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<contrafiat> I'm running ffmpeg-full on NixOS. When I run ffmpeg, the nix store paths (e.g., for --bindir) have "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" where the hash should be. Is that right? Is there a compile / configure option I should be setting to properly set these?
<JEEB> that sounds more like a nixos question
<JEEB> since we are not the ones packaging FFmpeg for NixOS
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<contrafiat> JEEB: fair enough, but I'm asking both communities to cover all my there a compile-time flag or something that sets these paths?
<contrafiat> prefix, bindir, libdir, incdir, mandir, and docdir all have this
<JEEB> the value would anyways come from nixos packaging build system
<JEEB> it's not something FFmpeg sets unless you've specifically built something by yourself outside of the NixOS jail or so
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<contrafiat> @JEEB OK, thank you. NixOS community confirmed this is expected behavior. I just can't get an app to recognize the audio device using ffmeg.
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<mort> Hi, is there an up-to-date libavcodec video encoding example somewhere?
<mort> this uses avcodec_register_all, which seems to be not only deprecated but actually removed now, so it's probably pretty outdated
<mort> aha, thanks
<JEEB> also most likely you want to take a look at the transcoding example
<JEEB> and pick useful bits of it
<JEEB> since the encoding example does not make use of other useful parts in the frameworks
<mort> eh my situation right now is that I'll have frames as CPU buffers and I just need to encode them
<JEEB> yea, but from those avcc or annex b packets in many cases you want to write stuff into some container etc
<JEEB> and that's why I said, pick useful bits
<JEEB> but yea, in general the encode_video example is meh, since it just writes the received packets out into a file as-is, which is not what most users expect or want to do
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