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is it better to use ffmpeg on a linux based system
than say, windows
and by better i mean, is it more straightforward to install and use
evilscreww: On my Linux-based system, I installed ffmpeg the same way I installed other software, and use it largely the same way I use other software... if that's the kind of thing you mean.
It's still the same ffmpeg tool with the same concepts and the same interface, though... like, you still make filter chains in the same way with (mostly) the same syntax, regardless of the operating system it's running on
(I say "mostly" the same syntax because the shell you type into can affect things like how you escape quotes and spaces and stuff)
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im trying to repair a video file with ffmpeg but its says "couldnt locate moov atom"
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an mp4 file without its moov atom is not easily recoverable
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I'm trying to trim and slow down a video segment, but it keeps playing back at normal speed. Is there some magic combination order of the trim, setpts, and fps filters I'm misunderstanding?
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setpts can change video speed - e.g. setpts=PTS*2 will slow down a video to 1/2 speed, which it does by increasing the time between frames.
(you should also set the "strip_fps" option to that filter, available on recent ffmpeg versions)
I usually follow up a trim filter with a setpts=PTS-STARTPTS
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I figured with this I would just do the trim filter then ,setpts=0.25*(PTS-STARTPTS) and on the playback the video is normal speed....
the fps filter doesn't adjust video speed, but it can be useful to "fill in" the missing frames for the larger gaps left as a result of using setpts to change video speed.
please share your complete ffmpeg command
note that "0.25*PTS" would make the video 4 times faster.
* SnakesAndStuff
is dumb
i.e. it causes the time between frames to be 1/4 of what it was before.
Thank you. I'll fix that first, then ask another question LoL
I'm guessing I could also use minterpolate filter? does that go after a setpts or instead of a setpts filter?
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you would use either the minterpolate filter or fps filter _after_ the setpts filter. Those filters don't adjust the video speed - they just add or remove frames to make the framerate match what you desire.
Thank you
I see my problems now. I'm sorry to have abused you for what should have been solved by rubber ducky debugging.
My video was speeding up, and it was short so I did not realize it. I kept trying to slow it down by other commands but it was my setpts that was the problem as earlier I was scrubbing through some vids and I had my math bassakwards
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