love the fact that the commit message itself is mostly comparing the perf against the AVX2 impl
the C numbers are there, but not really put onto a pedestal
just because that's the way checkasm outputs the comparison
that's what michael larabel is for
The article does get it right really
but commenters are stupid as always
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People are looking at the title though, and they skip the article
and the title is click-bait-y
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if you spend some time reading phoronix comment threads (as i have, regretfully), you soon learn it is always the exact same people posting the same deranged opinions that make little sense
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yeah, I peak at that section every now and then
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