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I'm running ffmpeg-full on NixOS. When I run ffmpeg, the nix store paths (e.g., for --bindir) have "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" where the hash should be. Is that right? Is there a compile / configure option I should be setting to properly set these?
that sounds more like a nixos question
since we are not the ones packaging FFmpeg for NixOS
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JEEB: fair enough, but I'm asking both communities to cover all my there a compile-time flag or something that sets these paths?
prefix, bindir, libdir, incdir, mandir, and docdir all have this
the value would anyways come from nixos packaging build system
it's not something FFmpeg sets unless you've specifically built something by yourself outside of the NixOS jail or so
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@JEEB OK, thank you. NixOS community confirmed this is expected behavior. I just can't get an app to recognize the audio device using ffmeg.
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also most likely you want to take a look at the transcoding example
and pick useful bits of it
since the encoding example does not make use of other useful parts in the frameworks
eh my situation right now is that I'll have frames as CPU buffers and I just need to encode them
yea, but from those avcc or annex b packets in many cases you want to write stuff into some container etc
and that's why I said, pick useful bits
but yea, in general the encode_video example is meh, since it just writes the received packets out into a file as-is, which is not what most users expect or want to do
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