Marth64 changed the topic of #ffmpeg to: Welcome to the FFmpeg USER support channel | Development channel: #ffmpeg-devel | Bug reports: | Wiki: | This channel is publically logged | FFmpeg 7.1 is released
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<noobaroo> Does anyone know how i can make a music video with like 1hour of audio and loop over a video that is only 5mins ? Right now im copy-pasting the video file, and then concatting them, but its massive size
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<another|> loop filter maybe?
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<lizzard55> hi
<lizzard55> building ffmpeg, get some errrors.
<lizzard55> ```INSTALLlibavutil/tea.h
<lizzard55> INSTALLlibavutil/tx.h
<lizzard55> INSTALLlibavutil/video_hint.h
<lizzard55> INSTALLlibavutil/avconfig.h
<lizzard55> INSTALLlibavutil/ffversion.h
<lizzard55> INSTALLlibavutil/libavutil.pc
<lizzard55> rm libavfilter/metal/vf_yadif_videotoolbox.metal.air libavfilter/metal/vf_yadif_videotoolbox.metallib
<lizzard55> Unknown option "--with-pc-path=/usr/X11/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/X11/share/pkgconfig:/usr/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig".
<lizzard55> See ./configure --help for available options.
<lizzard55> ERROR: ladspa.h dlfcn.h not found
<lizzard55> ```
<lizzard55> configure looks like :
<lizzard55> T/oIR1QQSs8T4cED/F/v7UCEObX+cgpodmIaWyx+79jzgOc0KwM4JvGd+KKJnGuHZlA725Svv0wV4tQbwYzCNEyYTKQ0OzyP+jdmYv/zhpmh096hlsI6zWEiH1gNgzDSH7ONscR8HlLMFjr1Uc+8imlrnuEWYmXQzPJ03/JtdkeB5EmJXSASXMmJst0EfAHILYyViMnIB0RWZsJRwQoQuY+vvxbBVxVQ+lLOgHAOVlVuFpHH4h6s9Pq6DHNAfac35RCTxYvZ/An02CSRtU/fyl1SaOBaDGt268VLI2as6/TgUU3fy+sUahyke4uVmUyPnxrFNgtxJzFPAj7K9xCvRKzUbhN7BD
<lizzard55> +EdLM
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<lizzard55> ladspa-sdk: Linux is required for this software.
<lizzard55> Error: ladspa-sdk: An unsatisfied requirement failed this build.
<lizzard55> okay , disabling ladspa for now
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<lizzard55> Unknown option "--with-pc-path=/usr/X11/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/X11/share/pkgconfig:/usr/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig".
<lizzard55> See ./configure --help for available options.
<lizzard55> ERROR: lilv-0 not found using pkg-config
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<BtbN> That is simply not an option that exists
<BtbN> you need to set the respective env var
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